Notice: 18 March 2021

A round-up of news, guidance and key updates for education settings.

Included in this update

Director Update

Dear Colleagues,

The highlight this week has been hearing about children and young people’s return to school from you.  It has been amazing to see the creative learning that has taken place and children are settling really well.  Attendance data has been amazing!  Thanks for all you are doing.

We are pleased to share the good news with you that Newport Girls High School have been named as one of just eight UK Flexible Working Ambassador Schools - many congratulations! Please take a look at the article below to find out more about this exciting announcement.

Once again there are several DfE updates including information about the National Tutoring Programme and shielding.  Additional information has also been released for access to COVID test kits for private, voluntary and independent nurseries, please ensure to take a look.

Simon Wellman
Director: Education and Skills

Newport Girls’ High School named as Flexible Working Ambassador School

Newport Girls’ High School (NGHS) has been named as one of just eight UK Flexible Working Ambassador Schools (FWAS) and is supporting the Department for Education (DfE) to heighten awareness of the difficulties faced by talented staff who have to juggle family commitments with their employment in schools or who leave the profession because such requests are refused.

NGHS has a very accommodating approach to matters such as part-time requests, flexible timetabling, family absences, gradual retirement planning, compressed working weeks and remote working for support staff and will now receive a grant from the DFE to help improve policies, practice and culture around flexible working across the Midlands and well as founding a support network for Heads and Trusts to learn more about ways to timetable more effectively to best consider the impact of requests for flexible working. Most of this will be done online through webinars and training beginning in May.

These webinars will be free and further details will be circulated in due course. Schools from all sectors are welcome to be involved. NGHS also aims to host a Flexible Working Conference for school leaders across the region in 2022. The school is already a member of the SSAT and has been approached to work with them on their emerging campaign for greater flexibility in the workplace. 

If any school leaders in Telford & Wrekin are interested in sharing their positive stories around flexible working, need timetabling advice/support, have ideas to share with other schools or want to find out more about the FWAS project, please get in touch with Michael Scott, Headteacher via

Welcome Back to School

Thank you from Telford & Wrekin to all schools, parent/carers, children & young people on returning to school, take a look at the message @TelfordWrekin on Twitter.

Schools have welcomed back children and young people since Monday 8 March 2021 and there has been some amazing creative learning taking place!

HLC Primary School – Year 4 have been practicing their science enquiry skills.

Grange Park Primary – Reception have been doing some gardening, watch the video to find out how to sign ‘flower’ and ‘tree’ in Makaton.

Apley Wood Primary School:

Randlay Primary School:

Burton Borough Litter Heroes – Litter Heroes saving the planet!

We can’t always find everyone to feature them – so please keep tagging us into your posts @TelfordWrekin and sharing your stories by email:

World Down Syndrome Day on Sunday 21 March 2021

Wouldn’t Change A Thing is a resource pack for schools celebrating diversity on World Down Syndrome Day!

We wouldn’t change our children for the world…
But we are changing the world for them by creating a world where negative perceptions of Down syndrome are a thing of the past.

The resource pack includes:

  • FAQs for Teachers and Teaching Assistants
  • Leaflet for children
  • Lots of Socks Day – World Down Syndrome Day
  • Activity Ideas
  • Web links and helpful sites
  • Resources to support activities

View the resource pack: Wouldn’t Change A Thing.


Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Awareness Day - Thursday 18 March 2021

Please find available to download posters that can be displayed as part of the Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Awareness Day campaign.

NWG Awareness Day Poster – No Choice

NWG Awareness Day Poster - Naive

Additional resources are available on the website for NWG for agencies to share and publish.

If you have anything planned to commemorate CSE awareness day, please email to let them know, and they will include a round-up in next week’s newsletter.

Shielding guidance is being paused for clinically extremely vulnerable people

Information from the Department for Education (DfE)

The government has announced that shielding guidance is being paused. From Thursday 1 April 2021, clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) people are no longer advised to shield. CEV people must continue to follow the national restrictions that are in place for everyone.

From Thursday 1 April 2021, all CEV children should attend early years provision, school, college, wraparound childcare and out-of-school settings, unless they are one of the very small number of children under paediatric or other specialist care and have been advised by their GP or clinician not to attend.

CEV students who are enrolled in practical, or practice-based (including creative arts) courses should return to in-person teaching.

CEV staff are advised to continue to work from home where possible, but if they cannot work from home, they should now attend their workplace.

Where parents, carers, staff, or students are anxious about attendance, you should speak to them about their concerns and discuss the protective measures that have been put in place to reduce the risk and any additional measures that could be put in place.

