Education Noticeboard - 23 May 2024

Welcome to the Education Noticeboard. A round-up of news, guidance and key updates for education settings.

Included in this update:

Director Update

An Update from Simon Wellman

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to this week’s Education Noticeboard.  For those who will be on leave at half term I hope you get some well-deserved rest! 

A busy noticeboard this week, which is packed with ideas for families over the break to keep children active and busy.  Please do share these events using your normal channels.

As always there is a roundup of key messages, training opportunities on offer and DfE updates.  For schools please check out the New National Framework for Penalty Notices and provide a response to the consultation regarding our proposed local Code of Conduct.

Best Wishes

Simon Wellman

Director of Education & Skills


The Telford Skills Show 2024 was outstanding!

 The Telford Skills Show gave people of all ages an insight into apprenticeship, employment, and training opportunities

2024 saw the return of the very successful Skills Show at The International Centre, Telford on Thursday 14th March. The event is the largest in the region and was put on to help promote apprenticeships, jobs and training opportunities to people across Telford & Wrekin and surrounding areas of Shropshire and the West Midlands. For 2024, the Show had a rebrand with some more modern graphics and a new title of The Telford Skills Show. This was based on feedback from the previous year where we were told the title was too long yet we needed to ensure it represented the full range of what was on offer. 

The event was open from 12 midday to 7:00pm for schools and the general public and featured a wide range of training providers and businesses showcasing career opportunities. We opened at 11.30am for our young people with special educational needs, who prefer a quieter time and this was the busiest we have seen for this group. The event was free to anyone of any age who was interested in receiving career advice from a host of businesses, local colleges and universities. 

Telford & Wrekin Council worked with main event sponsors, which were The Careers & Enterprise Company, Integrated Care System (NHS Shropshire Telford and Wrekin), Telford College and Harper Adams University, to host the show.

The event was a huge success, with over 1200 students and 124 supporting staff/teachers attending, and 1950 people pre-registered to attend.

Read more about it on

Early Years

Talking Time: free evidenced-based professional development to support nursery children’s oral language .

Early Years settings in Telford and Wrekin are being offered an opportunity to take part in Talking Time as part of an Education-Endowment Foundation-funded research study. 

Talking Time is a universal oral language programme for children aged 3-5 years, which includes evidence-based professional development for nursery staff. It supports Early Years practitioners to deliver engaging, structured small-group activities to children, and enhance their oral language through high-quality interactions and conversations. Talking Time is designed to be used flexibly and adapted to suit individual children and settings.  Settings will receive training and mentoring to support implementation, and develop their early years team’s expertise in supporting early language. 

Talking Time was developed by leading academics at the University of Oxford and UCL Institute of Education, working closely with speech and language therapists and early education professionals. It has been shown to enhance children’s oral language and staff practice in other research studies.   

Visit the Talking Time website to find out more about the programme and how to get involved: Talking Time – Department of Education 

Or join a webinar to find out more.  Click to register for the date which suits you or send us an email at

22 May 3:30-4:15
29 May 10-10:45
5 June 3:30-4:15

Future webinar dates will be posted on the website. 

Brilliant Babies Training (Thrive Together Stronger Practice Hub West Midlands)

As a hub, we want to motivate and inspire baby room practitioners to engage in training and transform their practice.

For all providers - those working with 0-2s
Free training and resources provided
12th October 9-12pm at Mercure Hotel, Telford, TF3 4NA

By attending the training, practitioners will be able to use a range of evidenced based approaches and key practices to:

•    increase intentional interactions to support babies' physical, cognitive, communication and emotional development.
•    identify those babies who need practitioner interaction and teaching the most; in order to close the gap rather than widen it.
•    understand baby brain building and the impact of nurture on nature “brains are built not born”.
•    understand the importance of secure attachments to enable babies to learn and thrive.
•    create a Brain Building baby environment that nurtures joyful play for babies.
•    Use a range of practical building blocks for babble and beyond.

The training will:

Celebrate the professionalism of baby room practitioners in their ‘expert’ role within their setting.
Help meet the Ofsted requirement for practitioners working with babies to have received training specific to the age group.

