Education Noticeboard - 20 April 2023

Welcome to the Education Noticeboard. A round-up of news, guidance and key updates for education settings.

Included in this update:

  1. Director update
  2. National Primary Offer Day 2023 – 93% get a preferred school place
  3. Technology giant Ricoh hosts renewable energy sessions at Telford schools
  4. CSE Inquiry Response - an update for settings
  5. School Travel Assistance: New application portal
  6. An additional Bank Holiday to celebrate the Kings Coronation - Academic Year 2022-23
  7. Eid-ul-Fitr - Authorised Absence from school due religious observance
  8. National Child Employment Raising Awareness Month
  9. The DfE are launching a new sector-led school attendance hub
  10. Schools to log into their Wonde portal and (optionally) agree to share new attendance data fields
  11. Free School Meals Survey - Heads and Chairs
  12. 'National Rape Day'
  13. Section 175/157 Education Safeguarding Audit 2022/2023
  14. Arrangements for the management of trees on site
  15. SEND Newsletter – March 2023
  16. Local school nature grants 2023 – Applications now open
  17. Updated Inspection Handbook for Early Years settings
  18. Early Years Newsletter: Spring 2023
  19. Useful links: Happy Healthy Active Funding Bitesize and Tax Free Childcare webinar
  20. Ongoing CPD and useful forms for Designated Teachers from Telford & Wrekin Virtual School
  21. Quality Assurance Specialist introduction
  22. King Charles III’s Coronation: Saturday 6 May 2023
  23. An opportunity to place your CPD course bookings
  24. SOS+ Criminal Exploitation Training for Education Professionals
  25. The first Learn Telford Newsletter
  26. Support for schools and colleges to recruit exam invigilators
  27. An opportunity for academy trusts to share their views on the significant change process
  28. Training to improve your school or college’s approach to mental health and wellbeing
  29. Industrial action update
  30. Guidance for schools on engaging with parents and sharing curriculum materials
  31. Joint Council for Qualifications key exam dates and essential guidance documents (DfE updates)
  32. Updated guidance from Ofqual on what to do if exams and assessments are seriously disrupted
  33. Ofqual student guide 2023 published
  34. The government’s new emergency alerts system

Director update

Dear colleagues

I hope that you all managed to get some much needed down time over the Easter break. It is hard to believe that we are already in the Summer Term, although can someone tell the weather and turn off the cold!

A full Education Noticeboard for you this week. To start thing off, I am delighted to report that the vast majority of reception aged children were given their first-choice school in Telford and Wrekin on National Offer Day. There are lots of excited families looking forward to their next big step in education. You can read more below.

In other news we now have a brand-new school travel assistance portal for parents to make applications where children are eligible. Please check out the details below.

I know that last term some significant work was done with our settings regarding Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and the education safeguarding team have created a briefing for you so you get a sense of the work completed to date, what is outstanding and next steps. My personal thanks to you all for engaging so well in this activity – the importance of which we all recognise as keeping our children is ultimately our number one priority.

We do have an ‘ask’ of our headteachers and CoG in our schools to participate in a short survey on FSM. Your support to complete this survey will help us build a true picture of how income-based school meals provision is used in the borough of Telford & Wrekin and how we can help to promote uptake further.

Finally also included this week are several articles from attendance support, a reminder to return outstanding Section 175/157 Education Safeguarding Audits and an introduction from new members of staff in our team including Michelle Bishton who is our Quality Assurance specialist for Education.

Wishing you all a good rest of the week.


Simon Wellman
Director: Education & Skills

National Primary Offer Day 2023 – 93% get a preferred school place

On 17 April 2023, Primary National Offer Day, children learnt which primary school they will attend in September 2023.

In Telford and Wrekin, 2,070 on time applications were received, and 93 per cent of these children gained a place at their first preference school. A further 3.4 per cent gained a place at their second preference school, with another 1.1 per cent gaining a place at their third preference school.

This means that over 97 per cent of children gained a place at one of their top 3 preference schools. Every applicant who applied on time was offered a school place.

Simon Wellman, Telford & Wrekin Council’s director for education and skills, said: “We are very pleased to offer, once again this year, places at preferred primary schools to the vast majority of families in our borough who applied for them. We want every child in Telford and Wrekin to have the best start in life; giving access to high-quality education right on their doorstep is essential for this.

“Significant investment has been made to improve facilities within our schools as well as increasing the number of places available and we will continue to do so in the areas where it is needed.”

Any children who have not been offered a place at their first preference school can be added to the waiting list for other schools by parents or carers by sending an email to Further information is available on the website.

Technology giant Ricoh hosts renewable energy sessions at Telford schools

Ricoh UK gave pupils at three Telford and Wrekin schools a fascinating insight into renewable energy over four sessions.

Students at Hadley Learning Community School, Telford Park School and Ercall Wood Academy attended the workshops which were delivered as part of Ricoh’s social value commitment to make a positive difference to communities and the planet. The fun, one-hour workshops invited pupils to learn more about the firm’s 3D-Pico hydro generator system – a hydroelectric power station which is able to produce electricity.

Telford & Wrekin Council's education and skills team, which works closely with Ricoh UK, invited the firm to deliver these important educational sessions as renewable energy is such an important topic and very relevant to the company’s core values.

Each session included a short presentation followed by a fun task led by Ricoh’s learning and development team.

Simon Wellman, Telford & Wrekin Council’s director for education and skills, said: “We are really pleased that Ricoh were able to deliver these sessions at our schools. Renewable energy and encouraging firms to reduce their carbon footprint is a hot topic nationally, so this was a great opportunity for pupils to see the steps a major company like Ricoh are taking to become more sustainable. These educational sessions are really important for learners and the schools were grateful to Ricoh’s learning and development team for delivering them.” 

James Knox, ESG Manager–Corporate Responsibility at Ricoh UK, said: “We are proud to have played our part in these renewable energy sessions with schools in Telford and Wrekin. As a leader in sustainability and innovation, we believe that awareness to the climate crisis is vital. Raising the next generation with a conscious mindset on their impact and what they can do to reduce it is imperative in ensuring we reduce climate change.”