There is guidance to assist school leaders in actions they should take to minimise the risk of transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19) in their setting. This includes public health advice, endorsed by Public Health England (PHE).

National Tutoring Programme: Webinar for schools

Information from the Department for Education (DfE)

Thank you to the schools who provided feedback on the National Tutoring Programme. A webinar for schools in the West Midlands is taking place on Wednesday 24 March 2021 at 4pm which will include an introduction to the programme, information on how the Tuition Partners works and details steps schools can take to get involved. 

Register for this webinar

Schools can also see a recording of the national webinar held on Tuesday 2 March 2021 and access the presentation slides.

Test kit supplies for primary schools, school-based nurseries and maintained nursery schools

Information from the Department for Education (DfE)

You will need to use the contact us form to place orders for additional test at home kits to enable twice-weekly testing of staff to continue over the Easter period.

Orders placed before 5pm on Wednesdays will arrive the following week, after this time orders will be processed and delivered the subsequent week. Therefore, we advise that you place an order no later than 5pm on Wednesday 17 March 2021 to ensure delivery in week commencing Monday 22 March 2021.

Further information on how to order additional test at home kits and details on the national testing policy can be found on the primary schools and nurseries document sharing platform.

Test kit deliveries for private, voluntary and independent nurseries

Information from the Department for Education (DfE)

Private, voluntary and independent nurseries will have started to receive an initial delivery of lateral flow device test kits from Thursday 11 March 2021, ready to commence the testing of staff from Monday 22 March 2021.

If you have not received your initial delivery or have missing or damaged items, you can now report this to us.

Before submitting a report on missing deliveries, please check the delivery schedule published on the primary schools and nurseries document sharing platform for your expected delivery date. Please check whether you have received a “sorry we missed you” card, which will allow you to re-arrange your delivery. Please check with your colleagues whether the delivery has arrived as another member of staff may have accepted the delivery on behalf of your setting.

To report any missing or damaged items, please complete the nursery rapid testing delivery supply form. You will need your nursery’s unique identification number to complete this.

Webinar on the testing programme for private, voluntary and independent nurseries

Information from the Department for Education (DfE)

Nurseries in the private, voluntary, and independent (PVI) sector can now access an introduction to rapid testing webinar which provides information on how the testing programme should be managed by settings.

Introduction to rapid testing webinar

Further guidance on asymptomatic home testing is available for you to view on the primary schools and nurseries document sharing platform.

Telford and Wrekin Student Engagement Programme

The Student Engagement Programme consists of a team of highly trained, experienced and dedicated professionals that have a passion to promote inclusion and positive behaviour.   SEP can support learners across KS2 to KS4 with a focused on targeted support for a successful and positive transition back into school. We work in partnership with the school to support students and to avoid exclusions.

The work across all our sites is based around the Six Principles of Nurture supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing, making nurture an essential component for our service.  Whilst there is a focus on Maths and English to support the return to the classroom, this is also bespoke to the needs of the individual.

**Revised KS2 Provision – sessions are held at AFC Telford and offer therapeutic support that focuses on reflection, resilience and strategies and intervention to support a positive transition back into school. We will work closely with schools and families to encourage positive working relationships. The package will also include a curriculum of English and Maths based activities which will include sport and art.

We have sites at House 1 and AFC Telford.

House 1 supports learners who are highly anxious, school phobic and school refusers. A range of interventions and support are the focus of their work along with English and Maths. This provision can only be accessed through a referral to Telford and Wrekin FAP.

House 1 Positive Engagement which supports highly disengaged pupils often with behavioural difficulties. A range of interventions and support are the focus of their work. A direct approach can be made from school for this provision.

Both House 1 provisions support students attending Secondary school.

AFC Telford consists of 2 teams, Positive Engagement who supports highly disengaged pupils often with behavioural difficulties. A range of interventions and support are the focus of their work.

Alternative Curriculum, at this site student’s work towards their full time reengagement with school. The provision focuses on strategies to support students managing in school and varied curriculum to include English and Maths as well as targeted interventions.

A direct approach from schools can be made for either provision.

For further enquiries please contact us by email: or

By phone: 01952 567542

Elective Home Education (EHE) enquiries due to COVID Anxiety - March 2021

As you know School Attendance was mandatory from 8 March 2021 and we are delighted by the very strong attendance across the borough, thank you for all your work to achieve this.