To express your interest in this free fully-funded training, please go to: Brilliant Babies Expression of Interest Form (

Chec Mates Pre-school celebrates Outstanding Ofsted report

Staff and parents at Madeley’s Chec Mates Pre-school were celebrating last week after receiving an Outstanding report from their recent Ofsted inspection.

Nursery Manager Mandy Beer said: “I am so proud of our staff, we do our best for every child in our care at all times and this has resulted in a glowing report which puts us up there with the top nurseries in the country.”
The report highlights how the children thoroughly enjoy spending time with the staff, who are excellent role models for the children and have an in-depth knowledge of the children in their care.

Parents were also pleased to see the team’s hard work recognised, with one parent stating: “I feel that my child is well supported in all areas, and we can ask any questions and know that we will be helped”.

CHEC Mates Pre-school and Nursery was established in 1999, with the Pre-school moving to its own site in 2014. Many children move up from its sister setting,

Chec Mates Nursery (babies and toddlers), also on Madeley High Street.

Contact for more information: Mandy Beer, Toni Hunt Childcare Support on Site and Chec Mates

Address:  Baby and toddler nursery—31/32 High Street, Madeley, Telford TF7 5AR
                 Pre-school—Aenon Batish Church High Street, Madeley, Telford TF7 5AH

Number Sense Local Offer 2024 Online Programme

For all providers - those working with 0-2s, Free training and resources provided

Our Number Sense Programme will help young learners to acquire the skills to develop a deep understanding of number. 

Through play-based counting activities, subitising and recognising patterns and relationships, children will develop a strong foundation in number that will support them to become stronger, more confident mathematicians. The programme has been designed by drawing on high-quality evidence and the expertise of the team at Ryders Hayes Stronger Practice Hub in partnership with Roy Broadfield at Impact in Learning.

Must attend all three core training sessions

Online Core Training Sessions:
Session 1: Thursday 9th May 4-5.30pm
Session 2: Thursday 13th June 4-5.30pm
Session 3: Thursday 4th July 4-5.30pm

Online Implementation Support Drop in-sessions:
Session 1: Thursday 16th May 2.30-3.30pm
Session 2: Thursday 20th June 
Session 3: Thursday 11th July 2.30-3.30pm

To sign up to attend this programme, please click the link here


Dfe Updates

The New National Framework for Penalty Notices and the next stage of the DfE Attendance Drive.

The DfE have introduced a National Framework for issuing Penalty Notices and this will mean significant changes locally.
In line with the implementation of these changes, the LA are therefore consulting on the local Code of Conduct with headteachers and governing bodies and the police.
We invite headteachers to respond – please see below.

These reforms are the next phase in the government’s plan to improve attendance following the pandemic which has seen a worldwide rise in absence and persistent absence driven by broken habits of attendance, and new and exacerbated barriers like mental ill health.

Penalty Notice fines for unauthorised absences will be brought under a National Framework to help tackle inconsistencies in their use. A PN fine to parents must be considered if a child misses 10 sessions of unauthorised absence from school in a 10-week rolling period.

Alongside this, PN fines will go up to £160 (reduced to £80 if paid within 21 days for the first PN issued) and £160 if paid within 28 days.  

Any second Penalty Notice issued within 3 years to the same parent for the same child will be at a flat rate of £160.

If absences continue within a three-year period of the first Penalty Notice being issued, alternative enforcement will be imposed.

Penalty Notices may be issued if the criteria is met of 10 unauthorised sessions of absence within a 10 week period as set out in the National Framework.

The national framework introduces a ‘Notice to Improve’ that can be issued before a Penalty Notice, where appropriate if support can change behaviour of unauthorised absence.

In practice, it is likely to be the Local Authority who issues a Penalty Notice after a referral from a school. However, schools and the police retain the power to do so as set out in primary legislation.