Established in 1936, Ricoh is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan and has a global presence for its products and services that reach customers in over 200 countries. The firm is a leading provider of digital services, information management and print and imaging solutions designed to support digital transformation and optimise business performance. 

CSE Inquiry Response - an update for settings

For attention of: Headteacher / Principal / Leader / Governors / DSL / CSE lead

We have developed this bulletin to update you on the progress of implementing the CSE Inquiry recommendations across schools and colleges. We recognise you will have received a number of communications and we hope this bulletin will pull together the key messages and outline the next steps. We will continue to keep you updated on this work through special education noticeboards and forums, including primary and secondary heads, and CSE and DSL networks.

As you know the council is working with various partners to implement the recommendations from the CSE inquiry that was published last year. With regard to education some of those recommendations apply to all schools and colleges, others apply to specific phases. This bulletin provides you with specific information about recommendation 5 which applies to secondary schools and colleges, and recommendation 32 which applies to all schools and colleges.

Data collection

For your information recommendation 5 states:

Schools and colleges to prepare data to be shared with the ‘Joint CSE Review Group’

5.1. Secondary schools and colleges should prepare the following, in association with the Council:

5.2. A six-monthly CSE statement (to be submitted prior to the six-monthly ‘Joint CSE Review Group’ meeting) giving details of specific children showing indicators which may be indicative of CSE (the “children at risk report”), whether or not that behaviour merits immediate referral to CATE or Safeguarding; and

5.3, A further six-monthly report (to be submitted prior to the six-monthly ‘Joint CSE Review Group’ meeting) containing such information as may allow effective mapping of CSE (“school mapping report”), including but not limited to, ages of children involved, the place of exploitation where known, their general places of residence, and any information which may establish the identities of perpetrators.

5.4. The above information should also include statistics and information relating to any missing from school episodes/ truancy records, in order to agree any steps that should be taken in relation to children that are shown to have regular difficulty attending school.

In developing a response to recommendation 5, the Council wants to ensure that it is proportionate in terms of the impact on school/college resources, minimising the volume of personal information shared, and is informed by existing analysis. As such, the Council is proposing a two-step approach built around recommendation 5.2 and 5.3.

Step one: Recommendation 5.3: Where indicators merits immediate referral to CATE or Safeguarding

The Telford & Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership Threshold Guidance sets out whether or not indicators merit immediate referral to Family Connect which operates as the single front door into either CATE or Safeguarding. Only those cases where risk indictors meet either the complex or acute threshold should be referred to Family Connect.

The Council has undertaken analysis to identify complex and acute referrals from schools/colleges to Family Connect that have risk factors associated with CSE and have been made in this current academic.

Details of these referrals will be shared with the relevant school/college and CSE leads will provide information in line with recommendations 5.3 and 5.4.

Step two: Recommendation 5.2: Where indicators do not merit immediate referral to CATE or Safeguarding

Schools/colleges are asked to review children’s safeguarding records to identify those children that have indicators of CSE that are assessed as vulnerable and have not met the complex or acute threshold and, in line with the Safeguarding Partnership Threshold Guidance, and have therefore not been referred to Family Connect. The timeframe from which these children should be identified is the current academic year.

We will be communicating directly with CSE leads in secondary schools and colleges to provide further clarity and what information they will be required to share for recommendation 5, and the timescales for doing so.


For your information recommendation 32 states:

All schools and colleges to review and refresh training around CSE.

Where this is not already happening, all schools and colleges, in association with the Council, should:

  • Commit to annual training of all teachers and staff in CSE awareness;
  • Repeat such training at least every two years;
  • Set out a programme of age-appropriate CSE awareness raising sessions for their pupils, whether that programme is delivered in the context of PSHE or otherwise; and
  • Arrange a CSE awareness raising session for parents, no less frequently than annually, in the opening months of the academic year. Where the school in question is a primary school, such CSE awareness should be aimed at pupils in Year 5 and above, or, if not felt appropriate, a letter should be sent to all parents explaining why such a programme is regarded as undesirable within the school, and enclosing written information on CSE awareness.

To help achieve elements of this recommendation, we have developed a curriculum self-audit, in consultation with CSE leads, for you to determine the effectiveness of your CSE education and awareness for your learners. It asks about the conversations you have around your RSE curriculum; abuse, healthy relationships, social and emotional well-being, digital safety, and wider.

We ask that all schools and colleges complete the self-audit and return by 10 May 2023.

The intention is that the audit will both help you to identify any actions you may need to take to strengthen further your offer to learners and support our understanding of what is in place across schools and colleges, and where we can support this with improved training and development.  Returns will be audited and we will feedback where additional information may be needed.

The questionnaire should not take more than 10 minutes to complete. We thank you for your help.

Complete Curriculum Audit

Training for school and college staff

We know in our schools and colleges across the borough there is a proactive approach to providing professional development to staff regarding child protection and safeguarding. We encourage you as school and college leaders to consider your programme of professional development to provide annual CSE awareness for all teachers and staff. West Mercia Police Exploitation and Vulnerability Trainers can assist schools and colleges in their delivery of this professional development.

Raising awareness for parents

We know many of you will be starting to plan for the autumn term already. In doing so, we would encourage you to consider recommendation 32 to provide a CSE awareness raising awareness session for parents in the autumn term. This is for parents of pupils in year five and above. Where you choose not to provide this for parents, leaders to need to write to parents to explain this is not desirable and provide them with written information on CSE awareness. West Mercia Police Exploitation and Vulnerability Trainers can assist schools and colleges in their delivery of these sessions.