We are very aware from our calls with you that some parents are still reluctant to send their child back to school due to their own or their child’s anxiety relating to COVID and are making the decision to withdraw their child from roll to electively home educate if they feel there is no other option available. We want to avoid those parents feeling that they have no other option if at all possible.

The Local Authority are receiving high numbers of enquiries from schools who are concerned about parents requesting to withdraw their child from school roll to Electively Home Educate (EHE).  To provide some context the number of pupils who left schools to electively home educate in the Autumn Term 2020 equalled the number we would normally see across a whole academic year. We are still receiving deregistration’s from schools and enquiries about becoming EHE, for many of those parents it seems to be Covid anxiety related.

Parents have the right to remove their child from school roll under Regulation 8(1)(d) of the Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2006

The LA are aware that many schools are supporting parents through this difficult decision and the guidance states that the Headteacher should remove the child from roll when a parent requests them to do so.

Due to the unusual circumstances and disruption to a child’s attendance at school, when schools are contacting us we are trying to suggest a range of things to persuade the parent to leave the child on the schools roll. One of the reasons for this is that once the infection rates start to reduce we anticipate parents wanting school places back and that availability might not be there. Alongside that, the pupils will have lost the momentum from the learning offer the school is delivering.

We know that you will be having these conversations in your schools with parents to reassure them about their child returning to school, the missed learning and that factors will be having an impact on the number of COVID cases e.g. vaccine roll out, test & trace, as well as them understanding the reality of withdrawing their child and taking full responsibility for their education.  Initially we would like to encourage schools to try to ask parents to consider not deregistering quite yet and, in the first instance, look to the beginning of next term  when we hope the national picture will continue positively.

Where schools do not have an Education Welfare Officer to support these conversations we want to try to facilitate a representative from the LA to make contact with the parent to discuss all the possible options and to explain how difficult it might be to secure a place back at the same school.

We know that many of you are very concerned about these rising numbers of EHE enquiries and we would welcome the opportunity to be able to support you and the parent and child involved before a final decision is made.

If you are aware of a parent considering this or receive the deregistration letter please can we encourage you to try to see whether the parents will consider deferring for a few more weeks as we monitor the infection levels.

If you receive enquiries or requests to EHE from parents please email and we will contact you to discuss the circumstances further.
Or, to contact us by phone: 01952 385220


Educational Visits – Telford & Wrekin Council Service Level Agreement (SLA) 2021-2023

(Includes the Telford & Wrekin Council Policy and Guidance for Educational Visits).

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) is for all Telford & Wrekin Council maintained schools and establishments who have responsibility for the approval, planning and/or execution of any educational visit or Outdoor Learning including on site adventurous activities.  It is provided free of charge and is automatically renewed.

Telford & Wrekin Council Educational Visits Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Any Telford and Wrekin foundation or voluntary aided schools choosing not to follow the Telford & Wrekin Policy and Guidance must (as employers) have other guidelines in place for educational visits and journeys, which the Local Authority (LA) will expect to be at least as comprehensive as its own guidelines.

The SLA may be purchased and renewed either on the financial or academic year.

Service Level Agreement April 2021 – March 2022

This Service Level Agreement applies to situations where adults acting in the course of their employment have responsibility for children and young people taking part in;

  • On-site outdoor activities
  • Off-site activities and visits
  • The associated journey and travel arrangements
  • Residential visits 
  • Visits that involve travelling outside England, Scotland and Wales
  • Outdoor adventurous activities

What’s included?

  • An OEAP accredited Outdoor Education Adviser
  • Telford and Wrekin Local Authority Policy and Guidance for Educational Visits and Journeys which adopts the Outdoor Education Advisor Panel’s National Guidance.
  • The Evisits software system (induction and training provided).
  • Initial and  revalidation training  for Educational Visits Coordinators (compulsory role for all schools)
  • Termly network meetings for Educational Visits Coordinators (NB minimum attendance of 1 meeting per school year will count as revalidation instead of repeating the EVC training if preferred).
  • Email and telephone support with response time within 5 working days (term time only).
  • Monitoring of visits
  • Approval of higher risk visits including outdoor adventurous activities both on/off site, residential visits and visits overseas.
  • Educational Visits (Guidance, Training, Events and Resources) 

The annual fee for this SLA is: £0.85 per child/pupil on roll (Minimum of £225 per School/College).

For Telford & Wrekin Council Maintained Schools there is no additional charge for this service as it is Statutory Employer’s Guidance.