Currently, the LA issues all PNs, as do most LAs nationally.  However, within this consultation there is an opportunity for Headteachers to begin to issue PNs. It should be noted that if the outcome of this consultation is that headteachers or the police wish to accept responsibility for the management, liaison, verification and tracking of this task, all headteachers will need to accept the responsibility that is currently held by the LA.

Schools will also need to manage any subsequent legal case for unpaid PNs they have issued and be mindful that all revenue generated will still be paid directly to the LA.

Telford & Wrekin current Code of Conduct includes:

  • Unauthorised Penalty Notices
  • Holiday Penalty Notices
  • Exclusion Penalty Notices

The changes in the National Framework will incorporate all unauthorised absence (including leave in term time). These new Penalty Notices will become a standardised statutory framework.  

Locally, we propose that we continue with our current arrangement for Exclusion Penalty Notices as this has not changed in the new framework, as this is not related to unauthorised absence. Therefore, we do not need to consult on this area.

The payment of Penalty Notices must be paid to the Local Authority, regardless of who issues the PN.

Therefore, on behalf of the LA, the Attendance Support Team are now consulting with headteachers and governing bodies and the police to amend the local Code of Conduct and agree the responsibility of the administration for Penalty Notices.

The proposed Penalty Notice Code of Conduct is attached, and we now invite headteachers and governing bodies to respond to the two questions below.

1). As a Headteacher/and or School Governor, do you accept the arrangement that the Attendance Support Team are delegated on behalf of the LA to continue to manage the administration, tracking and issue of Penalty Notices relating to school attendance?

2). As a Headteacher/and or School Governor do you support the proposal that the Attendance Support Team introduce and manage the administration of the new ‘Notice to Improve’ on behalf of the LA, whereby schools can refer any cases that meet the threshold and criteria for a Notice to Improve to be issued.

Please see the National Framework attached. Any revenue generated by the payment of Penalty Notices is collected by the LA and is ring fenced but this has widened under the new framework.

Please email your views to by 5pm on Friday 7th June 2024

AST will circulate all relevant information to schools in a timely manner so that parents can be informed about the changes from the beginning of the new school year – September 2024.

The DfE will also be holding training webinars relating to all the changes.

Working together to improve school attendance

New regulations for schools in next stage of attendance drive

Major national drive to improve school attendance

Download info for National Framework for Penalty Notices

Download penalty notices


Setting an effective attendance policy

The new ‘Working Together to Improve Attendance’ guidance becomes statutory on the 19th August 2024 and includes the expectation for schools to have a clear school attendance policy which the whole school community understands. An effective attendance policy covers how schools promote a whole school culture of high attendance by detailing the school’s expectations, procedures and responsibilities.  

This is to assist you in reviewing your policy.

Working Together to Improve School Attendance (from 19 August 2024)

Summary table of responsibilities for school attendance

For further information please contact Joanne Antenbring - Attendance Advisor

For further information please contact Karen Parkinson – Attendance Advisor

Download AST briefing 

Download The Attendance Policy


Autumn Term Leadership Networking Event for Headteachers and CEO's in Telford & Wrekin

Telford & Wrekin Education Strategic Partnership Board, a collaboration between education leaders in Telford and Wrekin and the Local Authority, is holding an Autumn Term Leadership Briefing and Networking Event, Wednesday 23 October 2024 from 9am to 1pm, including lunch.  

The event is for Headteachers and CEOs of all schools across Telford & Wrekin and follows on from the success of the Annual Leadership Conference held on 12 October 2023.  

During the morning there will be a full data presentation on the performance of our schools across the Borough - to look at trends over time, including achievement, SEND, CiC, Fairshare and suspensions – and will help to focus a strategic discussion on a range of issues challenging our schools. 

Additionally, there will be an inspiring session with a key note speaker, as well as the opportunity for you to meet with your clusters to discuss your priorities for the 2024-25 academic year and network with other delegates in attendance. 

The delegate fee for this event remains unchanged from 2023 at £60 per person, with a discounted offer of £100 for two delegates from the same school, with lunch included!  

Details of the central Telford venue will be sent with the joining instructions 10 days prior to the event.  Please note that we have priced this event to simply cover costs. 

