Education Noticeboard: 30 September 2021
Education Noticeboard 30 September 2021 Welcome to the Education Noticeboard. A round-up of news, guidance and key updates for education settings.
Included in this update
- Director Update
- Fake vaccination consent forms
- Information requested regarding pupils stuck abroad
- Road Safety Competition winner chosen
- COVID-19 support for schools and settings at the weekend
- Education and skills core offer update
- Pre-exclusion hotline – 07816372459
- Motivational Interviewing training for head teachers
- Black History Month Programme – October 2021
- Black History Month in schools
- Resources for supporting social and emotional learning
- Child bereavement UK – Rebuilding lives together
- Guidance notes for the Autumn School Census: 7 October 2021
- Travel to school Survey 2021
- SEND Newsletter – September 2021
- SEND Parent Carer and Family Newsletter – September 2021
- More grants up for grabs to help run holiday clubs
- Developing early years and childcare provision
- Funded Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) Lead Training
- CPD courses for school staff, senior leaders and governors
- Cool Kids free online information sessions
- Seeds4TW
Director Update
Dear colleagues
Congratulations to Sophie, from HLC Primary, who created the winning design for the road safety competition, run in collaboration between Denso and Telford & Wrekin. Her colourful design will be a fantastic addition to the Denso roundabout.
I am delighted to share with you the newly updated Education & Skills Core Offer. This piece of work was done in line with recent structural changes within the department. Please take some time to look through it.
There are a couple of COVID-19 related updates, including a worrying warning about fake vaccination consent forms that are doing the rounds. It is important to ensure that all forms and guidance is only taken from official sources.
Black History Month takes place in October, and Telford & Wrekin have worked in collaboration with Wolverhampton to organise a full and exciting collection of workshops. The programme is available to download, and school staff are welcome to attend the sessions, so please do book onto the ones that interest you most.
To compliment this the Multi-cultural Development Team have curated a selection of free resources, including workshops and an art competition. All of the resources have been provided for download.
There are also additional updates including safeguarding, the school Census, SEND and CPD opportunities. There are also reminders to complete the travel to work survey and that applications for funding to help run holiday clubs is still available.
Autumn is now well and truly underway, and the weather has certainly let us know it this past week! Hopefully we get a bit more sun, and a bit less rain, between now and half-term.
Have a great few days between now and the weekend.
Simon Wellman
Director of Education & Skills
Fake vaccination consent forms
A fake consent form for COVID-19 vaccinations has been sent to some schools for onward circulation to parents. This contains misleading information and should not be circulated. The only consent form that should be shared by schools can be found on GOV.UK. Please disregard any other consent documents.
All official information will be shared through your School Age Immunisation Service (SAIS) provider in the usual way. There has also been some recent misinformation activity by campaigners. Please get in touch with your local SAIS provider if in doubt or if you receive a form that you think may not be genuine.
Further guidance can be found in the COVID-19 vaccination programme for children and young people guidance for schools GOV.UK page.
If your SAIS provider has not already been in touch with you they will make contact in the coming weeks to discuss arrangements for the 12 to 15 vaccination programme. If your school does not already have contact details for your SAIS provider, you will need to contact the regional NHS England (NHSE) office to identify which organisation in your area will be delivering the school age immunisation programme, and ask for contact details. NHSE Regional contact details can be found on the NHS England Regional teams website.
Information requested regarding pupils stuck abroad
A request for data was made in the Spring Term, at the request of the Department for Education (DfE). It helped identify 39 Telford & Wrekin pupils stuck who were stuck abroad but still on the roll at various schools across the borough.
It was important to repeat the request for the Summer Term. An impressive number of school, attendance clerks, Educational Welfare Officers (EWOs) and school administration staff responded. It is appreciated how busy you all were in those last few days of the term, and thanks go out to you all.
Some interesting information came through from the Telford & Wrekin borough:
Several local schools had expressed concern at high numbers of pupils who were abroad for long periods of time, some with no return date arranged and still on school roll. This also continued to be a National concern with Countries added to the Red list and families unable to return.
Information collected during the last week of Summer Term showed that during that Term there were 40 pupils who were stuck abroad, 23 who had returned to their school, 12 who were taken off roll and 5 who remain abroad.
