Education Noticeboard - 16 May 2024

Welcome to the Education Noticeboard. A round-up of news, guidance and key updates for education settings. Included in this update:

Included in this update

Directors Update

An update from Simon Wellman

Dear Colleagues,

I hope that you are enjoying the warmer weather that has finally arrived, albeit the wet stuff has come back today!

I know the assessment session is upon us and we are nearly there at the end of SATs week.  GSCE exams are also in full swing and what an interesting experience it is from a parental perspective, given I have a year 11 son, I can tell you!  Good luck to all our children and young people who will be doing their best to demonstrate their knowledge and skills over the next few weeks across all our educational settings!

In the noticeboard this week it is great to share some celebrations with you.  Please do keep them coming!

As always there is also a roundup of training opportunities on offer and key updates.

Nearly the weekend. 

Best Wishes

Simon Wellman

Director of Education & Skills


Supermarket School Holiday Food Vouchers

The government has provided the council with further funding via the Household Support Fund for the period from 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024 which will allow the continuation of supermarket school holiday food vouchers for eligible pupils.

We will be using part of this funding to continue providing food vouchers to pupils in receipt of income-based Free School Meals, the Pupil Premium, Service Pupil Premium, Talking 2s and Early Years Pupil Premium for the following school holidays:

  • May 2024 half-term: £15 per child due to be issued around 17 May 2024.
  • Summer 2024: £10 per child per week (representing a total of £60 per child for the six weeks of the holiday).  Due to be issued around 12 July 2024.

Please note: there is always a small possibility that the value of issued vouchers per pupil or their planned distribution date could change.

As previously, we will send voucher codes out directly by email to all parents / carers we hold a working email address for.  In this regard, please ensure that you continue telling us about any changes to this information that you become aware of as soon as possible.

Our communication to parents will continue to include contact details for if they experience any problems with their voucher code, plus a link to our Frequently Asked Questions web page:  In the unlikely event that a parent contacts the school with a query regarding a voucher code they have not received, please direct them to If the query instead relates to problems downloading or spending the e-voucher(s) they have chosen, please refer them to our voucher provider Select Essentials. They can be contacted on 0800 587 2294 or by completing a form online at  

There continue to be a small number of families who will require your assistance obtaining their e-vouchers or who do not have an email address.  Their voucher codes will again be distributed to schools, and this will happen on about Tuesday 21 May for the May 2024 half-term voucher round and about Tuesday 16 July for the summer holiday round.  As before, please forward or redeem these as appropriate to the parents / carers of the specific child that each has been allocated to.  This will help us track who has received them in the event of queries. 

Thank you very much for your ongoing support with providing us your data and distributing these vouchers for eligible pupils at your school.  In September, we will be asking you as previously for a fully-updated dataset of your eligible pupils.

The current funding we have been given ends on 30 September 2024, so at this stage we don’t know if vouchers will be provided for any holidays beyond Summer 2024.  Unfortunately, based on past experience, we receive very little notice about whether the scheme will be extended and how the funding can be used. This means that when we ask for your data in September, we will remain unlikely to know if there will be any further funding awards - but will still need your information so that we can plan ahead for this eventuality.

For more details on how we are distributing the Household Support Fund, including details of our application process for those experiencing severe financial difficulties, please visit  We have also created two financial advice leaflets – one for people of working age ( and one for pensioners (  The Council has also developed Cost of Living web pages, which contain a range of help, support and advice that can be found at Please feel free to share these links.

Household Support Fund - Household Support Fund - Telford & Wrekin Council (

Childminder SENCo of the Year

Cindy was awarded Childminder SENCo of the Year at the Best Practice SEND conference in Birmingham, on the last day of the Spring term.

The Early Years team also provided two workshops at the conference and we are delivering the SENCo L3 award for the last time as part of our income generation (in partnership with Best Practice Network).

Well done Cindy

Best Practice Network – Manager’s Choice SENCo of the Year

We would like to congratulate Shannon on receiving her award at the Best Practice Network conference.

Shannon has worked hard at developing her SENCo role at Church Street Day Nursery always with lots of enthusiasm, energy and knowledge. This has a positive impact for children she supports and their families. Her latest achievement has been developing a ‘coffee morning’ for the families who have children with SEND. These sessions have been really important for sharing strategies/activities/resources/information not only from Shannon but parents sharing their experiences of what works well at home.