The Board is delighted to welcome all Headteachers and CEOs to this event.  There is also space for Deputy Heads to attend too, but we ask that they only attend alongside their Headteacher, and not as a replacement.  

To secure your place/s please send a completed CPD booking form to as soon as possible.


CPD opportunities for Headteachers and PE leads

Don’t miss the chance to book your place on the inaugural Whole School Physical Activity conference, or our latest Teacher of School Swimming course.

The inaugural ‘International Whole-School Physical Activity Conference’ will take place in Bradford this June (17-19).
Co-organised by the University of Bradford, Wolfson Centre for Applied Health Research & Yorkshire Sport Foundation, the conference is aimed at school leaders, teachers, education partners, policymakers and researchers,
and offers the opportunity to learn from leading school-based physical activity approaches from around the world.

Attendees can purchase tickets a two-day ticket (Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 June) at a rate of £250. For more information and to buy tickets, go to

For staff who deliver school swimming lessons, the Swim England Teacher of School Swimming course covers:
•    Planning and evaluating a school swimming programme
•    Creating, delivering and evaluating lessons plans in line with the National Curriculum
•    Understanding the technical aspects of the different strokes

Our latest course takes place at Much Wenlock Leisure Centre on Wednesday 1st May. Costing £99 per person, it is a blended course – 6 hours of online learning followed by one day of face to face poolside teaching. Book your place here.

For more resources and opportunities to help your pupils stay active, read more here:

Primary Half Term Highlights

Secondary Half Term Highlights

The Charity National Numeracy is inviting applications from primary schools across the country to take part in a new, fully funded Schools & Families Programme in 2024-2025.

Applications from interested schools are requested by Friday 31 May 2024

The new National Numeracy programme provides primary schools with CPD training, resources and activities to support them in improving children’s numeracy, and aims to:

•    encourage positive feelings about maths and awareness of the value of maths outside the classroom
•    increase pupils’ confidence with numbers
•    increase parents’, carers’ and school staff’s confidence in supporting children with maths
•    provide schools with lasting approaches and strategies that will continue beyond the end of the programme

Interested schools can find more information and the application form here.

There are places for 40 primary schools nationally, with priority given to schools with a higher percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals.  The deadline for applications is Friday 31 May 2024. 

Interested schools are asked to complete this application form to apply to take part in the programme. National Numeracy will then select schools in June 2024 to commence the programme in September.

Male Masculinity - Training dates for Safer Streets 5

This course is linked to violence against women and girls (VAWG) and takes participants on a journey of sexual violence/abuse. It also enables them to learn strategies to help tackle the issue.

A fully funded train-the-trainer courses for Male Masculinity - Safer Streets 5. This course is linked to violence against women and girls (VAWG) and takes participants on a journey of sexual violence/abuse. It also enables them to learn strategies to help tackle the issue.

Once you have completed the course, you can help cascade this training into your communities/organisations. 

The training will:
•    Take a community approach.
•    Reduce / Prevent VAWG
•    Increase awareness of myths and stereotypes that perpetuate VAWG
•    Enable delegates to recognise incidents 
•    Provide the skills to intervene safely and effectively. 
•    Empower delegates to become Active Bystanders
Assist communities to actively reduce violence and abuse

Download info

Local National Professional Qualifications from October 2024

Professional Qualifications for all stages of a Teacher's career and specialism/responsibility

Headteachers Update on NPQ Launches in October 2024.

The Department for Education has confirmed that funding for the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) is now restricted for the programmes starting in October 2024 

Funding is available for four programmes:  NPQLPM (Leading Primary Maths), NPQSENCO (for SENCOs), NPQH (Headship) and the EHCO (Early Headship Coaching Offer). 

In addition all programmes will be fully funded if your school sits in the top 50% of FSM (91 schools in Shropshire and Telford have been identified). 

Funding for the NPQs is extremely limited with a capped number of places available from the DfE.  There is no guarantee of funding post-October 2024 starts. Funded places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

The DfE application portal will open in July but applications for programmes are now available here.

