A letter has been written, to schools and local authorities, on offering a full curriculum, support and Ukrainian learning materials to children arriving from Ukraine.

The letter is available on the GOV.UK website.

School Improvement arrangements: Telford & Wrekin maintained schools – Next steps

As many colleagues will already be aware, Michelle Parker, Quality Assurance Specialist will be leaving her post at the end of the academic year. Michelle has made a huge contribution to the School Performance Team over the last few years, and previously to that as an Attached Adviser to many of our schools. This event, coupled with changes to the way statutory funding is devolved to support this function, has offered Telford & Wrekin an opportunity to work with schools to reform the way the Local Authority (LA) fulfils statutory functions going forward.

Thanks are given to colleagues who responded to the consultation before the Easter break. There were 10 responses received, with some positive suggestions about how the LA can fulfil this role in the future. For those colleagues who would still like the opportunity to respond, the consultation link is still live, and feedback is still welcome. 

As a reminder the LA statutory duties currently remain and are summarised as follows :

  • monitor performance of maintained schools including governance,
  • broker SI provision,
  • intervene in maintained schools as appropriate.

These statutory duties are set out in Part 4 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 with additional SI expectations set out in the Schools Causing Concern (SCC) guidance.

In order to continue the discussion about how the Local Authority will fulfil its role in the future we would like to set up a working group to develop the model further. If you would like to be part of this working party then please contact Liz Smith, SDM for Achievement and Enrichment know via email: liz.smith@telford.gov.uk.

Study leave – authorised absence from school: May 2022

Secondary settings will now be considering study leave for year 11 pupils to prepare for their exams. Please note that study leave is recorded as an authorised absence and will impact on schools’ overall attendance.

The Department for Education (DfE) continue to publish attendance data for 5 half terms.

Any queries can be email to attendancesupportteam@telford.gov.uk.