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Consultations - Draft Playing Pitches Strategy August 2015

Who can get involved?

Members of the public including local sports clubs, local schools, local leagues, Town and Parish Councils, Staff (public realm, planning building cleaning services, facilities managements, parks and open spaces).
National Governing Bodies of Sport, county sports partnership 

National Governing Bodies have already been involved but local NGBs are aware that meetings with clubs and leagues can be attended if requested.

Start date 25 October 2015
Closing date 30 November 2015
Service delivery area Leisure
Reason for consultation It is recommended by Sport England, both as champions of sport but also as statutory planning consultees in respect of outdoor sports facilities and playing fields, that all local authorities should have an up to date and robust Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) to ensure there is a sufficient supply of quality playing pitches to meet the sporting needs of local communities now and in the future. We have undertaken an audit and assessment of pitch provision (supply and demand) and as a result have made a of findings and recommendations which we wish to consult (seek agreement) on to ascertain that the proposed way forward is agreement. Following the feedback we would look to get this signed off by Cabinet and then implement the action plan in conjunction with the recommendations.
Overview The consultation provides key documents – The draft Assessment Report and draft playing pitch Strategy for the public (which includes local sports clubs, leagues and schools) consideration. Public feedback can be through email or written. We have provided some key questions for their consideration.

The draft Assessment report provides the background information in terms of current and future supply and demand of pitch provision for Football, Cricket, Rugby league, Rugby Union and Hockey. The draft Playing pitch Strategy provides a summary of key findings, strategic aims and objectives, sport specific recommendations and action plan.
How to get involved? Email
Contact me directly
I have already met with NGBs but local NGBs are aware that I will attend meetings with clubs and leagues if requested.
What happens next? The findings of the consultation will be considered and the strategy updated.
It will be presented to Cabinet for approval and Sport England.