Please urgently consider early applications to secure funding.  

STEP and the Alliance of Leading Learning will be delivering the full suite of 10 NPQs in October 2024 within Shropshire and Telford.  

In the last 3 years STEP we have supported 597 school leaders to complete NPQs with clear evidence of impact. 

To find out more please go to either the Alliance of Leading Learning website or the STEP website.

STEP Early Career Framework and Appropriate Body News

Autumn term 2024-25 starters registration information 

With the Summer term now in full swing, we have no doubt many of you will be busy recruiting new ECTs and assigning their Mentors / Induction Tutors for the new academic year starting in September 2024.  We have been advised that the DfE portal will be opening for registration of this cohort on Monday 24th June 2024.  

After this date, please follow the below process to successfully register

Registration for ECTs starting induction in Autumn 2024-25: 
Step 1 – register ECTs and their Mentors via DfE portal at: DfE Online Service - (Best Practice Network then collect additional details directly from the ECTs and ECMs to enable allocation to their local training group).

Please select ‘Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership (The Priory School)’ as the Appropriate Body and Delivery Partner.  Best Practice Network would be the Lead Provider if you are going with them. 

Step 2 – register your ECT’s induction with STEP on ECT Manager portal:

  • if you are already registred on ECT Manager please sign in and go to:

Registration for ECTs starting induction in Autumn 2024-25:

Step 1 – register ECTs and their Mentors via DfE portal at: DfE Online Service

- (Best Practice Network then collect additional details directly from the ECTs and ECMs to enable allocation to their local training group).  Please select ‘Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership (The Priory School)’ as the Appropriate Body and Delivery Partner  Best Practice Network would be the Lead Provider if you are going with them. 

Step 2 – register your ECT’s induction with STEP on ECT Manager portal:

  • if you are already registered on ECT Manager please sign in and go to:

REGISTER ECT - add a new ECT, or transfer an existing one to your school. 

However, if you have never registered with STEP on ECT Manager, please follow the below instructions:

To register with Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership, STEP, please click on the following link:  The Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership (STEP) – ECT Paperless Induction and Assessment Management System (

Before registering, please view the following short video for a details step by step guide for how to register your school:  How to Register Your School (

Please note, once you have registered your school, this will first of all need to be approved by the STEP team before you can start adding your ECTs.  We will aim to do this within 48 hours.  Once approved, you can then start adding your ECTs.  Please refer to the following video to do this: Register an ECT ( 

Step 3 – if this is your first ECT and you are using Best practice Network as your Lead Provider, please register with them via: Best Practice Network - School Registration Form (

Full details of the registration process can also be found on our website at Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership - ECF/AB (

Appropriate Body drop-ins

For those schools who are already using STEP as their Appropriate Body, we are happy to be running more online drop-in sessions for ECTs, Mentors and Induction Tutors in the Summer term. 

These will take place on the following dates:

ECT drop-in: Tuesday 14th May 3.30 – 4.30pm

ECM & Induction Tutor drop-in: Wednesday 15th May 3.30 – 4.30pm

Although these sessions are not compulsory, it is an excellent opportunity to meet with Lesley Holmes (STEP Strategic Lead) informally and discuss any issues or ask any important questions you may have which have not yet been answered. 

Links have now been sent out but if you have not received one and would like to join one of the above, please contact the STEP team on:

We will also be running a ‘How-to-register-your-ECTs’ webinar for Heads / Induction Tutors on Tuesday 4th June at 3.30-4.30pm.  Links will be sent out to existing schools on our AB database in due course. 

If you are a new school planning to use STEP as your Appropriate Body from September, please contact us ASAP to request the link to this MS Teams webinar at

Wraparound Childcare Briefings

An opportunity to book your place to attend a free of charge briefing on Tuesday 18 June 2024.

You may be aware that the DFE announced and launched a wraparound childcare programme initiative in September 2023 as part of the national childcare reforms. 

The wraparound childcare programme is looking to create new wraparound childcare places and expand the wraparound childcare hours from September 2024 for any school aged child that needs care between the hours of 8am – 6pm. 