CSE leads and network

The inquiry made a recommendation for all secondary schools and colleges to appoint a CSE Lead that is in addition to the requirement for a DSL. We are pleased to report, with thanks, to school and college leaders, there is an appointed CSE lead across all secondary schools and colleges in the borough. Over the summer term, CSE leads will be continuing their work to publicise their role and responsibilities within your setting community. The CSE lead network has been established initially to consider the implementation of the inquiry recommendations. The CSE lead network going forward will focus on professional development for CSE leads. It will also build further on partner and CSE lead engagement to exchange information to enable CSE leads to be able to react, monitor and protect children better from CSE.

Site security

The inquiry asks that all schools and colleges in Telford & Wrekin carries out an annual review to consider the adequacy of your settings site security provision. To help to achieve this recommendation, we developed a site security self-audit form, in consultation with CSE leads, for you to determine the effectiveness of your site security. Thank you to all settings who have returned the site security audit. We hope this has helped to inform your site security risk assessment and enable you to identify any actions you may need to take to strengthen the security of your site further. For those who have not been able to return their site security audit by 30 March 2023, we would ask that you do so as soon as possible, and we will follow up with individual settings by 24 April 2023.

Complete Site Security Audit

Record keeping

The inquiry recommendations lead us to consider our safeguarding record keeping. We have been addressing this through DSL training to enable DSLs to evaluate record keeping practices in their setting, including:

  • Reviewing policies that govern information sharing and recording of safeguarding information, such as the child protection & safeguarding policy, and information governance policies. This is to help to ensure policies and procedures reflect how safeguarding concerns about children, including CSE concerns are recorded and shared with relevant agencies. Policies and procedures should also clearly identify that all relevant safeguarding information, including CSE concerns are recorded as per your settings safeguarding record keeping systems.
  • As part the DSLs monitoring of the quality of safeguarding record keeping, they should carry a six-monthly review of recorded CSE information to ensure record keeping includes what the concerns are, what action was taken and what follow up was thought to be needed.

Thank you to our schools and colleges across the borough. We recognise that this significant progress has only been possible because of your support and collaboration.  

School Travel Assistance: New application portal

Behind the scenes Telford & Wrekin Council have been working hard on a new travel assistance application system. This should make the process of applying, tracking and where eligible, awarding travel assistance much easier for parents/carers. The new system is now available at

School Travel Assistance for September 2023 – applications must be made by 30 June 2023

Some children and young people are eligible for school travel assistance. There is an eligibility criteria that can be found on the council’s website.  

It is really important that where parent/carers are looking to apply and are eligible for travel assistance from September 2023 then they do not wait until the summer holidays to apply as this can cause long delays. We are therefore encouraging all applications for September to be made by 30 June 2023. 

Where children and young people are eligible for support, parents/carers must now make an online application. The newly launched website will guide parents/carers through the application process.

We ask parents/carers to check to see if their child is eligible before they make an application.

Whilst parents/carers are able to make an application for travel assistance at any time of the year where children and young people need travel assistance from the start of the next academic year (September 2023) and in order to prevent delays, then application must be made before 30 June 2023. If parent /carers apply later than that date then there is a possibility that they will not have arrangements in place by the beginning of the autumn term.

Who needs to apply?

  • If a child is statutory school age but does not currently receive travel assistance and is eligible then they need to apply.
  • If a child is statutory school age, already receives travel assistance and is changing school in September then they will need to re-apply.
  • If a child is statutory school age, already receives travel assistance and is not changing school in September then this will carry on next year and there is no need to re-apply.
  • If the young person is leaving school and is eligible for travel assistance to help them attend their post-16 setting then they will need to apply.
  • If the young person is already in post-16 provision and receives travel assistance then they will need to re-apply. Travel assistance is only granted for one year for post-16 students.
  • Parent/carers must also re-apply at any point in the year when you move house.

View information on how to re-apply online for school travel assistance.

How to apply:

Applications must now be submitted on the council's new travel assistance platform.This has been developed based on feedback received from parents and carers over the last year.

In order to submit an online application, parent/carers will be required to create a new account. Once they have created an account and submitted their application, parent /carers can also log on at any point to see the progress of their application. If parent/carers need support in creating a new account, they can call 01952 384545 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm).

An additional Bank Holiday to celebrate the Kings Coronation - Academic Year 2022-23

We are pleased to be able to confirm that the Department for Education (DfE) laid the Statutory Instruct in Parliament yesterday, and published the modification doc on GOV.UK that amends the 2022 STPCD to take account of the Coronation Bank Holiday. Please find below the link to the statutory instrument below:

The DfE have confirmed that, contrary to what was initially envisaged, they decided to publish a standalone modification document that sets out in one place all of the relevant amendments to the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document, rather than amending and republishing the entire document. The legal effect is the same.

Queries can be directed to the Attendance Support Team by emailing, or calling 01952 385222.

Eid-ul-Fitr - Authorised Absence from school due religious observance

Many pupils will be celebrating Eid Ul Fitr in April 2023. Eid-ul-Fitr is expected to fall on Friday, 21 April or Saturday, 22 April 2023.

The reason for not having a fixed date: The Islamic calendar is based on the cycle of the appearance of the new moon. Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated at the end of the month of Ramadan. An Islamic month lasts 29 or 30 days depending on the sightings of the crescent moon. Since the visibility of the moon is dependent on a number of factors, the exact date of Eid in the Islamic calendar cannot always be predicted with certainty. Therefore, it is not possible to give an exact date for Eid-ul-Fitr in advance. Eid-ul-Fitr is confirmed the evening before.

Queries can be directed to the Attendance Support Team by emailing

National Child Employment Raising Awareness Month

During the month of April Local Authorities up and down the country will be joining together to raise the profile of children of compulsory school age working part-time legally. The Law governing child employment exists to ensure that children are protected and not exploited if they have a part-time job while still of compulsory school age.

Employment of children is governed by Law and Local Byelaws. It is the responsibility of employers of children to ensure that:

  • No child under 13 years of age is employed.
  • No child is employed in a prohibited occupation.
  • Children are employed for the correct number of hours; and
  • children are dressed and equipped suitably for the job indoors and out and children are employed in light work only.