Many schools are concerned about keeping the child on roll in these circumstances and the Attendance Support Team (AST) will help with advice and guidance regarding de-registration. However, if a return date is unknown, or the family went abroad without notifying the school it is advisable to write to the parents (via email if the family are already abroad) requesting further information and informing them of the date the child should return to school by or be at risk of losing their school place.
School places cannot be held indefinitely, but these unprecedented circumstances need to be considered. AST are advising schools of appropriate action but also appreciate that each case needs to be considered individually before a decision is taken to remove the child from the school roll. The Pupil (Registration) Regulations (England) 2006 have to be adhered to in all cases to be able to delete a child’s name from the register.
Schools should also complete a Children Not Receiving Education/Children Missing Education (CNRE/CME) referral if a child has been absent for more than 10 consecutive school days and submit it to .
Please do not hesitate to email the team if you would like advice about a child who is currently abroad.
Road Safety Competition winner chosen
Earlier this year. Denso, the automotive company worked in partnership with Telford & Wrekin Council to promote junior road safety through an exciting Road Safety Competition.
Entrants were asked to create eye catching artwork designs for the community traffic island at Hortonwood.
Well done Sophie from HLC Primary for winning the Denso competition and to HLC Primary for winning the Denso award and £1000. Sophie's design will be displayed on the Denso roundabout from 18 October 2021.
COVID-19 support for schools and settings at the weekend
From the weekend 9 October 2021 the Health Protection Hub will only be available to advise on urgent and emergency issues (for example a rapid escalation in linked positive cases at a school setting).
If you become aware of any positive PCR confirmed cases over the weekend please continue to send in the forms pro and these will be picked up on Monday – please note that all weekend emails will also be picked up on Mondays.
If you have an urgent COVID-19-related or public health concern which cannot wait until Monday then you can call the Emergency Duty Planning Manager (EPDM) on 07580 531257 between 10am and 5pm, the EPDM will then pass on the concerns to a senior manager who will call you back to discuss.
Education and skills core offer update
The Telford & Wrekin education and skills core offer has been updated in line with recent structural changes within the department. It is now available to download.
Education and Skills Core Offer
Pre-exclusion hotline – 07816 372459
During the Summer Term of the last academic year, a new Pre-exclusion Hotline was trialled across Telford & Wrekin. A lot of positive feedback was received about this resource and the support to aid discussions around each child before an exclusion took place.
A number of schools used the Hotline, however it is now time to refocus the intention of use so that schools are aware of the how to access the support on offer.
We would like to remind you that the Pre-exclusion Hotline is available as a pre-exclusion support mechanism and not for use after an exclusion has already taken place. Once a school is considering an exclusion that would be the ideal time for schools to contact the hotline so that a member of the team can come out to school to meet with the young person, participate in discussions with a view to assisting colleagues to de-escalate the situation.
The team look forward to continuing to work alongside schools, providing this valuable same day on-site support to prevent an exclusion from taking place. The intention is always for the young person to remain in school, in line with the Telford & Wrekin strategy to reduce exclusions.
For more information with regards to the team, please contact BSAT Team Leader (Darren Lennon) by email at
Motivational Interviewing training for head teachers
Alasdair Cant & Associates are providing an interactive half-day webinar on Motivational Interviewing for Telford & Wrekin head teachers.
The session will be held on Thursday 14 October 2021 from 9.30am to 12.30am. The cost to attend this webinar is £20.
To book a place, please simply send an email to which includes your name, school name and email address to A Zoom link will be sent to all registered delegates in October 2021, a few days before the session.
The details:
Title: Motivational Interviewing Interactive half-day webinar
Intended audience: Head teachers
Date & time: Thursday 14 October 2021, 9.30-12.30am
Delivery: Online via Zoom
Content: Motivational Interviewing is an invaluable tool proven to support change and relationship management.
For further information about the course please download the information sheet.
Motivational Interviewing Webinar Information Sheet
Black History Month Programme- October 2021
Black History Month takes place every October and this year the City of Wolverhampton Council alongside Telford and Wrekin Council and The Children’s Society will be hosting a number of virtual events for their employees and regional partners (the sessions are open to all school staff, but are not intended for pupils to attend). This year’s theme is PROUD TO BE.
Proud to be who you are, proud to be where you are from, proud of your culture, your heritage and your future.
