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Consultations - Observational survey in Telford Town Park

Who can get involved? This an observational survey only, people can not be directly involved in this survey.
Start date 10 April 2013
Closing date 23 April 2013
Service delivery area Environment and Open Spaces
Reason for consultation It is a requirement of the Parks for People Lottery Bid that we undertake an observational survey to help inform an Audience Development Plan.
Overview The Audience Development Plan looks at what type of visitor profile already uses the park and what key gaps we have in terms of visitor types. Town Park activities and capital projects will then be tailored to create a more diverse visitor profile.

The observational survey, taken over a set period of time will help us to collate the visitor information and is used alongside the 2010 visitor data, 2011 user survey data and focus group data.
Observational survey only.
What happens next? The survey results will be used to help to form parts of the Audience Development Plan.