Well done Shannon!

Virtual School

Free Online Courses for Adoptive & SGO Parents

Please share these free courses with parents who have an Adoption Order or Special Guardianship Orders (SGO)

Alongside other local Virtual Schools, we are delighted to offer bespoke training to our parents and carers of previously looked after children – please see T4C Summer Term 2024 Online Courses for Adoptive & SGO Parents for full details. There is no cost to attend.  All sessions are virtual and delivered via TEAMs.  Please can you share with parents at your school setting that you know have an adoption order or Special Guardianship Order (SGO). It would be great to see many Telford & Wrekin parents at these sessions and your help promoting them is really appreciated. Full details about how parents can book on are in the document.

Download T4C Summer Term 2024 Online Courses for Adoptive & SGO Parents

For further information visit the website

Early Years

Extended Entitlement and Wraparound Expressions of Interest for Programme or Capital Funding

The Department for Education (DfE) has announced new capital funding to support early years and wraparound care providers to increase their physical space and offer more places.

We are seeking expressions of interest from schools and childcare providers who may have projects which they feel would meet the criteria and for which they would like to apply for funding through the grant scheme.

The funding is to support the roll out of the extended early entitlement offer for one- and two-year-olds, and to boost wraparound provision for primary school age children. Telford & Wrekin Council have been allocated a sum of £342,000.

This article is to seek expressions of interest from schools and childcare providers who may have projects which they feel would meet the criteria and for which they would like to apply for funding through the grant scheme.

An Expression of Interest form is linked below in the QR code/link.  Attached also is a copy of the briefing which was held on the 9 April 2024.

We expect high levels of interest in this funding and, whilst obviously keen to get the funding committed and spent as quickly as possible, we also want to manage expectations. We know there are many places across the borough where new provision is needed to meet the new entitlements and we are seeking to support several projects in a range of geographic areas.

The deadline for expressions of interest is midday on Friday 17 May 2024.

Download the funding guide

Please contact either Lisa Seymour, Stacy Picken or Louise Dutton if you would like to discuss your plans. Expressions of Interest will be acknowledged but will not be discussed any further with applicants until after the closing date.

Wraparound Funding - Expression of Interest (

Extended Entitlement - Expression of Interest (

Please also note the inbox is now live. 

Can we also please ask that funding emails be directed to the inbox to ensure you receive replies in a timely manner.


Setting an effective Attendance Policy

This article covers the expectations of the Government’s updated ‘Working Together to Improve Attendance’ guidance and detail what schools must include in their attendance policy.

Setting an effective attendance policy

The new ‘Working Together to Improve Attendance’ guidance becomes statutory on the 19th August 2024 and includes the expectation for schools to have a clear school attendance policy which the whole school community understands. An effective attendance policy covers how schools promote a whole school culture of high attendance by detailing the school’s expectations, procedures and responsibilities.   This is to assist you in reviewing your policy.

Working Together to Improve School Attendance (from 19 August 2024)

Summary table of responsibilities for school attendance

Download the attendance Policy

Guidance for setting a attendance policy


Level 5 Certificate in Primary School Physical Education Specialism 2024-25

Expressions of interest needed by 24 May 2024 for this primary school physical education qualification for primary school staff

What is the Level 5 qualification?

A bespoke primary school physical education qualification for primary ‘school staff’ (PE Coordinators, teachers and/ or teaching assistants with a sporting bias) developed by the Association for Physical Education (AfPE) and Sports Leaders UK.

Please note: Due to the pitch of the course (Level 5; equivalent to foundation degree) and the nature of the content, this course is predominantly targeting current practitioners, preferably with QTS status.


Much has been stated about the importance of the current physical education and school sport premium funding and the ability of schools to not only evidence actions but also show sustainable impact. This qualification is an ideal vehicle for demonstrating an investment in the improvement of teaching in physical education as well as upskilling current staff.


The qualification enables delegates to understand the requirements of the primary school physical education curriculum. They will acquire the knowledge and skills that underpin 'good or better' teaching and learning within primary school physical education. Candidates will also review and evaluate the PE, physical activity and sport programme at their host school, identifying potential ways to improve policy and practice.