The education, diversity and inclusion departments from Telford and Wolverhampton have worked together to produce an excellent programme of events. These look to explore the diversity of the Continent of Africa, traditional dishes from Jamaica and Zimbabwe, why hair love is so important and many others. There will be opportunities to talk about intersectional issues and developing black leadership with guest speakers, and the chatty cafes to allow you to step out of work mode for a while and have themed conversations with colleagues.
Date: | Session: | Time: | Book: |
1 October 2021 | African diversity panel | 2pm to 4pm | Book on Eventbrite |
5 October 2021 | Chatty café – Black Lives Matter | 12.30pm to 1pm | Book on Eventbrite |
8 October 2021 | Cook along – Caribbean dish | 12noon to 2pm | Book on Eventbrite |
12 October 2021 | Nate Ethan – LGBT in the Black community | 10am to 11am | Book on Eventbrite |
14 October 2021 | Chatty café – Hair | 12.30pm to 1pm | Book on Eventbrite |
18 October 2021 | Chatty café – Proud to be | 12.30pm to 1pm | Book on Eventbrite |
20 October 2021 | Historian Tony Talbert – pre-slavery Black British history | 12noon to 1.30pm | Book on Eventbrite |
21 October 2021 | Chatty café- Allyship | 12.30pm to 1pm | Book on Eventbrite |
22 October 2021 | Managers panel – Breaking the glass ceiling | 2pm to 4pm | Book on Eventbrite |
25 October 2021 | Hair love live | 2pm to 4pm | Book on Eventbrite |
26 October 2021 | Cook along – Zimbabwean dish | 2pm to 4pm | Book on Eventbrite |
29 October 2021 | Closing event (due to limited space this event cannot be booked before 18 October 2021) | 6pm to 9pm | Book on Eventbrite |
The full programme, which contains more information about each session, is available to download.
All events will have limited spaces so booking via Eventbrite is essential, where possible events will be recorded and made available via YouTube for those who are unable to attend.
The month will be topped off with a special in person closing event (which has very limited spaces) which will host speakers, musicians, food and community leaders. This will be the perfect opportunity for people to have input in what events they would like to see in the near future.
Black History Month in schools
October is Black History Month and many pupils and staff have expressed a desire to learn more about some of the key figures and events in history that have made an impact on our world today. This cross-curricular topic not only covers many elements in history but addresses many fundamental spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, as well as personal, social, health and economic (PHSE) aspects of the curriculum as a whole.
The Multi-cultural Development Team are again working with the Telford African and Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre (TAARC) to deliver free workshops centered around identifying and dealing with racist incidents to all schools, to celebrate Black History Month. Workshops are booked on a first come, first served basis and full details are available to download:
Free Black History Month School Workshops
This is thanks to funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). You can find out more about TAARC by downloading their flier:
Telford African and Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre
Last year’s workshops were extremely successful and many schools expressed a desire to participate again this year. All workshops are COVID-19 secure with risk assessments checked prior to session delivery. Appropriate protocols are in place but schools will need to provide a visitor risk assessment prior to a workshop taking place.
An art competition, for which any media can be used, is also open now, with a closing date of 17 October 2021. Examples of pupil work, photos and contributions from the workshop and follow up activities will be displayed in the TAARC’s Black History live event. The art competition is open to all schools. Please download the flier for full details:
Black History Month Art Competition
MDT support for individual schools to plan and develop staff knowledge is available upon request and the resource pack can be downloaded now.
Black History Month Teaching Pack
As part of the PCC funding, the overarching aim of BHM in schools is to promote awareness of a shared British history, provide staff with the opening for difficult discussions in class around racism and hate crime and to develop pupil’s understanding of wider issues in the media and local context around equality and diversity issues. This supports schools’ development of pupils’ understanding of Fundamental British Values and the protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010.
The PCC funding has also enabled schools to access the free 'Identifying and dealing with Racist incidents' CPD on the 2 November 2021. This is available to all staff.
If you would like to attend the free CPD or wish to enquire about additional workshops or resources please contact the MDT team. Kirsty Holden and Qamar Maqsood can be contacted by sending an email or by telephone on either 07855148693 or 07800 671756.
