Notice: 5 November 2020

A round-up of news, guidance and key updates for education settings.

Included in this update:

Director Update

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Education Noticeboard. Over the last few days new updates and Government guidance have been released which are all available for you to view and download. Included is guidance on the use of face coverings and masks, protecting extremely vulnerable people, and more. Local guidance has been updated on ventilation and air conditioning, along with a new PPE request form and process. These are also all available to download under the Covid-19 updates to guidance.

Information and advice has been provided by HR for ‘at risk’ staff during lockdown; this includes updated guidance for individual risk assessments for potentially vulnerable employees during lockdown and guidance for higher risk groups. Once again, these are available to download. 

At this time, Headteacher and staff wellbeing is a priority.  Under the Headteacher wellbeing heading there are links to Telford & Wrekin EAP and counselling service, NEOST wellbeing guide, along with two organisations, Head Rest and HeadsUp, that provide support services for Headteachers.

The updated video ‘At the School Gates’ is now available to share with your parent/carers through your social media; links have been made available to YouTube, Twitter and Facebook to make this easier.

As always, thank you for your continuing hard work, commitment and support during this challenging time as we continue to ensure the best outcomes for all the children and young people in Telford & Wrekin.

Best wishes


Simon Wellman
Director: Education and Skills

Reminder: Don't forget to complete the DfE educational settings status form

Don’t forget to complete the educational settings status form by 2pm each day. This is to allow the Department for Education (DfE) to use the data on the same day. If you cannot meet the 2pm deadline, submit the form as soon as you can. Data submitted after the deadline may not be included in DfE daily figures.

Guidance: How to complete the educational setting status form.

Video - Staying Safe at the School Gates

Please share this updated video with your Parent/Carers.

We're now asking parents and carers to help prevent the spread of coronavirus by wearing a face covering when you're at the school gates. 

Guidance on face coverings has also changed since we moved into Tier 2 restrictions - pupils in years seven and above and staff should now wear these in schools' communal areas, as well as on school transport.

School gates animation:

Share from: YouTube

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Covid-19 – Updates to Guidance

Please find the recently updated documents available for download that have been updated to include the recent changes made to the advice for Educational settings 

  • Social distancing in the work place. 
  • Social distancing – additional prompts for educational settings. 
  • Ventilation.
  • Face coverings.
  • PPE – complete review and school PPE changes indicated with new PPE request form and request process. 
  • Cleaning and hand hygiene.

New National Restrictions come into force today, Thursday 5 November. Read how the New National Restrictions affect this section of guidance.

Telford and Wrekin have moved to the local COVID alert level ‘high’ this means that all education settings where Year 7 and above are educated, face coverings should be worn by adults and pupils when moving around, such as in corridors and communal areas where social distancing cannot easily be maintained. 
All schools and colleges will need to communicate quickly and clearly to staff, parents, pupils and learners that the new arrangements require the use of face coverings in certain circumstances. Schools will need to share these instructions clearly. 
It should be noted that face coverings will not generally be necessary in the classroom even where social distancing is not possible

In primary schools where social distancing is not possible in indoor areas outside of classrooms between members of staff or visitors, for example, in staffrooms, head teachers will have the discretion to decide whether to ask staff or visitors to wear, or agree to them wearing face coverings in these circumstances. 

Children in primary schools and early years settings do not need to wear a face covering

It is reasonable to assume that staff and young people will now have access to face coverings due to their increasing use in wider society, and Public Health England has made available resources on how to make a simple face covering

It is vital that face coverings are worn correctly and that clear instructions are provided to staff, children and young people on how to put on, remove, store and dispose of face coverings in all of the circumstances above, to avoid inadvertently increasing the risks of transmission.

For further enquiries please contact us by email at: or

Scenario Planning for a Confirmed COVID-19 case in your school

The Scenario planning has been updated and is available for download. It outlines the different scenarios that could take place in your school if child or member of staff tests positive. It highlights the steps that should be taken if that happens. The Scenario planning document covers the following areas in each scenario and shows clearly what is considered to be an outbreak:

  • Typical response that you’re setting should take
  • The recommended actions for the bubble affected
  • Siblings at other settings and Family Members
  • Things that setting should consider
  • What cleaning will be required in each scenario
  • And who the setting should communicate with.
  • FAQs.

