Missed Collection
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Traffic Lights etc. Traffic Signal

Important Information

Before you report a missed collection please check

That your containers were out on the right day for 7am at the agreed collection point and the correct waste was in the containers. Please visit our website to view advice on the possible reasons your bin/containers have not been emptied (opens new window)

Large Card cannot fit into the back of the collection vehicles, so if you are able please tear it down to pieces the size of your blue bag and then if there is no room inside the bag, put it under the blue bag on your scheduled collection.
Please Note: Office working hours are 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

Privacy Notice

Telford & Wrekin Council are collecting your personal data for the purpose of dealing with your recent enquiry/service request under Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulations. The council may need to securely share relevant elements of your data with one of our contractors solely in order for them to deal with your enquiry on our behalf. It may also need to share this information if it is legally obliged to do so.

For further details on the council's privacy notice please view the Privacy Page on the council's website page.