Continuing Professional Development programme (fees will vary)

For more information or any queries please contact:

CPD courses to Easter 2021

The majority of our courses currently continue to be delivered virtually using Microsoft Teams.  We hope to move towards a more blended approach as the restrictions around Covid 19 begin to be eased, and when it is safe to do so.

A new two tier pricing structure (below) has been introduced for the majority of Spring and Summer Term 2021 (this does not include those with a fixed price i.e. MAPA, online MAPA Refresher, online DSL Refresher and the ELearning Newly Appointed DSL training). 

For all other courses, the face to face delegate fee is that which is already advertised in the CPD Booklet.  The virtual delegate fee reflects an average saving made for each type of course by not using external venues.

New pricing structure for CPD Courses Spring and Summer Term.
  Courses delivered Face to Face Courses delivered  virtually
Twilight courses £90
(£108 for non T&W schools)
(£102 for non T&W schools)
Half day courses £100
(£120 for non T&W schools)
(£108 for non T&W schools)
Full day courses £150
(£180 for non T&W schools)
(£162 for non T&W schools)
Two day courses £300
(£360 for non T&W schools)
(£324 for non T&W schools)

Details of all our courses can be found in the CPD Booklet, which is available on the Telford Education Services website.  Unless stated otherwise, the majority of course bookings are made by sending a completed CPD booking form via email to

CPD Courses until Easter 2021
Recently Qualified Teacher Development Programme (CPD 507) Tuesday 23 March 2021 4pm to 5.30pm
Cover Supervisors - preparing for the role (PSS 010) Tuesday 23 March 2021 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Restorative Justice (PSS 003) Tuesday 23 March 2021 4pm to 5.30pm
Emotion Coaching: helping children to regulate their emotions
(part 1) (EPS 207)
Tuesday 23 March 2021 9.15am to 12.30pm
Designated Safeguarding Leads Refresher (SG 107) Wednesday 24 March 2021 10am to 11.30am
Taking the Chair - part 3 (GO 504) Wednesday 24 March 2021 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Teaching children with SEND - meeting the need (9 part course)
(LSAT 508)
Wednesday 24 March 2021 4pm to 5.30pm
Emotion Coaching: helping children to regulate their emotions
(part 2)
(EPS 207)
Wednesday 24 March 2021 9.15am to 12.30pm
Designated Teachers & Governors for Children in Care Network
(GO 503)
Thursday 25 March 2021 4pm to 5.30pm
Emotional Based School Refusal: Using applied psychological principles
(EPS 203)
Monday 29 March 2021 9.15am to 12.15pm
Creating an Engaging Curriculum  which excites, inspires and
develops the learning of EAL pupils
(CPD 716)
Wednesday 31 March 2021 3.30pm to 6pm

Courses for the Summer Term will appear in next week’s Education Noticeboard.

Advance notice of the Virtual Telford & Wrekin SACRE Conference 2021

Telford & Wrekin Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) will be holding a conference over two dates – Thursday 29 April 2021 (4pm to 6pm) and Thursday 13 May 2021 (all day – times to be notified).  The conference will launch the revised T&W RE Syllabus and include a range of key note speakers and workshops.  The event is for all Heads of RE or RE leads and senior leaders in both primary and secondary schools.  Further details will follow, but we would ask you to note the dates in your diary for the time being.

Michelle Parker, Quality Assurance Lead and LA SACRE representative

England Does The Daily Mile

On Friday 30 April 2021 between 9am – 3pm The Daily Mile will be hosting its first national event day in schools in partnership with Sports England

As we know the COVID pandemic has highlighted the importance of mental health and wellbeing in children and how it’s relation to physical activity is incredibly important. Children who are physically active are more resilient, happier and able to learn better than those with more sedentary behaviours.

We understand the different pressures faced within schools and early years settings due to COVID. The Daily Mile is an easy way to get children outside and moving without the need for a change of clothing or specialist equipment, all that is needed is a way to time 15 minutes. Most children will complete a mile in 15 minutes supporting them in reaching their recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day.

There are currently 45 early years and school settings signed up to the Daily Mile across Telford & Wrekin. If your school is thinking of joining the movement there is support available to implement the Daily Mile into your school or setting, please contact your local Health Improvement Practitioner Mandy Sznober (

For your school to take part in the event on the 30 April 2021 have a read of the School Briefing Document which has all the information to get your school ready. Also check out all of the free downloadable resources on the Daily Mile website. 

Also don’t forget to register your school on the Daily Mile participation map to highlight your school as a Daily Mile school in Telford


Every week during term time we publish a new update for the education community. It includes essential briefings and specialist information about education.

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