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Consultations - Shaping Places - Strategy and Options

Who can get involved? We will try and consult with a wide range of stakeholders including statutory consultees, database contacts, general public, council employees, Town and Parish Councils plus specific ‘themed’ groups
Start date Pending
Closing date Pending
Service delivery area Development Business and Housing
Reason for consultation We will be consulting on the ‘Strategy and Options’ that we have come up with to produce the development plan for ‘Shaping Places’, this will form the basis of the ‘Shaping Places’ final document. At this stage we will be informing the public of what the options are and getting specific feedback on those options. We aim to collate and analyse the feedback received.
Overview We will be looking to send out information to all statutory consultees, we will be using online links through our website and email. We will use leaflets and questionnaires, our website, press releases and social media and we will also attend public meetings, focus groups and forums.
More information http://consult.telford.gov.uk/portal
How to get involved? By email, the website, post, face to face through meetings, focus groups and forums, press release, social media and information stands and leaflets
What happens next? All responses will be collated and considered and amendments made to the document where appropriate.
Join the Community Panel http://www.telford.gov.uk/communitypanel