The Student Engagement Programme is an alternative provision where we support schools, students and parents to access a full and balanced curriculum in their school and on a part time basis. The work across all our sites is based around the Six Principles of Nurture supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing, making nurture an essential component of our service.
We work in partnership with schools to encourage, engage and support students and to avoid exclusions. We provide assessments and a curriculum that work closely to support mental health and wellbeing alongside the educational needs of the students. The curriculum is bespoke to the student, reviewed regularly with the school with the anticipation that after 12 weeks they are successfully back in school. Longer term placements are available, but the student has to also attend their mainstream school. All provisions are bought in by schools in order to best support the students they have onroll.
Elements to the provision include:
- ‘House 1’ supports students who are highly anxious, school phobic and school refusers. A range of interventions and support are the focus of their work along with English and Maths. This provision can only be accessed through referral to Telford and Wrekin FAP.
- ‘Positive Engagement’ supports highly disengaged pupils, often with behavioural difficulties. A range of interventions and support are the focus of their work. We have provisions at House 1 and AFC Telford that work with this group of students. A direct approach from schools can be made for this provision.
- Key Stage 3 and 4 Alternative Curriculum - students work towards their full-time reengagement with school. The provision focusses on strategies to support the student managing in school and a varied curriculum to include English and Maths. A direct approach from schools can be made for this provision.
The Student Engagement Programme is a Telford and Wrekin Council provision supporting the work of Pupil Support Services led by Andy Cooke. Sites include House 1 (Queensway North site) and AFC Telford.
Frequently asked questions
What is the age group the provision is suitable for?
KS3 and KS4.
Where is the provision based?
We have locations at AFC Telford and House 1.
Is the provision suitable for SEND (children with an EHCP) students?
Yes but no students are taken on a full-time basis, best practice would be to work with the school to support reintegration into school.
What is the cost of the provision per day/session?
AFC Telford £55 per session.
House 1 £77 per session.
Length of session / frequency of sessions
For the majority of students half day session are available.
- Mornings are 9.20am -12noon.
- Afternoons are 12.20pm - 2.30pm.
Last updated: 20/01/2023 11:59