The aim of the programme by September 2026 is to ensure sufficient wraparound childcare provision is in place for any parent with a school aged child who needs to access it between the hours of 8am- 6pm throughout the UK. 

Telford & Wrekin Council Early Years and Childcare Team are supporting this initiative within the borough and we need your help in supporting the programme moving forward. 

We would like to invite all Schools - Headteachers, Governors, School Business Managers and Administrators, HHAH scheme providers, Breakfast and Out of School Club Leaders to join us on Tuesday 18 June 2024 for one of the Wraparound Childcare Programme briefing sessions. 

Three briefing sessions are being held on this date: 10am to 11.30am, 1pm to 2.30pm and 4pm to 5.30pm.  

We will share with you how we are going to support this initiative within the borough, what funding and grants are available, and how your school community could be a part of this. We also recognise that not every school offers wraparound childcare, so we are also asking if you are interested in creating new provision to meet the wraparound childcare needs of families within your school and community.  

Please come and join us to find out more about how we can support you with these developments – and help us in shaping and developing the wraparound childcare market here in Telford & Wrekin, enabling us to meet the needs of our parents and the aims of the DFE Wraparound Childcare Programme.  

To book your free of charge place send an email to

Download info

Do you have a degree? Are you, or do you know someone who is interested in becoming a teacher?

If you would like to find out more, please book onto one of our 1-1 information sessions, held every Tuesday afternoon from 5.30-6.30pm, via TEAMs.

Come and train with us from September 2024 on our Lead School Partner route, in partnership with the University of Chester, who have over 150 years of experience of training the next generation of teachers.

Severn are in their 11th year of delivering high quality ITT training, in partnership with our local schools, offering two courses, Early Years 5-7 years and Primary 5-11 years. 

Your training will be full-time, over the next academic year, following the terms and holidays of our schools. At the end of your year’s training, you will be awarded a Post Graduate Certificate in Education(PGCE), with Qualified Teacher Status(QTS). 

All academic, centre based learning and your two contrasting placements will be based in Telford. 

Quote from an ex trainee, working in one of our local schools:

The PGCE course at Severn Training and Schools Alliance was the scariest, but most rewarding challenge I have ever undertaken. As a mother of children with special needs, I particularly appreciated that mental health and wellbeing was at the forefront of the training programme. I felt supported and encouraged at every stage, and I made friends and memories that will last a lifetime!

The robust academic programme enabled me to broaden my knowledge with the latest pedagogical approaches and gave me a thorough understanding of the current issues facing schools.

Receiving hands-on, practical experience in the classroom from the beginning enabled me to enter my Early Career Teaching programme with confidence. The carefully structured initial teacher training programme ensured that I experienced all aspects of teaching and allowed me to build resilience. Careful consideration regarding school placements meant that I could experience contrasting placements which also suited my individual circumstances and career aspirations.
The collaborative approach at Severn Training and Schools Alliance meant that I had a strong support network of Associate Teachers.

I was able to build excellent relationships with mentors and Quality Assurance leaders from local schools. Every aspect of the training was relevant, we were encouraged to share knowledge and ideas, and we received the most up to date knowledge from specialist leaders of education.

Stepping into your own classroom for the first time can be overwhelming, but having trained with Severn Teaching and Schools Alliance I felt empowered, confident and ready to make a difference.

CPD courses to the end of June 2024 

Further details of these and all other courses are available in the 2023-24 CPD booklet on the Telford Education Services website and on the Ollie website. 

The CPD Booklet for the remainder of the 2023-24 academic year can be viewed via Telford Education Services.

As always, courses can be booked by completing and returning a CPD booking form to (unless denoted differently)

Please can we take this opportunity to send you our very best wishes for an enjoyable half term break.