Resources for supporting social and emotional Learning
Elsa Support is a website which has a variety of free resources available to download and print, to support the Social & Emotional Learning of pupils.
Some of the resources cover managing strong feelings, as well as helping with raising self-esteem.
Please contact Nick Cunliffe, Education Safeguarding Coordinator with any queries, by email to or by telephoning 01952 382123.
Child bereavement UK – Rebuilding lives together
Child Bereavement UK in collaboration with London Grid for Learning has produced free resources for teachers and other professionals in education. This comprehensive, free-to-access training tool has been developed for staff in schools, to help develop their understanding, skills and confidence to support pupils and their families when they experience a bereavement.
A parent of a child under 18 dies every 22 minutes in the UK which equates to around 111 children being bereaved of a parent every day. 1 in 29 children aged between 5 and 16 has been bereaved of a parent or sibling. That’s a child in every class.
The Child Bereavement UK website has numerous free resources and can be used as a source of support and information, with practical guidance, to empower education professionals to support pupils bereaved of someone important to them.
Most grieving pupils do not need a ‘bereavement expert’, they need the support of familiar adults in a secure environment. Schools, just by carrying on with their usual day-to-day activities, while acknowledging the bereavement, can do a huge amount to support a grieving pupil. Bereaved young people state that the way their school responds at such a difficult time is something they never forget.
There following topics are covered:
- Children’s understanding of death
- Managing Grief
- Role of the school
- Death and Grief in the curriculum
- Taking care of yourself
- A pupil’s perspective
Please contact Nick Cunliffe, Education Safeguarding Coordinator with any queries, by email to or by telephoning 01952 382123.
Guidance notes for the Autumn School Census: 7 October 2021
The Autumn School Census takes place on Thursday 7 October 2021, and applies to all school types and all software systems. The guidance is available to download and additional help is available from the following places:
Preparation for the School Census
For help with your school software:
Please log a call from your desktop via Supportworks SelfService.
For advice on interpreting the DFE guidance:
Please contact: Eileen Finnigan by telephone on 88136 or by sending an email to
For questions on how your school is funded for particular data items:
Please contact your Education Finance Officer.
For advice on Special Needs provision:
Please contact the SEND team on 85399.
For advice on Childcare Funding:
Please contact Stacy Picken, Childcare Funding Consultant on 85423 or by e-mail at
Academies should refer all queries to the DFE.
The full census guidance is available from the Department for Education (DfE) website.
Travel to school Survey 2021
Telford & Wrekin Council is committed to investing and improving sustainable active travel over the coming years, to ensure that our transport network continues to evolve and be fit for purpose, but to also promote the health and well-being benefits associated with active and sustainable travel.
The Council has recently secured Department for Transport Active Travel Funding, and is required to carry out the Annual Travel to School Survey.
It would be appreciated if your school could carry out the attached hands up survey with all pupils (from Reception year to Year 13), which simply asks ‘How do you usually travel to school?’
Please download the two accompanying spreadsheets:
Annual School Travel Survey CLASS Data Sheet 2021
Please share this spreadsheet with all class teachers / tutor group leaders
Annual School Travel Survey SCHOOL Data Sheet 2021
Please use this spreadsheet to collate all the data from each class spreadsheet, and this is the one which will need to be submitted, once it is completed.
Instructions are included within each spreadsheet.
The travel to school survey data will support the Council in developing and implementing further active and sustainable travel measures, as well as support future funding bids to Government.
Please return the completed School Data Sheet along with your answers to the questions by Friday 15 October 2021 to
SEND Newsletter – September 2021
The SEND Newsletter - September 2021 has been published on the SEND Local Offer. Discover all the current news and information about Special Educational Needs and Disability in Telford & Wrekin.
Please take a look at the SEND News section on the Local Offer to see the full list of articles.
To make sure that you don't miss future updates, subscribe to the SEND Newsletter email alert.
SEND Parent Carer & Family Newsletter – September 2021
The September Newsletter for Parent Carer & Families is now available to view on the SEND Local Offer. Please can we request that you share the link and the message below with families explaining how parents and family carers can sign up to receive the Newsletter directly to their inbox.
SEND Parent/Carer News – September 2021
Discover all the current news and information for Parent Carers and Families about Special Educational Needs and Disability in Telford & Wrekin.
Parent Carers and Families can sign up to receive the email bulletin direct to their Inbox using the link below:
Sign up to the SEND Parent Carers & Families News
More grants up for grabs to help run holiday clubs
A substantial funding pot is up for grabs as part of Telford & Wrekin Council's Happy Healthy and Active Holidays scheme.
The scheme aims to help children from low-income families to stay healthy and active through holiday clubs during Christmas. There will be activities and holiday groups for special education needs and disabilities children who are from low-income families.
Organisations that can provide healthy meals and fun activities, such as sports, arts & crafts, nature or cooking, should apply. The criteria for who can attend the holiday clubs has been set by government. Venues that can host clubs and other organisations that can offer an element of the holiday clubs can get in touch to register as a delivery partner.
Councillor Eileen Callear, Cabinet Member for Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Visitor Economy, said: "We worked with 28 community and business partners to help hundreds of young people over the summer holidays to stay healthy and active and I am looking forward to doing the same this Christmas.
"The holidays can be a financially difficult time for families, and some children feel isolated. Now that the £20 a week uplift in Universal Credit has been phased out, this support will be needed more than ever.
"This could be your organisations chance to help support families during what can be a difficult time. Don't be put off if you don't think you nail everything in the criteria; we still want to hear from you. We have a team on hand to answer questions and help an organisation to make an application.”
Organisations interested in applying for a grant to run holiday clubs in Telford and Wrekin should visit the Happy Healthy Active Holidays website. Please send an email to if you’d like to speak to someone about your application.
The Department of Education has provided £841,555 to Telford & Wrekin Council to support the Happy Healthy and Active Holidays scheme.
Developing early years and childcare provision
Telford & Wrekin Council is offering schools the opportunity to attend the ‘Developing Early Years and Childcare provision – supporting school sustainability and child outcomes’ workshop, delivered by Hempsalls.
The course will provide delegates with information about why, and how, to develop early years and childcare provision (with or without direct delivery); look at ways to make your school more sustainable and meet the needs of parents and carers, whilst improving outcomes for children.
The session will be held on Tuesday 12 October 2021, 9.15am to 12noon via Microsoft Teams.
By attending the session delegates will learn about:
· drivers for change - national and local changes in how parents are choosing to take up early years education and childcare, within the context of national policy
· different models that can be used to engage with the early years sector (delivery, commissioning and working in partnership)
· key considerations for making decisions and moving forward
· resources that are available
For further information and to book your place please refer to the CPD booklet for schools 2021-22 online using course code EY 113.
Any queries can be sent by email to
Funded Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) Lead Training
Currently underway is a huge drive on increasing the understanding of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) within Telford & Wrekin schools, to increase inclusion. All schools are asked to co-work towards achieving this whole-borough vision. To support this co-work, and make achieving this vision a reality, a funded place is being provided for a one member of senior staff from each setting to attend the ASC Lead training, during the forthcoming Autumn Term.
Why does my schools need an ASC Lead?
A lead autism practitioner is needed in every school in Telford. The ASC Lead can then drive planning the support and provision for children with social communication needs, across the school.
What impact will the ASC Lead have in my school?
Having an ASC Lead will enable all young people to have an increased sense of belonging to their school and promote inclusion. This is essential because it will increase the holistic development of each young person identified with ASC.
In addition, if requests are made for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), schools will be able to demonstrate levels of interventions linked to the graduated response. Furthermore, the acquired skills across all school staff will assist with the presentation of young people to the emotional health and wellbeing panel for consideration to be placed on the ASC pathway. The content of the Autism Education Trust (AET) links to the Ofsted framework for inspection, and therefore will support each school when engaging with Ofsted Inspectors.
Next Steps
Schools are asked to sign up one member of staff for the ASC Lead training. Please identify the member of staff who is, or will be, the autism lead in your school and ask them to sign up to just one of the dates below. The autism lead will need to be a senior member of your team who is able to oversee the development of policy and practice.
The dates are as follows:
- 13 October 2021
- 3 November 2021
- 10 November 2021
- 17 November 2021
- 24 November 2021
- 1 December 2021
- 8 December 2021
To book a place on a course, please send a completed CPD booking form by email to
The booking form is available online.