Download: Scenario planning schools Covid-19 revision - 5 November 2020

Advice on At Risk Staff during Lockdown

There are a number of changes to the position for those staff who are at higher risk as a result of the second Lockdown from the 5 November 2020 and this is set out below.

1. Employees in the clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) category

CEV employees who were previously advised (by their clinician or via a letter from the NHS) to follow shielding measures should from 5th November 2020 be supported, where possible, to work from home. We understand that they should receive a further letter from the Government by the end of this week.

If they cannot work effectively from home they should be placed on a period of special leave. For those staff paid on Teachers Pay and Conditions or NJC Pay and Conditions (Support Staff) this should be paid. 

For those of you using the MyView system this special leave should be recorded as (Paid Leave) COVID -19 – Self –Extremely Vulnerable. This should be recorded from the 5 November up to and including the 1 December in the first instance.

2. Employees in the clinically vulnerable (CV) category 

  • Clinically vulnerable people are those who are:
  • aged 70 or over (regardless of medical conditions).
  • under 70 with an underlying health condition listed below (that is, anyone instructed to get a flu jab each year on medical grounds).
  • chronic (long-term) mild to moderate respiratory diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or bronchitis
  • chronic heart disease, such as heart failure.
  • chronic kidney disease.
  • chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis.
  • chronic neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis (MS) or cerebral palsy.
  • diabetes.
  • a weakened immune system as the result of certain conditions or medicines they are taking (such as steroid tablets).
  • being seriously overweight (a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above).
  • pregnant  (see 3 below for further details).

Staff in this category are able to remain working in school. You should have previously undertaken an individual risk assessment and this should now be reviewed in light of the increase in the levels of infection and the tighter restrictions.

3. Pregnant employees 

a) Pregnant employees who are under 28 weeks pregnant  
These employees can continue to work in school unless they fall into the CEV category.

As with CV staff they should have an individual risk assessment or have this reviewed should one have already been completed. Please be mindful of those who may have a number of risk factors when undertaking this risk assessment.

b) Pregnant employees who are over 28 weeks pregnant 
From 5th November these employees should be supported to work from home.  

Should they be unable to work from home they should be placed on a period of special leave. For those staff paid on Teachers Pay and Conditions or NJC Pay and Conditions (Support Staff) this should be paid. 

For those of you using the MyView system this special leave should be recorded as (Paid Leave) COVID -19 – Self – Vulnerable (pregnant). This should be recorded from the 5 November up to and including the 1 December in the first instance or up to the start of maternity leave (whichever is the sooner). 

Please note: This is the position of Telford & Wrekin Council and should apply to all Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools as we are the employer. Other schools are able to take their own position on this taking into account the national advice (see link above).

4. Employees who are over the age of 60   
The guidance has been amended for the 2nd Lockdown to reflect that those over 60 or also at a higher risk, although they do not fall into the CV or CEV category by virtue of their age.
However, they are able to remain working in school as long as this remains Covid-Secure.

We would advise that you have conversations with those over 60 to highlight this change to them and ensure they are aware of the government advice to be especially careful in following the full range of covid measures within and outside of work.
There is no requirement to undertake an individual risk assessment but this should be supported if they make this request. 

Full national lockdown guidance: New National Restrictions from 5 November 2020.

DfE update: Education and childcare settings: New National Restrictions from 5 November 2020

We have also updated our guidance on individual risk assessments to reflect this position. The template individual risk assessment has also been updated to reflect these changes.
Both documents are available for download below.

Download: Individual Risk Assessments for Potentially Vulnerable Employees Lockdown.
Download: Guidance for Higher Risk Groups.

For any further information please contact:

Headteacher Wellbeing

Wellbeing Resources to support Headteacher Wellbeing

Telford & Wrekin Council EAP and Counselling scheme (in Conjunction with Health Assured)

This is open to all maintained schools within the borough and those academies that have included in this within their Occupational Health provision. 
Confidential Counselling - 0800 783 2808 - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is also available for those over 18 living in the household on a telephone basis.