The employer must notify the Local Authority (LA) within 7 days if employing a child by submitting a completed application form (EC1). On receipt, provided the LA is satisfied that the employer is lawful and that a child’s health, welfare and ability to access their education is not jeopardised, an employment permit will be issued to the employer. The child/parents will also be issued with a copy of the permit.

Children are considered to be employed if they assist in a business which operates for profit, if they are paid or unpaid. This also applies to an employer’s own children.

It is the sole responsibility of the employer to ensure a child has an employment permit and that the child is employed in accordance with the details and hours shown on the employment permit only. An employer must produce details of any child in their employment when required to do so by an authorised officer or a police officer. If a child does not hold an employment permit they will not be covered by Employer’s Liability Insurance.

Employers can be prosecuted for employing children illegally.

The LA may at any time revoke a child’s employment permit if it has reasonable grounds to believe:

  • that the child is being unlawfully employed, or
  • that their health, welfare or ability to take advantage of their education is 
    suffering or likely to suffer as a result of the employment.

Hours and Days of Work


  Age of child: 13 – 14 Age of child: 15 – 16
Monday to Friday Between the hours of 7am and 7pm.
Maximum of 2 hours per day.
1 hour before the start if school or two hours after school.
Maximum of 12 hours per week.
Between the hours of 7am and 7pm.
Maximum of 2 hours per day.
1 hour before the start if school or two hours after school.
Maximum of 12 hours per week.
Saturday 5 hours maximum per day. 8 hours maximum per day.
Sunday 2 hours maximum. 2 hours maximum.
Breaks A child must have a one hour break after working for 4 hours. A child must have a one hour break after working for 4 hours.

School Holidays:

  Age of child: 13 – 14 Age of child: 15 – 16
Monday to Saturday 5 hours maximum per day. 8 hours maximum per day.
Weekly maximum 25 hours maximum per week. 35 hours maximum per week.
Sunday 2 hours maximum. 2 hours maximum.
Breaks A child must have a one hour break after working for 4 hours. A child must have a one hour break after working for 4 hours.

Every child must have at least 2 consecutive weeks without employment per year and these must fall within school holidays.

A child must produce their employment permit for inspection when required to do so by an authorised officer of the authority or a police officer.

Permitted employment of children aged 13

A child of 13 may not be employed except in light work in one or more of the following specified categories:
a) agricultural or horticultural work
b) delivery of newspapers, journals and other printed material
c) shop work, including shelf stacking
d) hairdressing salons
e) office work
f) in a café or restaurant
g) in riding stables, kennels and catteries.

Prohibited Employment

No child of any age may be employed:
a) in a cinema, theatre, discotheque, dance hall or night club, except in connection with a performance given entirely by children*
b) to sell or deliver alcohol, except in sealed containers
c) to deliver milk
d) to deliver fuel oils
e) in a commercial kitchen (includes the kitchen of any hotel, cook shop, fried fish shop, eating house or refreshment room)
f) to collect or sort refuse
g) in any work which is more than three metres above ground level or, in the case of internal work, more than three metres above floor level
h) in employment having harmful exposure to physical, biological or chemical agent
i) to collect money or to sell or canvass door to door
j) in work involving exposure to adult material or in situation which are for this reason otherwise unsuitable for children
k) in telephone sales and canvassing
l) in any slaughterhouse or in that part of any butcher’s shop or other premises connected with the killing of livestock, butchery, or in the preparation of carcasses or meat for sale.
m) as an attendant or assistant in a fairground or amusement arcade or in any other premises used for the purpose of public amusement by means of automatic machines, games of chance or skill or similar devices.
n) in the personal care of residents of any residential care home or nursing home.

* This does not prevent children taking part in performances under the provisions of a licence granted in accordance with the Children and Young Persons Act 1963 and the associated regulations.

Risk Assessments

Before employing a young person employers must have carried out a risk assessment.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 and Health & Safety (Young Persons) Regulations 1997 state that:

Every employer shall, before employing a child, provide a parent of the child with comprehensive and relevant information on:
a) risk to his/her health and safety
b) the preventative and protective measures, and
c) the risk notified to him/her in accordance with regulations 9 (1)(c).


Where a child is employed in contravention of Sections 18 and 20 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 or of the provisions of any Byelaws made thereunder and in force, the employer and any person (other than the person employed) to whose act or default the contravention is attributable shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding Level 3 on the Standard Scale (currently £1,000).

Section 559 (1) of the Education Act 1996, imposes restrictions or prohibits a particular employment.  Section 559(2) of the Education Act 1996 empowers the LA to issue a notice on an employer or parent/guardian to provide information relating to a child’s employment where it has not been possible to ascertain this.  Failure to comply with notices issued under Section 559 of the Act is an offence which carries a fine of up to Level 1 on the Standard Scale or imprisonment for a term of one month, or both.

Further information can be found on the website. If you have any queries pertaining to Child Employment send an email to or contacting Jules Millington on 385223.

The DfE are launching a new sector-led school attendance hub

Primary, secondary, special schools and alternative provision providers who wish to register their interest in joining a hub and receiving free school attendance support should complete the short application form by Monday 8 May 2023.

Attendance hubs will be led by senior leaders in schools with strong attendance practice, who will share the strategies and resources they use for improving attendance. Participating schools will be expected to revisit and revise their systems and protocols for managing attendance and join half termly virtual hub meetings to share practice and discuss progress and challenges. This programme builds on a pilot hub established last year, led by North Shore Academy, which saw some participating schools achieve significant reductions in their absence and persistent absence rates.

Please also see the links below to sign up to WONDE to share your attendance data.

Guidance to help schools, academy trusts, governing bodies and local authorities maintain high levels of school attendance, including roles and responsibilities is available on the GOV.UK website.

Queries can be directed to the Attendance Support Team by emailing, or calling 01952 385222.

