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Care and support emergencies and safeguarding

Care and support emergencies and safeguarding

Always call 999 if the issue is an emergency or you or another person are in immediate danger.

Reporting abuse to Family Connect

Worried about a vulnerable person being abused or neglected by other people? Say something.

Telephone: 01952 385385 (option 3)

Mental Health Access team

For urgent help in a crisis.

Telephone: 0808 196 4501

Emergency Duty Team (EDT)

Emergency Duty Team (EDT)   For urgent situations, outside of normal office hours, which cannot be left with an appropriate degree of safety until the next normal working day.

Monday - Thursday 5pm to 9am, Friday 5pm to Monday 9am and Public Holidays.

Telephone: 01952 676500

Emergency Response Carers Service (ERCS)

Free immediate assistance when you are unable to help someone who is reliant on your support.

Telephone: 01952 385385 (option 3)
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm

Out of hours
Telephone: 01952 676500
Request the Emergency Response Carers Service.