SEND & AP Change Programme learning lunchtime briefing

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

12.30pm to 1pm

Narrowing the Gaps for More Advance Learners of English as an Additional Language (CPD 730)

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

1.15pm to 3.30pm

Taking the Chair - part 4 (GO 504)

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

4.30pm to 6.30pm

Meeting the EYFS Profile Requirements for EAL Learners in EYFS (CPD 715)

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

1.15pm to 3.30pm

Raising Awareness of Prevent (SG 101)

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

1pm to 2.30pm

Designated Safeguarding Leads' and Safeguarding Governors' Termly Update

(SG 106)

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

4pm to 5.30pm

Schemas in the EYFS (EY 340)

Thursday, June 06, 2024

9.15am to 12noon

Raising Awareness of Child Protection (SG 108)

Thursday, June 06, 2024

9.30am to 11am

Virtual School Conference for Designated Teachers and Nominated Governors for Children in Care (CPD 620)

Friday, June 07, 2024

All day - TBC

The Role of the Key Person in the Early Years Foundation Stage  (EY 106)

Monday, June 10, 2024

1.15pm to 4pm

Absence Management of Employees (HR course)

Monday, June 10, 2024

2.30pm to 5pm

Primary Computing Update (CPD 512)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

4pm to 5.30pm

The Role of the Early Years Practitioner in Supporting and Enhancing Play (EY 008)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

1.15pm to 4pm

Cover Supervisors - preparing for the role

(PSS 010)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

3.30pm to 5pm

AET Making Sense of Autism – an introduction to Autism for Governors (LSAT 514)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

6pm to 7.30pm

Soundpots Early Years Music Network Meeting

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

4pm to 5pm

St Giles' Trust SOS+ Training (SG 207)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

4pm to 5.30pm

Early Years Coordinators – Termly Update

(EY 007)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

4pm to 5.30pm

SENCo Network Meeting

Thursday, June 13, 2024

4pm to 5.30pm

Webinar: Curriculum Design in Music

Thursday, June 13, 2024

4pm to 5pm

Understanding Nurture (PSS 101)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

9.15am to 12noon

Safeguarding Induction Training for Governors - part 2 (SG 103)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

5.30pm to 7.30pm

Safer Recruitment Administration (HR course)

Monday, June 17, 2024

3pm to 5pm

Youth Mental Health First Aid - Part 1 (PSS 001)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

9.15am to 4pm

SEND & AP Change Programme learning lunchtime briefing

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

12.30pm to 1pm

ELSA Supervision

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

1pm to 3pm

Bright Ideas and Inspiration - for your breakfast, holiday and out of school provision (EY 303)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

9.15am to 12noon

Youth Mental Health First Aid - Part 2 (PSS 001)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

9.15am to 4pm

Governors' Responsibilities for Exclusions (SG 104)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

5pm to 7pm

Safety Intervention Training (formerly MAPA training) - Part 1 - CPI accredited (BSAT 201)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

8.30am to 4pm

Exploring & Creating Resources to Enhance Vocabulary during Story and Song Time in the EYFS (EY 342)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

 1.15pm to 3.30pm

Induction Training for New Governors (GO 502)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

9.30am to 3.30pm

Literacy Pathway

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Full day

CSE Termly Briefing for EY, KS1 & KS2

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

10am to 11.30am

Safety Intervention Training (formerly MAPA training) - Part 2 - CPI accredited (BSAT 201)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

2pm to 4.30pm

Designated Safeguarding Leads Refresher

(SG 107)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

9.15am to 4pm

School Attendance Surgery (AST 005)

Friday, June 28, 2024

10am to 12noon


Outdoor Education

Educational Visits and Journeys Advisory Service

Alan Braybrooke as Outdoor Education Advisor for Telford & Wrekin Council.

I have now taken over the role of Outdoor Education Advisor for Telford and Wrekin Council from Jo Barnett.

As Outdoor Education Advisor I am responsible for providing advice, guidance, support, and approval for outdoor learning, off site visits and Learning Outside the Classroom for TWC maintained and Academies part of the Telford & Wrekin SLA,

The Educational Visits and Journeys Advisory Service, alongside advising, guidance and approval of high-risk educational visits and journeys abroad, provide termly training for Educational Visit Co-ordinators and Visit Leaders.  