Tutors/ Assessors

The tutor, Chris Jew, is an experienced physical education specialist, known and regarded across the county. His background is in the leading of Physical Education, being the leader of a School Sport Partnership and a current School Games Organiser for East Shropshire. This will be his ninth year of delivery of this course.  To date over 55 delegates have successfully completed the course


The average learning time for this qualification is 141 hours. This is broken down as follows:

  • 6 days attendance at a Shropshire based delivery centre. (42 Guided Learning Hours). This is provisionally equally mapped across the three terms during the academic year 2023/24. The initial session is planned for October.
  • In-school development work (99 nominal hours). This will involve a series of assessment tasks to be completed by the delegate via a portfolio of evidence. There will be at least one external assessment of teaching a ‘good or better’ physical education lesson.


  • School: The release of staff for 6 days throughout the academic year. The ability for SLT to support and mentor, where appropriate, allowing opportunities/ time for the delegate to apply skills and knowledge within the school day.
  • Delegate: An understanding of the need to meet the nominal required guided learning hours, to complete all assessment tasks and to be proactive in further developing knowledge and skills at their home school.


The total delegate cost, including course fees to Sports Leaders UK (£200), is £1300 per delegate. This covers the delivery days, internal verification and the external assessment and remote support via the course tutors/ leaders.


All delegates will be internally verified by Trusted Sports’ Alliance staff and externally verified via the awarding body and on successful completion of this qualification delegates will be able to assist and develop the raising of standards within primary school physical education teaching.

Awareness Raising

At this initial stage my aim is to continue raising awareness and to gauge potential interest from local primary schools in Telford & Wrekin as we look to recruit for the seventh year of delivery. Feedback from current delegates is that the course is both demanding and challenging yet on completion allows for a step change in the delivery of high quality PE.

Application Timeline

By 24 May 2024: An expression of interest is currently being sought. To register or confirm interest please email Chris Jew, by return, stating candidate’s name and home school.

September 2024: Candidates will then be asked to enrol on the course before the end of the first half-term in autumn so all is ready for the initial October delivery date.


The Charity National Numeracy is inviting applications from Primary Schools

Applications from interested schools are requested by Friday 31 May 2024.

The new National Numeracy programme provides primary schools with CPD training, resources and activities to support them in improving children’s numeracy, and aims to:

  • encourage positive feelings about maths and awareness of the value of maths outside the classroom
  • increase pupils’ confidence with numbers
  • increase parents’, carers’ and school staff’s confidence in supporting children with maths
  • provide schools with lasting approaches and strategies that will continue beyond the end of the programme

Interested schools can find more information and the application form here.

There are places for 40 primary schools nationally, with priority given to schools with a higher percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals.  The deadline for applications is Friday 31 May 2024.

Interested schools are asked to complete this application form to apply to take part in the programme. National Numeracy will then select schools in June 2024 to commence the programme in September


Developing a Culture of positive behaviour

An opportunity for schools in Telford & Wrekin to book a place at Shropshire’s Developing Positive Behaviour Conference with keynote speaker Sam Strickland

This conference for headteachers, senior and middle leaders and classroom teachers will explore the strategies and ethos of good behaviour and how it is embedded across the school.

Keynote speaker Sam Strickland will explore how he has achieved this in his all through school.

The conference will also include inputs from two Shropshire schools who achieved outstanding for behaviour and attitudes in their most recent Ofsted inspections.

For further details please refer to the attached poster.

To book your place please click on the link


Primary Science Conference for Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire Schools 

An opportunity to book your place on the Annual Primary Science Conference being run by STEM Learning in partnership with the Severn Training & Schools Alliance and Telford & Wrekin Council.

This annual conference is for primary science practitioners and primary school teachers and is taking place at The Holiday Inn Hotel, Telford on Friday 28 June 2024.

The keynote speaker is Professor Lynne Bianchi, Director of SEERIH at the University of Manchester.

Lynne specialises in science and engineering education, with a particular specialism in the primary phase and student-led learning.

Lynne became Director of the SEERIH in 2014. She has a well-established profile in the areas of teaching, learning and assessment of school science and engineering, and cascades learning by working with in-service teachers.

Delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • discuss current good practice in primary science
  • recognise their own good practice, and identify areas for development
  • reflect on ways to translate ideas to their school context, and plan for action

For further details and information on how to book, please refer to the STEM Learning website and the attached flyer.

Telford & Wrekin Primary Science Conference | STEM


CPD courses to the end of June 2024

Further details of these and all other courses are available in the 2023-24 CPD booklet on the Telford Education Services website and on the Ollie website.  Summer Term courses will appear on next week’s noticeboard.

The CPD Booklet for the remainder of the 2023-24 academic year can be viewed via Telford Education Services.

As always, courses can be booked by completing and returning a CPD booking form to (unless denoted differently)

The Importance of the Early Years Foundation Stage in Schools (GO 603)

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

5.30pm to 7pm

Meeting the Needs of Pupils at Early Stages of English as an Additional Language (CPD 729)

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

1.15pm to 3.30pm

EAL and SEND? (CPD 601)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

1.15pm to 4pm

Safeguarding Induction Training for Governors - part 1 (SG 103)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

5.30pm to 7.30pm

Behaviour Support Intervention Refresher Training - Non-accredited (BSAT 302)

Thursday, May 23, 2024

8.45am to 12.30pm

School Attendance Surgery (AST 005)

Friday, May 24, 2024

10am to 12noon

Narrowing the Gaps for More Advance Learners of English as an Additional Language (CPD 730)

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

1.15pm to 3.30pm

Taking the Chair - part 4 (GO 504)

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

4.30pm to 6.30pm

Meeting the EYFS Profile Requirements for EAL Learners in EYFS (CPD 715)

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

1.15pm to 3.30pm

Raising Awareness of Prevent (SG 101)

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

1pm to 2.30pm

Designated Safeguarding Leads' and Safeguarding Governors' Termly Update

(SG 106)

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

4pm to 5.30pm

Schemas in the EYFS (EY 340)

Thursday, June 06, 2024

9.15am to 12noon

Raising Awareness of Child Protection (SG 108)

Thursday, June 06, 2024

9.30am to 11am

Virtual School Conference for Designated Teachers and Nominated Governors for Children in Care (CPD 620)

Friday, June 07, 2024

All day - TBC

The Role of the Key Person in the Early Years Foundation Stage  (EY 106)

Monday, June 10, 2024

1.15pm to 4pm

Absence Management of Employees (HR course)

Monday, June 10, 2024

2.30pm to 5pm

Primary Computing Update (CPD 512)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

4pm to 5.30pm

The Role of the Early Years Practitioner in Supporting and Enhancing Play (EY 008)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

1.15pm to 4pm

Cover Supervisors - preparing for the role

(PSS 010)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

3.30pm to 5pm

AET Making Sense of Autism – an introduction to Autism for Governors (LSAT 514)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

6pm to 7.30pm

Soundpots Early Years Music Network Meeting

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

4pm to 5pm

St Giles' Trust SOS+ Training (SG 207)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

4pm to 5.30pm

Early Years Coordinators – Termly Update

(EY 007)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

4pm to 5.30pm

SENCo Network Meeting

Thursday, June 13, 2024

4pm to 5.30pm

Webinar: Curriculum Design in Music

Thursday, June 13, 2024

4pm to 5pm

Understanding Nurture (PSS 101)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

9.15am to 12noon

Safeguarding Induction Training for Governors - part 2 (SG 103)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

5.30pm to 7.30pm

Safer Recruitment Administration (HR course)

Monday, June 17, 2024

3pm to 5pm

Youth Mental Health First Aid - Part 1 (PSS 001)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

9.15am to 4pm

Bright Ideas and Inspiration - for your breakfast, holiday and out of school provision (EY 303)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

9.15am to 12noon

Youth Mental Health First Aid - Part 2 (PSS 001)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

9.15am to 4pm

Governors' Responsibilities for Exclusions (SG 104)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

5pm to 7pm

Safety Intervention Training (formerly MAPA training) - Part 1 - CPI accredited (BSAT 201)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

8.30am to 4pm

Exploring & Creating Resources to Enhance Vocabulary during Story and Song Time in the EYFS (EY 342)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