Schools to log into their Wonde portal and (optionally) agree to share new attendance data fields

The Department for Education (DfE) recently asked you to share some additional data. Please log into your Wonde portal to share:

  • child in need (CIN)
  • child protection plan (CPP)
  • pupil admission and leaving date.

Wonde has emailed all schools asking you to agree. If you have not received a request, email Please agree, even if your MIS does not hold this data. We’re collecting these to improve the service. We’re aware that currently code X is included as absence and leavers remain in the data, and we are working to resolve this.

80% of schools are sharing daily attendance data with the DfE and accessing tools on view your education data. Mainstream schools can compare their attendance with other schools.

For updates, please join the DfE for their next webinar.

Queries can be directed to the Attendance Support Team by emailing, or calling 01952 385222.

Free School Meals Survey - Heads and Chairs

There were 4.2 million children living in poverty in the UK in 2021-22. That is 29% of children, or 9 in every classroom of 30. (Department for Work and Pensions, 2023). Post COVID-19 there has been an 8.4% increase in the number of children who are eligible for income-based Free School Meals across Telford and Wrekin.

We are working to establish a more accurate picture of how income- based Free School Meal (FSM) provision is supporting families across the borough. It would be appreciated if the Heads/Chairs of all schools can take part a survey to provide the data that we need:

Survey: Free School Meals

'National Rape Day'

What is National Rape Day?

National Rape Day started from a TikTok that was made in April of 2021, during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and declared 24 April as “National Rape Day”. The original video was allegedly made by a group of men, encouraging others to commit acts of sexual assault on this day, saying it was legal to do so.

Why should I be concerned?

We have been made aware of concerning Tik-Toks currently circulating linked to 24 April which has been unofficially named as ‘National Rape Day’ and promotes sexual assault on females. The trend originated from America in 2021 and has now become more widely promoted via Tik-Tok and other social media platforms, such as Twitter.

TikTok dispute the existence of the original video, however, videos with the hashtag #April24 reportedly have millions of views with thousands of videos being made in response to the original TikTok. These response videos consist of safety warnings, telling women not to leave the house on 24 April, or to only travel in groups. Other videos contain threats against anyone who commits acts of sexual assault on this day.

This is not a trend that seems to be gathering momentum in Telford & Wrekin.

If you have concerns about a child or young person, please follow your safeguarding procedures. We encourage you not to share this with pupils and learners but to raise awareness of professionals only.  

Section 175/157 Education Safeguarding Audit 2022/2023

Thank you to the majority of schools and colleges who have returned the Section 175/157 audit to Education Safeguarding on behalf of the Partnership.

For those who have not yet returned the audit, this is a final reminder to return your audit. Any audits returned after Friday 28 April 2023 will need to be recorded as non-returned and reported to the Partnership.

Queries can be directed to Joanne Hanslip, Education Safeguarding Officer, by emailing

Arrangements for the management of trees on site

We need to bring to your attention the recent prosecution of Newcastle City Council who were fined £280,000 after the death of a six-year-old girl who was hit by a falling tree in her school playground. An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found the tree had decayed and was in a poor condition. Newcastle City Council had failed to identify the extent of the decay or to manage the risk posed by the tree. Further information can be found on the Health and Safety Executive website.

Given the above, the management of trees corporately across the whole of the Council is under close scrutiny. Depending upon the age, size, location and condition of the tree a regular inspection regime needs to be put in place. Under the landlord and tenant agreement between Telford Council and individual schools this responsibility together with budget is devolved to yourselves.

Some schools will already have arrangements in place but we would ask you to either review current arrangements to ensure they are fit for purpose or implement the following:

  • A two-yearly inspection regime which must be carried out by an appropriately qualified arboriculturist who will take into account things such as size, type, location of each and every tree and the risk to both people and property in the event of any failure. Any regime that simply involves treating tree stock as a whole, essentially a “one size fits all” inspection policy with no regard to specific risk is likely to be considered insufficient.
  • Good record keeping of inspection reports for each tree, and evidence of taking into account advice given and implementation of recommendations.
  • Incorporate tree management into school health and safety management / improvement plans and associated grounds inspection records.

Telford Council unfortunately does not offer a tree inspection service but the following a list of professionals accredited by The Arboricultural Association is available online. Before engaging any contractor, you should satisfy yourselves that they are competent to undertake the work in question and ensure that all required permissions and insurances are in place.

It is appreciated that some schools do not have any tress on site or only have very small/immature trees/saplings, but we are still seeking that this is covered in your health and safety policy.

Some additional information and guidance issued by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is available at on their website.

For general Health and Safety advice and support please contact Your Surveyor from the biT Team can support with any general buildings and maintenance issues.

SEND Newsletter – March 2023

The SEND Newsletter – March 2023 has been published on the SEND Local Offer. Discover all the current news and information about Special Educational Needs and Disability in Telford & Wrekin.

Please take a look at the SEND News section on the Local Offer to see the full list of articles.

Download: SEND Newsletter – March 2023

To make sure that you don't miss future updates, subscribe to the SEND Newsletter.

Local school nature grants 2023 – Applications now open

Local School Nature Grants are back!

Learning through Landscapers (LtL) has announced its Local School Nature Grants programme for 2023.

With a Local School Nature Grant, you could get: 

  • £500 worth of outdoor equipment chosen from a catalogue of over 100 items, including raised bed planters, loose parts kits, waterproof clothing, gardening kits, log seats, ground cover kits, and more.
  • A free outdoor learning training session on your chosen theme, delivered by a member of LtL.
  • Access to expert webinars with advice, suggestions, and inspiration for taking your grant even further.
  • Exclusive discounts and benefits reserved for LtL members – all covered by the grant! 

Additionally, LtL offer unsuccessful applicants access to webinars covering suggestions for improving their applications, along with tips and tricks for developing their outdoor learning provision. 

Applications for the Local School Nature Grants programme opened on 30 March 2023.

Top Tips for Applications

First and foremost, it’s important to remember that applications for Local School Nature Grants are assessed on the strength of ideas. They are not looking for expert bid writers, but they are we looking for enthusiasm. 