New Health Assured App – a new app has been launched My Healthy Advantage. This is a more personalised app and provides mini health checks and a mood tracker as well as the usual self-help articles and webinars. Further information on the app and the access code can be found on the HR Advisory SharePoint site for those schools that buy into this service, this link also includes access to posters and leaflets that you can use to publicise the app and the counselling service to staff.

Telford and Wrekin Wellbeing Training
We have also further extended our learning and development offer around wellbeing and you can find information on our Sharepoint site in relation a number of courses open to Telford and Wrekin Schools staff including Headteachers.

Education Support Line
08000 562 561

Education Support WebsiteLoading...

Free confidential support for all staff working in Education.

They have also just launched a pilot scheme for Headteacher specific support, peer to peer support or supervision. You need to register your interest for this on a first come first served basis and places are limited.

Register your interest

Head RestLoading...

@Headrest_UK on Twitter
Head Rest Website

A free wellbeing telephone support service for headteachers, ran by ex-headteachers – currently being facilitated via Twitter and they have just launched their own website too.
“Call us if you need to speak to an experienced ex-headteacher in total confidence. It’s free and we are here to listen. DM us your details and we’ll call you back between 7 and 8pm or at a time to suit you”.

HeadsUp Website
Twitter: @HeadsUP4HTs

HeadsUp is a movement - a collective of school leaders who are determined to work together across the education system in England to:Loading...

  • Celebrate -  school leaders have an extraordinary set of skills and experiences, this should not be forgotten
  • Support - through the extensive network of HeadsUp individuals and associated organisations provide support for those individuals who have been ‘disappeared’ from the system and those that feel they are vulnerable
  • Guide - provide advice and guidance to Headteachers who are unsure about their future career options
  • Highlight - through the HeadsUp events, and the associated ‘Hidden Pressures of Headship’ roadshows, shine a spotlight on the issue of ‘disappeared’ Headteachers and those that are fearful of becoming ‘disappeared’ - highlighting the extent to which this happening.
  • Challenge -  to collectively challenge the systems and organisations in the education system that drive unethical behaviours towards school leaders

NEOST Wellbeing Guide
Produced in conjunction with the LGA this includes useful tips and a list of further wellbeing resources – View the Wellbeing guide for staff working in schools and trusts Managing the wellbeing of staff during COVID-19 document..

For further enquiries please contact us at:

Opportunity Fund for Music Tuition

Telford and Wrekin are one of the last LAs using General Fund to support remissions. There has been ongoing pressure on LA budgets as a result of deep cuts in Government funding over the last decade. However, despite this, the Cabinet is still keen to support opportunities for pupils from deprived backgrounds and have therefore decided to introduce an Opportunity Fund to replace remissions. The Opportunity Fund will be available to academies as well as to maintained schools and will therefore provide a fairer distribution of support across the borough. This new system was shared with Schools’ Forum in January 2020.

Under the new system, the Opportunities Fund will be available to pay for one year of tuition (30 sessions) for children eligible for Free School Meals, in both Academies and Maintained Schools. This system is effective from September 2020. All children eligible for Free School Meals will therefore be able to claim the first 30 sessions of music tuition free whether they have had tuition previously or not. Once a child has received their 30 free sessions the tuition will need to be funded from other sources. Schools might consider the use of Pupil Premium to fund or partially fund the continuation of the music tuition instead of passing the full cost on to parents.

The impact of COVID-19 has meant that whilst music tuition has restarted in some schools, other schools have struggled to find suitable spaces for this to continue safely. Music can have a positive impact on wellbeing as well as developing skills which can enhance the ability to learn. We are therefore keen that as many young people as possible have access to music tuition and, where appropriate, support for this from the Opportunity Fund. If, as a school, you have been unable to restart music tuition, please talk to Tracy Hall, the Team Leader for the Music Service, to explore alternative ways of delivering this tuition.

For more information please contact:

Free CPD – Healthy Relationships Teaching about Domestic Abuse – part of COVID recovery

Severn Teaching School are hosting free CPD for one member of staff from each school, that will enable you to fulfil part of your Relationships Education curriculum linked to educating children and young people about domestic abuse.  

