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Consultations - Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licence Conditions regarding tinted windows in licensed vehicles

Who can get involved? People who use Taxis, General Public, Service User Groups, Licence Holders, Parish and Town Councils, Elected Ward Members, Partner Agencies
Start date 14 March 2017
Closing date 15 May 2017
Service delivery area Public Protection
Reason for consultation An increasing number of vehicles now come with standard manufacturer fitted tinted windows that would comply with the Council’s current policy as they are factory fitted, but which are so dark that passengers cannot be seen from the outside. There is no legal requirement for how much light must pass through the rear windows of a car. There are a number of vehicle manufacturers that offer the option of very dark windows
Overview Telford & Wrekin Council has responsibility for licensing Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles, Drivers and Operators within the borough of Telford & Wrekin. The purpose of licensing Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles, Drivers and Operators is for the provision of a safe and accessible service to the public, which includes the protection of children and vulnerable people. Private Hire and Hackney Carriage vehicles provide a valuable public transport service for schools, social services, local residents and visitors to Telford and the reasons for having clear visibility in the rear of a licensed vehicle are :

- VOSA state that excessively tinted glass restricts a driver’s vision, especially in dark conditions. This may prevent drivers from seeing other road users or pedestrians.
- Activities taking place in the vehicle cannot be viewed from the outside, posing both a risk to both passengers and driver.
- Enforcement officers need to see that the maximum number of passengers is not being exceeded.
- Vulnerable passengers such as lone females and young persons will feel safer in a vehicle where they can be seen.
- To ensure public safety and the wellbeing of the passengers and drivers.
How to get involved? People can get involved by reading the Consultation Document on the Council’s website, and by sending their comments on the proposed amendments to:
Suzanne Fisher (Mrs)
Principal Licensing Officer
Public Protection (Environmental Health, Licensing & Trading Standards)
Customer and Neighbourhood Services
Telford & Wrekin Council
Darby House
What happens next? After the closing date, all received comments will be considered by the Council. If there are any adverse comments as a result of the consultation a further report will be brought before Members of the Council’s Licensing Committee for determination.