At its heart, the Local School Nature Grants programme is about enabling more children to enjoy the benefits of spending time outdoors and connecting with nature. Therefore, successful applicants are passionate about making environmental improvements for pupils, staff, and the local community for the long term. A Local School Nature Grant might be the first step in your outdoor learning journey, but LtL want to see your commitment to taking it even further! 

Thus, your application should cover 4 key areas:

  1. Pupil Involvement.
  2. Project Sustainability.
  3. Community.
  4. Benefits to pupils and staff.

Alternatively, if you would like local practical hands-on help on developing learning opportunities in your school grounds and local area, Arthog Outreach offer a CPD package which includes risk-benefit assessment, curriculum delivery and positive outside class management. Please contact Alan Braybrooke, Telford & Wrekin Council's Specialist Lead Teacher in Outdoor Education, via email to or calling 01952 387378.

Updated Inspection Handbook for Early Years settings

Notice from the Department for Education (DfE) for Reception teachers:

We are getting in touch to correct our recent advice on usage of the ‘A’ code during Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) profile assessments.

The previous advice incorrectly stated that in certain instances it is down to a teacher’s professional judgement as to whether an accurate assessment can be made or whether it would be more appropriate to use code ‘A’.

However, we would now like to clarify that the EYFS profile must be completed in all instances unless:

  • an exemption has been granted by the secretary of state for the setting or an individual child.
  • the child is continuing in EYFS provision beyond the year in which they turn 5. In these exceptional cases, the EYFS profile should be completed once only, at the end of the year before the child moves into KS1.

An ‘A’ should be recorded for every ELG within the profile only when an exemption has been granted.

For further information, practitioners should refer to section 3.2 of the EYFS Profile 2023 Handbook and for advice on completing the profile for children with SEND please refer to section 3.5.The 2023 guide for submitting EYFS profile assessments will be published later this Spring and will be updated to align with this advice.

For information on obtaining exemptions please refer to our guidance on exemptions for providers and exemptions for individual children.

Apologies for our previous mistake and for any inconvenience it may have caused.

If you have any further questions about the profile, please contact the EYFS Quality team via email to

The Early Years Inspection Handbook is available on the GOV.UK website.

Early Years Newsletter: Spring 2023

The Spring 23 issue of the Early Years Newsletter, showcasing the work of Early Years providers over the term is now available.

Download: Talking Early Years and Childcare

Useful links: Happy Healthy Active Funding Bitesize and Tax Free Childcare webinar

HAF Recorded Bitesize: Delivering HAF in Schools.

Working in partnership with schools is one of the fundamental ways to embed and develop Holiday Activities and Food Fund (HAF) in your local community. This scheme is known as Happy Healthy and Active Holiday's in Telford & Wrekin. In a recorded bitesize, Childcare Works explores HAF delivery from a schools perspective. They look at two case studies - one small rural Lincolnshire Primary School and a contrasting, large urban Secondary School in Birmingham. Colleagues explain why they chose to get involved with the programme and the delivery models they have developed to meet the needs of individuals and the wider school community alongside HAF. They reflect on some of the initial challenges, solutions and highlight top tips for schools and coordinators for HAF delivery in 2023/24.

Tax Free Childcare Webinar

The new webinar by Hempsalls is now available. ‘All you need to know about Tax-Free Childcare – a back to basics webinar for all activity and childcare providers’ will take place on Wednesday 3 May 2023, 6.30pm – 8.00pm.

Funded by HMRC and free to attend, this webinar continues their work to raise awareness of Tax-Free Childcare (TFC). Their aim is to increase HAF activity and childcare providers’ understanding of Tax Free Childcare. The content has been developed in direct response to the questions raised at the previous webinar held in February 2023. 

The webinar will: 

  • Provide a step-by-step guide to Tax-Free Childcare.
  • Consider the opportunities for all types of providers to increase take up – linking to the current economic climate and childcare market.
  • Consider Tax Free Childcare from a providers’ perspective.
  • Highlight activities we can all do to ensure families and childcare providers benefit from Telford Free Childcare.
  • Signpost you to toolkits and assets that can be used to promote Telford Free Childcare.

This webinar has been specially organised for providers who have daytime commitments. It will also be recorded and shared with you afterwards for you to share with those unable to attend.  

The booking system is now live, visit Eventbrite to secure your place.

Ongoing CPD and useful forms for Designated Teachers from Telford & Wrekin Virtual School

Below are some useful links to ongoing CPD for school staff in the area of Attachment and Trauma Informed Practice, and useful forms for Virtual School events:

  • For any Telford & Wrekin schools who haven’t yet taken advantage of their Attachment Research Community (ARC) membership and completed their initial audit, please visit the ARC website.
  • Doctor Pooky Knightsmith sets out the ways schools can use the principles of attachment and trauma informed practice in their settings in an article on her website.
  • Available on YouTube in a video which details the work of Bessel Van der Kolk. He has recently published a book called ‘The Body Keeps the Score’ detailing the biological effect trauma has had and the research behind this, as well as offering some insights and solutions as the best way to help and support those who have suffered trauma.
  • The Anna Freud National Centre have a great video available, which is useful to share with young people about managing their own mental health and asking for support.​​​​​​
  • The Relational Games, Up Regulating and Down Regulating Activities information sheet can be used to support young people, by using various techniques.
  • I Wonder If You See Me - a spoken word poem about childhood trauma is a hard hitting, inspirational and inspiring spoke word poem from a care experienced young adult.
  • Places are still available for our Virtual School Conference, which will take place on Friday 9 June 2023. Download the leaflet for more information.

Queries can be directed to Joseph Leppington, Education Advisor for the Virtual School Team, via email to

Quality Assurance Specialist introduction

An introduction from Michelle Bishton, the new Quality Assurance Specialist for Education in maintained schools.

