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Ironbridge power station

Ironbridge Power Station re-development

We recognise that the power station was a significant feature of the landscape of Ironbridge and has significant public interest.


The majority of the site is located within the administrative area of Shropshire Council. The application for it's demolition was approved by Shropshire Council in November 2017. The 4 cooling towers were demolished on 6 December 2019.


The planning application is an outline application (access for consideration comprising the formation of two vehicular accesses off A4169 road) for the development of up to 1,000 dwellings, retirement village, employment land comprising classes B1(A), B1(C), B2 and B8, retail and other uses comprising classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, D1 and D2, allotments, sports pitches, a railway link, leisure uses, primary/nursery school, a park and ride facility, walking and cycling routes and associated landscaping, drainage and infrastructure works. The application is accompanied by an environmental statement.

Current outline planning applications

Harworth Group who currently own the site have now submitted an outline planning application for mixed use development across the site. This outline application crosses the boundary of Shropshire Council and Telford & Wrekin Council and will be considered by both authorities, who will work in partnership to consider the proposed development and its implications on both the immediate and wider environments. 

You can also view the Council's planning application online at our Business and Planning First Point reception in Wellington Civic Offices between 8.45am - 4pm Monday to Friday. A copy of the plans are also available to view at The Gorge Parish Council offices.

Visit The Gorge Parish Council website for more information about The Gorge Parish Council and where to find their offices

The consultation window for these applications has now closed.

Consultation comments that have been submitted will be taken into consideration when determining this planning application and a summary of consultation comments will be passed to Shropshire Council.

This application will be considered by both Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire Council Planning Committees. Telford & Wrekin considered its application on 18 May 2021. Planning Committee resolved to grant outline planning permission with delegated authority to Development Management Service Delivery Manager, subject to conditions, S106 and a memorandum of understanding between Telford & Wrekin Council and Shropshire Council.

View the committee report and updates on planning online

Watch the meeting live on the council's YouTube channel

Mineral planning application

In addition to the above application, Harworth Group Plc have also submitted a mineral planning application to Shropshire Council for the extraction and processing of sand and gravel. This application is not a cross boundary application and will be determined by Shropshire Council only. Any comments you wish to make will need to be directed to Shropshire Council. Further information can be found on Shropshire Council's website under planning reference 19/05509/MAW. 

Bunker bay demolition

The demolition of the bunker bay is planned between 11am and 1pm on Friday 17 July 2020, subject to no adverse weather conditions or other circumstances.

It will be the second explosive demolition on site following the demolition of the 4 cooling towers. A 250m safety exclusion zone will be in place. There will be no viewing area and no roads will be closed.

Visit the Harworth Group Ironbridge Regeneration news pages for information about the bunker bay demolition

Other information

Further information on Harworth Groups Ironbridge Power Station regeneration can be found at: