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Consultations - Chatterbox Evaluation

Who can get involved? Key Stage 1 and 2 children in schools across the Borough who were introduced to the ‘Chatterbox’ safeguarding tool in February 2012.
Start date June 2012
Closing date June 2012
Service delivery area Children’s Safeguarding
Reason for consultation To work with Key Stage 1 and 2 children to measure the impact of the anti-bullying tool ‘Chatterbox’ and to assess how it has contributed to keeping children and young people safe.
Overview Participatory sessions with children involved a mixture of whole group discussion and individual work, looking at the tool and asking the following questions;

• Tell me about these things... What are they and what are they used for?
• Show me in pairs how you use Chatterboxes.
• What did you do when you got yours?.....Have you still got it?
• Did you take it home and show people?....What did they say or do?
• How has the Chatterbox helped you?
• What difference has Chatterbox made?
• How will Chatterbox help to keep children safe?
How to get involved? Schools will be contacted directly and invited to take part in the evaluation.
What happens next? A report of evaluation findings will be sent to the Safeguarding Children Partnership Officer.
Results / Outcome You can find details of the feedback from the sessions at the link below.
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