The session will include an introduction to a curriculum that will address domestic abuse from Reception to Y13, the curriculum materials you need and resources in the form of books to meet the age and stage of the children and young people you are working with. There will be an adult and child survivor who will share their story as to why educating about domestic abuse is so critical.   

The available dates are:

  • Monday 16 November 2020 1pm - 4pm
  • Tuesday 1 December 2020 9am - 12pm
  • Friday 11 December 2020 9am - 12pm
  • Thursday 21 January 2021 1pm - 4pm.

Book your free session by email:

SEN Training Provider and College information event

Join our virtual specialist SEN Education and Training Information events, which are taking place the week commencing 9th November, between 6pm and 7pm, Monday to Thursday. Key members of college and training provider staff will be available to answer your questions about their post 16 offer.

View the FutureFocus Facebook page.

A link to the live event will be sent to the phone number and/or email address registered with Future Focus, on the day. If you would like to confirm details please contact FutureFocus on 01952 388988.

Please download the flyers for calendar of times and providers.

For further enquires please contact us by email: or, by phone: 01952 388988.

Annual Review Workshop - Don’t forget to book your place

There are still places available for the Annual Review Workshop on:

  • Monday 9 November 2020
  • 4pm - 5pm
  • Microsoft Teams.

The Workshop will include:

  • Updates on ‘Live’ Annual Reviews
  • Important reminders
  • Top Tips
  • An opportunity to share your feedback to build good practice
  • Question and Answer session.

To book your place and receive an invite to the Teams meeting please email: or to book by phone: 01952 381045.

Website: SEND Local Offer

Annual Reviews: Reminder

As you know we have some statutory dates by which we need to finalise EHC plans with a named September placement where a child/young person is moving between phases:

  • 15 February 2021 for any child going into reception, year 3 (where there is movement between an infant school to a separate junior school only) and Year 7 in September 2021
  • 31 March 2021 for young people entering  post 16 provision in September 2021

We therefore require annual reviews for the following year groups to be completed during the Autumn Term, please do stagger the reviews throughout the term.  The final deadline for these annual reviews to be received by the SEND Team is detailed below: 

This table shows the final deadline for the reviews.

Year Groups

Please send completed annual reviews to the SEND team by:

Nursery year (aged 3 since 1 September 2019) 13 November 2020
All Year 6 pupils 13 November 2020
All Year 11 pupils 18 December 2020

We understand that in some circumstances, a full year may not have passed since the last annual review for children in these year groups but their completion is still required by the specified dates.

The annual reviews of all other year groups should occur within 12 months of their previous annual review.

For more information please contact the SEND Team by email or by phone on: 01952 381045

Website: SEND Local Offer

NQT training

The training will focus on providing staff with the knowledge and resources to plan, deliver and support pupil’s knowledge and discussion of issues around EAL learner’s needs, as well as provide a greater knowledge of the diverse cultures in Telford and Wrekin.

This course will:

  • provide an overview of EAL and its impact on learning
  • explore practical strategies and resources
  • review assessment of EAL pupils
  • Thursday, 12 November  
  • 3.30pm – 6pm
  • Online via Microsoft Teams

MDT support for individual schools to deliver quality bespoke CPD is available upon request. If you would like to attend or express an interest in the training, please contact the MDT team.

To book a place on the training course please view the TES website.


For more information please contact Kirsty Holden and Qamar Maqsood or by phone: 07855 148693 or 07800 671756

Website: MDT Website.

CPD courses – November 2020

Unless stated otherwise, all of the courses listed below are being provided online via Microsoft Teams.  Where this is not the case, and courses need to run face to face, these courses are currently under review in light of the four week lockdown to 2 December 2020 (with further information to follow).

Further details of all of our courses can be found in the CPD Booklet, available on the Telford Education Services website.