 1.15pm to 3.30pm

Induction Training for New Governors (GO 502)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

9.30am to 3.30pm

Literacy Pathway

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Full day

CSE Termly Briefing for EY, KS1 & KS2

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

10am to 11.30am

Safety Intervention Training (formerly MAPA training) - Part 2 - CPI accredited (BSAT 201)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

2pm to 4.30pm

Designated Safeguarding Leads Refresher

(SG 107)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

9.15am to 4pm

School Attendance Surgery (AST 005)

Friday, June 28, 2024

10am to 12noon


Computing Training Day for Primary Schools

Local Computing Training Day at Hadley Park Hotel hosted by AmazingICT. The day will offer training sessions on supporting SEND learners with assistive technology; supporting foundation skills in EYFS; a forward-looking curriculum: teaching children how AI works; cross-curricular teaching: using TinkerCAD to teach D+T/Science and evidencing the curriculum using Seesaw.

Paul from AmazingICT has teamed up with Computing guru James Fraser from London-based EatSleepICTRepeat to offer a full computing training day at Hadley Park Hotel, Telford on June 6th, starting at 9am.

The day will consist of short practical sessions consisting of ideas and resources to take back to school and implement into the computing curriculum and beyond:

  1. Assistive technologies for SEND: Chris and Amanda from special schools will give us an insight into technologies we may not be aware of to allow SEND pupils to access the curriculum.
  2. Seesaw Training: A quick, practical session to show the ease of evidencing the curriculum for assessment. Bring along your class list and get started ready to take it back to the classroom.
  3. Cross-curricular computing with Science & D+T:  A practical session to show the use of TinkerCAD in cross-curricular teaching - no more searching the cupboards for materials!
  4. AI in the classroom: Do chn fully understand how AI works? In this practical session, we will use Scratch and the Micro:bits to help support children's understanding. No more, "Alexa talks to me!" Leave the day with AI policy templates to take back to school!
  5. EYFS: Ideas to take back and implement straight away to show good use of building foundational skills

To book your place at the Early Bird Price of just £49, please click on the booking link located on the information poster or contact Paul at the available email address.

For further information download the flyer

Outdoor Education

Outdoor learning and Forest School leaders

Sharing Good Practice Fun and Support Sessions

13th June, 3.30-5.00pm

Join likeminded people to explore new ideas, share good practice, renew skills and eat cake! Networking is an essential form of support in a world that can be isolating. It is a safe place to explore good ideas and ask for help for tricky situations.

Hoping to create an event which can take place termly to help support and develop everyone’s practice.

This session will be taking place at the Wrekin Forest School site.

Please book space through;

£5 to cover Tea and Cake


Key dates

Walk to School Week - 20th - 24th May 2024

Walk to School Week 20th - 24th May 2024

Did you know May is National Walking Month? What better way to celebrate than by encouraging pupils to take part in Living Streets Walk to School Week!

This five-day walking challenge is a great way to raise awareness of the importance of active travel and promote behaviour change. We recognise some pupils have to drive to school, and they can still take part by parking a bit further away from school and walking/wheeling the rest of the way.

This year’s challenge is all about the magic of walking and is set to grab pupils imagination by meeting magical beings on each day of the challenge.

Day one – The Magic of Nature: children will learn about the importance of sustainability and the positive impact walking to school can have on the environment.

Day two – The Magic of Movement: teaches the children about the magical impact exercise can have on our health and bodies.

Day three – The Magic of Happiness: pupils learn how walking and wheeling is a great way to boost moral and arrive at school ready to learn and feeling happy.

Day four – The Magic of Friendship: providing an opportunity to spend time with family and friends, walking to school is also a great way to make new friends and have a chat along the way!

Day Five – The Magic of Community: walking or wheeling to school gives pupils a unique view into their community, the role they play in it and the opportunity to get to know their surroundings.

If you would like to take part in the challenge please email me to register your schools interest: and I can provide you with more information and various resources.

A link to Living Streets website is here: Walk to School Week (

Discover the magic of walking with Walk to School Week 2024. Join the fun with this year’s magical theme!


Every week during term time we publish a new update for the education community. It includes essential briefings and specialist information about education.

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