My name is Michelle Bishton and I am the new Quality Assurance specialist for the Local Authority. I have worked in Telford and Wrekin for much of my teaching career and, most recently, I have been working as one of His Majesty’s Inspectors of schools across the West Midlands region.

During my time with Ofsted, I was privileged to work with a wide range of school communities, each with unique challenges. In this role as the Quality Assurance Specialist for maintained schools, I look forward to working with leaders, staff and pupils to ensure the highest quality provision, enabling pupils to thrive in their next steps and beyond.

I will start to contact schools shortly to arrange a visit. I am looking forward to meeting you and learning about your schools.

Michelle Bishton, Quality Assurance Specialist -

King Charles III’s Coronation: Saturday 6 May 2023

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6 May 2023 at Westminster Abbey in London. This historic event will see His Majesty The King crowned alongside Queen Camilla.

The coronation of the new Sovereign is an occasion for pageantry and celebration, but it is also a solemn religious ceremony that has remained essentially the same for over a thousand years. For the last 900 years, the English coronation ceremony has taken place at Westminster Abbey in London. The service is conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, as it has almost always been since the Norman Conquest in 1066.

Part of the ceremony will focus on St Edward's Crown, the crown historically used at the moment of coronation and last worn by Queen Elizabeth II at her Coronation in 1953. It was made for Charles II in 1661, as a replacement for the medieval crown which had been melted down in 1649. The original was thought to date back to the 11th-century royal saint, Edward the Confessor (the last Anglo-Saxon king of England).

What is your setting doing to celebrate this historic event?

We would love to hear about how you are celebrating the Kings Coronation, whether your hosting a party, making crowns and buntings or creating your own Coronation event, we would love to see your pictures and hear your stories.

Please send your pictures and stories to or tag us in your school tweets @Telfordwrekin. 

There are a number of free school resources available online, which may help you celebrate this historic event:

Coronation school resources

Historic Royal Palaces

Government resources for the Coronation


Institute of Engineering and Technology

An opportunity to place your CPD course bookings

The CPD Booklet continues to be available on the Telford Education Services site to the end of the academic year 2023.

Course bookings with a course code are made by sending a completed CPD booking form via email to

Other courses and briefings without a course code are usually booked by sending your email address name and school name to (unless stated otherwise).

KS2 Writing Moderation – drop-in session
(CPD 724)
Tuesday 25 April
4pm to 5.30pm
Safeguarding Refresher Training for All Governors
Wednesday 26 April
4pm to 5.30pm
KS1 Moderation (RWM) – drop-in session
(CPD 725)
Wednesday 26 April
4pm to 5.30pm

Safety Intervention Refresher Training (formerly MAPA Refresher Training)
CPI accredited (BSAT 212)

Thursday 27 April
8.45am to 12.30pm
Best practice in your breakfast, after-school and holiday provision
(EY 104)
Wednesday 3 May
9.15am to 12noon
Establishing yourself as a SEND Leader
(LSAT 302)
Wednesday 3 May
4pm to 5pm
Newly Appointed Designated Safeguarding Leads' Training (2 days) - part 1
(SG 102)
Wednesday 3 May
9.15am to 4pm
Motivational Interviewing for Education Settings
(SG 205)
Wednesday 3 May
1pm to 4pm
Talk Boost KS1 – TBC Thursday 4 May
Newly Appointed Designated Safeguarding Leads' Training (2 days) - part 2
(SG 102)
Thursday 4 May
9.15am to 4pm
Listen with Lucy
(EY 023)
Tuesday 9 May
1.15pm to 4pm

Safeguarding Training for Newly Appointed Governors
(SG 103)

Tuesday 9 May
9.15am to 3.30pm
Child Development: Supporting self-regulation development and positive behaviour outcomes with children in the EYFS (EY 313) Wednesday 10 May
9.15am to 12noon
SOS+ Criminal Exploitation Training for Education Professionals
(SG 207) – see separate article
Wednesday 10 May
10am to 11am
SOS+ Criminal Exploitation Training for Education Professionals
(SG 207) – see separate article
Wednesday 10 May
4pm to 5.30pm

Safety Intervention Training (formerly MAPA training) - part 1
CPI accredited (BSAT 201)

Thursday 11 May
8.30am to 4pm
Understanding Intent, Implementation and Impact within the EYFS in a school
(EY 319)
Thursday 11 May
1.15pm to 4pm
Accredited Safer Recruitment Training  
Thursday 11 May
9am to 4.30pm
Prevent Awareness
(SG 101)
Thursday 11 May
9.30am to 11am

EYFS Moderation Trialling
(CPD 612)

Tuesday 16 May
1pm to 4pm
Understanding Children’s Development in the EYFS – Milestones, Theories and Approaches (EY 314) Wednesday 17 May
9.15am to 12noon

Safety Intervention Training (formerly MAPA training) - part 1
CPI accredited (BSAT 201)

Thursday 18 May
8.30am to 12.30pm
Effective Support and Supervisions in the EYFS
(EY 306)
Thursday 18 May
4pm to 5.30pm
Raising Awareness of Child Protection
(SG 108)
Thursday 18 May
9.30am to 11am
The Importance of the Early Years Foundation Stage in Schools
(GO 603)
Tuesday 23 May
5.30m to 7pm
SOS+ Criminal Exploitation Training for Education Professionals
(SG 207) – see separate article
Tuesday 23 May
4pm to 5.30pm
Designated Safeguarding Leads Refresher
(SG 107)
Wednesday 24 May
9.15am to 4pm

Behaviour Support Intervention Refresher Training
Non-accredited (BSAT 302)

Thursday 25 May
8.45am to 12.30pm
Early Career Teacher Network
(CPD 720)
Thursday 25 May
4pm to 5pm
(with optional informal drop in 3.30pm to 4pm + 5pm to 5.30pm)
Governors' Responsibilities for Exclusions
(SG 104)
Thursday 25 May
5pm to 7pm

SOS+ Criminal Exploitation Training for Education Professionals

This course is being provided to schools in Telford & Wrekin free of charge, and is being led by St Giles Education Trust in partnership with the Education Safeguarding Team. There is no limit to the number of delegates who can attend from each school.