I bring my extensive experience of playing in the outdoors and delivering outdoor educational for many years for Telford and Wrekin Council as part of Arthog Wales and Arthog Outreach offer.

I’m always happy to advise, help and support.

Other information and resources


School & Post 16 Travel Assistance – please apply before the 30 June 2024!

Telford & Wrekin Council looks to parents and carers to make arrangements for their (child)ren and young people to travel safely to their allocated school and/or post 16 provider, where possible.

If you are unable to transport your child or young person and you meet eligibility criteria listed on the council’s website, the council can provide travel assistance.

If you are applying for your travel assistance from September 2024, all applications must be received by the council by 30 June 2024. 

Applications received after this date cannot guarantee that travel training or travel assistance will be in place for the start of the new term. 

When will travel arrangements be in place?
The council aims put travel arrangements in place by the start of the new term, however, they can only start making arrangements after all applications are received on 30 June. Please submit your application as soon as possible.  You will receive notification of travel arrangements before the start of the new term.

If my child/young person already have travel assistance do I need to re-apply?
You will only need to re-apply in the following circumstances:
If you have moved house since you initially applied or your child is moving school, as your eligibility could have changed.
Parents/carers for children over the age of 16 must re-apply for assisted travel every academic year. If you received travel assistance for your young person in a post 16 setting this year you will be notified this by email. 

How to apply:
You can submit your application NOW on the council's website and transport platform School Travel Assistance (

In order to submit an application, you will be required to login to your account or if you haven’t used the system before create a new account online. If you already have an email address registered with the council, please use this email when creating an account, this will help the council to link your existing travel assistance arrangements with your new account. 

Once you have created an account and submitted your application, you will receive regular notifications on your application progress, you can log on at any point to see the progress.  If you need support in creating a new account, please call 01952 384545 (Monday to Friday, 7.15am-5pm)

Local Author Bryher Mackenzie Book Launch

Bryher Mackenzie and Gillian Eilidh O’Mara will be at Southwater Library to launch their book The Night Whale.

Bryher will read her book and the provide a short craft activity.
Suitable for children 3+
Places are free but booking is essential.
Southwater Library Saturday 15 June 1-2.30pm

Download Flyer

Local Author Frances Wong Book Launch

Frances Wong will be at Southwater Library promoting her new book Lexi Walker and the Secrets of Issak’s Stave.

She will be running a session on how to write Science Fiction stories.

Suitable for children aged 7+

Places are free but booking is essential.

Important dates
Southwater Library Saturday 1 June 1-2.30pm

Download flyer

Happy Healthy Active Holidays Summer 2024

Confirm your eligibility for HHAH Summer 2024 22nd July  – 1st September

Registration for parents and carers opens on Monday 3rd June 2024. Summer activity bookings go live on Tuesday 18th June!!

Please go to to register for HHAH.

Eligibility Criteria: 

Reception – Year 11 benefit related FSM Children
SEND Children 
Referral in by schools/services for vulnerable/at risk students or families identified that may benefit from the scheme.

If there is a child/children that you feel would benefit from this scheme who doesn’t qualify for FSM but can be included as part of the 15% allocated funding (see attached for criteria) for our vulnerable and deprivation areas, please provide us with their details to the

Calling All Young Chess Players Old and New 

Shropshire Megafinal – the local regional stage of the UK Chess Challenge, one of the largest junior chess tournaments in the world, open to any young people born after 31 August 2005.

This year it’s being held at The Charlton School in Wellington on Sunday 2 June, with all players playing 6 matches each, and prizes for overall and age group winners, and winners will also progress through to the next stage of the worldwide competition.

The closing date to enter is Saturday 1 June

For more information, or to enter, visit:

Holiday Activity Programme

Take a look at our Holiday Activity Programme which brings a programme of activities from Tuesday 28 May to Sunday 2 June 2024. 

All sessions can be booked in advance (except Fun and Floats).

Holiday Activity Programme


Every week during term time we publish a new update for the education community. It includes essential briefings and specialist information about education.

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