Bookings continue to be made in the normal way by completing a CPD booking form and sending it via email to

This table shows a list of CPD courses.
Designated Teachers and Governors for Children in Care Network (GO 503) Tuesday 10 November 2020 4pm to 5.30pm
Supporting pupils with specific literacy difficulties: A whole school approach (LSAT 501) Wednesday 11 November 2020 1.15pm to 4pm
An Introduction to EAL for Newly Qualified Teachers (CPD 527) Thursday 12 November 2020 3.30pm to 6pm
Designated Safeguarding Leads Refresher (SG 107 – webinar via Ollie) Thursday 12 November 2020 10am to 11.30am
SEND: Building Capacity in your school (LSAT 403) Tuesday 17 November 2020 10am to 11.30am
The role of key person in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EY 106) Tuesday 17 November 2020 1.15pm to 3.15pm
EYFS Early Adopter meeting (for ‘Early Adopter’ schools and nurseries only) – please contact Wednesday 18 November 2020 4pm to 5pm
Managing English as an Additional Language (CPD 710) Wednesday 18 November 2020 1.15pm to 4pm
Recently Qualified Teacher Development Programme (CPD 507) Wednesday 18 November 2020 1.15pm to 4pm
Primary ICT Coordinators' Update (CPD 512) Wednesday 18 November 2020 4pm to 5.30pm
Governors’ Responsibilities for SEND (LSAT 212) Thursday 19 November 2020 5pm to 7pm
Bright Ideas and Inspiration for your breakfast, holiday and out of school provision (EY 303) Monday 23 November 2020 9.15am to 12noon
Breaking Barriers in Maths with Numicon (LSAT 406) Monday 23 November 2020 9.15am to 12noon
Assessment - termly update (morning) (CPD 502) Tuesday 24 November 2020 9.15am to 10.45am
Designated Safeguarding Leads Refresher (SG 107 – webinar via Ollie) Wednesday 25 November 2020 1pm to 2.30pm
Early Years Coordinators' Update (EY 007) Wednesday 25 November 2020 4pm to 5.30pm
Teaching and delivering outstanding EAL provision for 'new to English' pupils and advanced bilingual learners in secondary schools (CPD 711) Wednesday 25 November 2020 3.30pm to 6pm
AET: Leading Good Autism Practice (EPS 107) Wednesday 25 November 2020 4pm to 5.30pm
Managing Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment in Schools (SG 201) Wednesday 25 November 2020 9am to 12noon
Prevent (SG 101) Thursday 26 November 2020 9.30am to 11am
Transitions for the more vulnerable pupil: KS2 to KS3 and beyond (LSAT 503) Thursday 26 November 2020 1.30pm to 4pm
Newly Qualified Teacher Development Group: Supporting and Accelerating your Progression  (CPD 522) Thursday 26 November 2020 4pm to 5.30pm

Sue Dyson
Traded Service Specialist, School Performance and Development

For bookings please email

Aspiring Professionals Programme City

A brilliant free careers experience opportunity for high achieving year 12 Students from low income backgrounds.

The APP supports high achieving Year 12 students from low income backgrounds across the UK to access top universities and careers. We offer support through our four pillars: 

  1. Mentoring by a professional 
  2. Tailored skills sessions and career workshops 
  3. University application support and guidance 
  4. Internships with top employers 

How students receive our four pillars of support is dependent on where they live; we offer face to face activity where possible alongside a range of virtual sessions and online resources.  

APP Residential

Instead of applying for a residential this year, students can apply for one of our sector or employer insight programmes. If our residentials take place either in-person or virtually, they will happen during summer 2021, are mostly based in London and are free of charge. 

The sector or employer insights available are: 

  • J.P. Morgan Finance 
  • J.P. Morgan Digital 
  • KPMG Accountancy 
  • BP Engineering 
  • PA Consulting Springboard 
  • Neil Stevens Fellowship Digital 
  • Law Insight (employer partners are Clifford Chance, Viewlaters, Herbert Smith Freehills, White and Case and Akin Gump) 
  • Medicine Insight (this took place at James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough last year) 

Students on our APP Reach strand get a mentor from their chosen career sector, access to all our online career and university resources and invites to university visits where this can be accommodated based on location. We offer support on APP Reach across all 11 of our career sectors which can be found on the Social Mobility Website