Available dates and times:

Wednesday 10 May 2023 – 10am to 11.30am
Wednesday 10 May 2023 – 4pm to 5.30pm
Tuesday 23 May 2023 – 4pm to 5.30pm

Delegates only need to attend one date. 

Each session will consist of a 60 minute presentation, followed by a 30-minute Q&A session.

Delegates will leave the sessions able to:

  • understand how county lines are set up
  • understand how young people are groomed, recruited and exploited; specifically exploring examples that involve educational settings
  • recognise key signs and indicators that children and young people are being exploited or at risk of county lines involvement by unpacking what this looks like within an educational setting
  • understand how school exclusions can increase the risk of students on the periphery
  • recognise how to mitigate risks practically when considering exclusions learning from successful examples
  • understand the perspective of an expert witness who is a survivor and/or perpetrator of a county lines operation, including how county lines operations use girls and young women
  • develop initial interventions and long-term strategies to prevent and reduce the risk of students of criminal exploitation, and gang and county lines involvement within educational settings.

Bookings can be made by sending a completed CPD booking form via email to:

The first Learn Telford Newsletter

Learn Telford is Telford and Wrekin's adult education and community learning provider - rated 'Good' by Ofsted. They deliver high quality learning opportunities for people living in the borough and their first newsletter is now available to download.

Learn Telford Newsletter - March 2023

Support for schools and colleges to recruit exam invigilators

This is an update from the Department for Education

The Exams Office, in partnership with the National Association of Examinations Officers, is supporting schools and colleges to recruit invigilators ahead of this summer’s exams series with their exams recruitment and vacancy map. You can add your invigilator vacancies to the map.

An opportunity for academy trusts to share their views on the significant change process

This is an update from the Department for Education

If you have made a significant change to your academy within the last 3 years, or are in the process of making one now, please complete this feedback form by 30 April 2023 to tell us about your experience of going through the process.

A significant change is a change to an academy which may have a ‘significant’ impact on the local school environment, through changing the number or type of school places and/or where they are offered. Examples include:

  • expansions of physical capacity (through building works, structural remodelling, or internal reconfiguration)
  • age range changes
  • amalgamations and de-amalgamations
  • faith-related changes
  • changes to special educational needs (SEN) provision.

Trusts proposing to make a significant change must follow the process set out in the making significant changes to an open academy guidance in advance of the change being made. Failure to do so could constitute a breach of your funding agreement.

Training to improve your school or college’s approach to mental health and wellbeing

This is an update from the Department for Education

Join more than 11,000 settings that have benefited from DfE accredited senior mental health lead training. The training develops your mental health lead’s knowledge and practical skills to embed an effective whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing, which supports learning, behaviour and attendance. The training covers:

  • identifying mental health and wellbeing needs and monitoring the impact of support
  • approaches to plan and lead change aligned to the work of your designated safeguarding lead/special educational needs coordinator
  • developing your universal and targeted support offer engaging students/pupils and developing positive relationships with parents, families and carers

Take five minutes to register for grant funding to attend a course commencing up to 31 March 2024. You can choose from over 100 courses (beginner, intermediate and advanced levels) tailored to the needs of your settings and use the funding for supply cover if needed.

Industrial action update

This is an update from the Department for Education

The National Education Union (NEU), NASUWT, Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) and National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) have rejected the government’s pay offer. The NEU has announced planned strike action for Thursday 27 April and Tuesday 2 May.

The handling strike action in schools guidance has just been updated.

The guidance updates include further information on prioritising pupils due to take public examinations and children of emergency workers, calculating pay for employees on strike and who is protected against dismissal when taking part in industrial action.

Bank holiday following the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III

This is an update from the Department for Education

In November, the government announced a one-off bank holiday on Monday 8 May to mark the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III.

The Education (School Day and School Year) (England) Regulations 1999 have been updated so that teacher pay is not affected, and schools are not required to make up the hours of the additional bank holiday.

Schools and further education providers are not expected to remain open and it should be treated as any normal bank holiday.

Guidance for schools on engaging with parents and sharing curriculum materials

This is an update from the Department for Education

Gillian Keegan, Secretary of State for Education, wrote to all schools on Friday 31 March 2023 to clarify responsibilities for parent engagement and what the law allows in terms of sharing curriculum materials. Read the full letter.

Joint Council for Qualifications key exam dates and essential guidance documents

This is an update from the Department for Education

Recently published Joint Council for Qualifications documents on conducting exams include:

The contingency dates in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations are:

  • Thursday 8 and 15 June 2023 (contingency afternoon sessions)
  • Wednesday 28 June (full day)

Updated guidance from Ofqual on what to do if exams and assessments are seriously disrupted

This is an update from the Department for Education

Ofqual have updated their guidance on what schools, colleges and other centres should do if exams or other assessments are seriously disrupted.

It sets out that an exam or timetabled assessment should take place if it is possible to hold it. Alternative arrangements should be discussed with awarding organisations.

Ofqual student guide 2023 published

This is an update from the Department for Education

The Ofqual student guide 2023 covers GCSEs, AS, A levels, other general qualifications, and vocational and technical qualifications.

It provides students with information about this year’s arrangements for qualifications and also explains what support is in place when taking exams and assessments.

The government’s new emergency alerts system

This is an update from the Department for Education

The government’s new emergency alerts system is live and will enable people to be contacted via their mobile phone when lives are in danger. The system will be tested nationally on Sunday 23 April 2023 at 3pm.

An emergency alert is a loud, siren-like sound with a message on
your mobile phone or tablet screen.

To check an alert is genuine, visit GOV.UK.

All education settings should take the opportunity to make themselves aware of emergency alerts, reasons why anyone may get an alert and how they work.

Please share this information with staff networks, parents and pupils as appropriate.



Every week during term time we publish a new update for the education community. It includes essential briefings and specialist information about education.

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