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Consultations - Youth Unemployment campaign graphic

Who can get involved? Young People, particularly those who are unemployed and attending Job Centre/Job Club sessions.
Start date November 2013
Closing date December 2013
Service delivery area Co-operative Council Delivery Unit
Reason for consultation To ensure that young people’s views and opinions are taken into account at the very early developmental stages of the Youth Unemployment campaign. The young people’s feedback during the consultation will enable the Council to develop a campaign graphic, strap line and ‘feel’ that appeals to them and their peers.
Overview Young people’s views will be gathered throughout the development of the new Youth Unemployment campaign and their feedback will be used to inform the delivery of the work.
How to get involved? Individual job club sessions will be attended by Community Engagement Officers who will carry out the consultation.
What happens next? The feedback from the young people will be used to develop the Youth Unemployment campaign graphic, strap line and ‘feel’

Further consultation will take place in January/February 2014 so that young people can give their views to support the development of the new support website.