Eligibility Criteria 

  • APP Residential: Currently in Year 12 and have at least 4-5 GCSEs at Grade A/7 and be predicted ABB at A Level. 
  • APP Reach: Year 12, 5 GCSEs at 9-5 (A*-C) and an ambition to go to university.
  • Students must be personally eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) at any point since Year 7, but not need to have claimed them OR first generation of their family to attend university and attend or previously attend a school with a higher than average number of students eligible for FSM.
  • Students can find the exact criteria for their secondary school on our schools lists

I would also like to let you know that we have a contextual offer for care-experienced students so it would be great to make school and college contacts aware of this too.  

Deadline: 12 noon, Wednesday 16 December  

They can apply directly on our website.

We are also running regular webinars this year to let our school contacts and their students know about the programme. If you are interested in joining or would be happy passing this link on to your school contacts, we would be very grateful.  

Gemma Farrell | Aspiring Professionals Programme Coordinator
The Social Mobility Foundation
Aston University, Main Building, MB251D, Aston Triangle, B4 7ET
Telephone: 01215 730044 or 07525 443591

Webinar sign up for teachers/school contacts 

Webinar sign up for students   

Website: WeSocial Mobility
App:Social Mobility APP City


Free Distance Learning Courses

Please find a list of free on line courses that may be of interest to staff. The attached document gives the full list of what is available.

Distance Learning Courses are free to all over 24, eligibility for 19 - 23 you must have one level 2 qualification.

Level 2 certified, study at home courses.

Business Skills

  • Certificate in Customer Service
  • Customer Service for Health and Social Care Setting
  • Data Protection and Data Security
  • Certificate in Retail Operations
  • Principles of Business Administration
  • Information Advice and Guidance
  • Certificate in Equality and Diversity
  • Team Leading
  • Lean Management
  • Workplace Violence and Harassment

Health and Wellbeing

  • Understanding Children and Young People’s Mental Health
  • Awareness of Mental Health Problems
  • Working with People with Mental Health Needs
  • Principles of the Prevention and Control of Infection in Health-Care Settings
  • Understanding the Care and Management of Diabetes
  • Understanding the Safe Handling of Medicines
  • Understanding Nutrition and Health
  • Common Health Conditions
  • Understanding Common Childhood Illnesses
  • Improving Personal, Exercise, Health and Nutrition

Social Care

  • Principles of Dementia Care
  • Principles of End of Life Care
  • Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care
  • Dignity and Safeguarding in Adult Care
  • Certificate in Counselling Skills
  • Falls  Prevention Awareness
  • Understanding Safeguarding and Prevent


  • Understanding  Specific Learning Difficulties
  • Understanding Behaviour That Challenges
  • Understanding Autism
  • Principles of Working with Individuals with Learning Disabilities
  • Introducing Caring  for Children and Young People

If you are interested in any of the courses listed, please complete the online form or email us for any enquiries at call us on 01952 382888.

Healthy Lifestyles Service now open to book telephone and video call appointments

The Healthy Lifestyles Service is now accepting referrals for children and adults who are looking for support to make lifestyle changes to become healthy.

We can provide support with healthy eating, weight management, increasing physical activity and general wellbeing.

Research shows that children who achieve a healthy weight tend to be fitter, healthier, better able to learn, and are more self-confident. They're also less likely to have low self-esteem and be bullied.

We help parents by:

  • Being a good role model for their children
  • Encouraging 60 minutes, and up to several hours, of physical activity a day for their children
  • Understanding child-sized portions
  • Encouraging the provision of healthy meals, drinks and snacks
  • Seeing the benefits of limiting screen time

We also work with adults to help reduce their risk of developing diabetes and other long term conditions.

The service consists of six appointments (by telephone or video call) over a period of 12 weeks. We work with children and adults to set goals and help with strategies to keep them motivated and able to achieve their goals. 

Please contact the team for further information about how can help you or any of the families that attend your school.

For more information please contact us by email:

Website: Healthy Lifestyles Website


Every week during term time we publish a new update for the education community. It includes essential briefings and specialist information about education.

Recent posts