Once your member of staff has received the ASC lead (Leading Good Autism Practice, or LGAP for short) training, they are encouraged to then begin to organise the delivery of whole school training. This can be achieved by contacting Michael Lane (Senior Educational Psychologist and ASC Lead) who will co-ordinate the allocation of training staff to schools. He can be contacted by sending an email to
CPD courses for school staff, senior leaders and governors
The 2021-2022 CPD Booklet is available on the Telford Education Services site and we very much look forward to receiving your bookings.
Course bookings with a course code are made by sending a completed CPD booking form via email to
Other courses and briefings without a course code are usually booked by sending your email address name and school name to
Please note: with effect from Monday 27 September all face to face training (other than Newly Appointed DSL, MAPA and ELSA training) has been moved to online training delivery for a period of four weeks initially. This is to support business continuity in schools.
Early Career Teacher Network (CPD 720) |
Tuesday 5 October |
4pm to 5pm |
ELSA Training - Part 4 (EPS 004) FULL | Wednesday 6 October 2021 |
9am to 3pm |
Recently Qualified Teacher Development Programme (CPD 507) | Thursday 7 October 2021 |
4pm to 5.30pm |
Developing the Role of the EAL Coordinator (CPD 616) | Thursday 7 October 2021 |
3.45pm to 6pm |
Management of Actual or Potential Aggression (MAPA training) - Part 2 (BSAT 201) | Thursday 7 October 2021 |
8.30am to 12.30pm |
Safeguarding Arrangements for School Leases (online) | Monday 11 October 2021 (revised date) |
5pm to 5.45pm |
Managing Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment in Schools (SG 201) | Monday 11 October 2021 |
9am to 12noon |
Raising Awareness of Prevent (SG 101) | Tuesday 12 October 2021 |
3.30pm to 5pm |
Developing Early Years & Childcare Provision - supporting school sustainability and child outcomes (EY 113) | Tuesday 12 October 2021 |
9.15am to 12noon |
The Role of the Early Years Practitioner in Supporting and Enhancing Play (EY 008) | Tuesday 12 October 2021 |
1.15pm to 4pm |
Best practice in your breakfast, after-school and holiday provision (EY 104) | Tuesday 12 October 2021 |
9.15am to 12noon |
Youth Mental Health First Aid (PSS 001) two days | Wednesday 13 October 2021 & Thursday 14 October 2021 | 9.15am to 4pm both days |
An Introduction to EAL for Early Career Teachers (CPD 527) | Wednesday 13 October 2021 |
3.45pm to 6pm |
ELSA Training - Part 5 (EPS 004) FULL | Wednesday 13 October 2021 |
9am to 3pm |
Taking the Chair - Part 1 (GO 504) | Wednesday 13 October 2021 |
4.30pm to 6.30pm |
Autism Spectrum Condition Training (EPS 107) FULL | Wednesday 13 October 2021 |
9am to 4.30pm |
Motivational Interviewing Webinar for Headteachers | Thursday 14 October 2021 |
9.30am to 12.30pm |
Employee Investigations Training (HR course) | Thursday 14 October 2021 |
3pm to 5.30pm |
Governors' Responsibilities for Exclusions (SG 104) | Thursday 14 October 2021 |
5pm to 7pm |
Meeting the Statutory Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements of the EYFS (EY 009) | Thursday 14 October 2021 |
4pm to 5.30pm |
SENCO Network Meeting – Briefing (online) (LSAT 227) | Thursday 14 October 2021 |
4pm to 5.30pm |
Restorative Justice (PSS 003) | Monday 18 October 2021 |
4pm to 5.30pm |
EYFS: Areas of Learning and Development Session 4: Literacy (EY 308) | Tuesday 19 October 2021 |
1pm to 2.30pm |
EYFS: Areas of Learning and Development Session 4: Literacy (EY 309) | Tuesday 19 October 2021 |
4pm to 5.30pm |
The Strategic Role of Governors (GO 601) | Tuesday 19 October 2021 |
4pm to 6pm |
Understanding Nurture (PSS 101) | Tuesday 19 October 2021 |
9.15am to 12noon |
Designated Teacher for Children in Care Network Meeting (Post 16 ) (online) | Tuesday 19 October 2021 |
4pm to 5pm |
Assessing and Monitoring of progress in EAL (CPD 701) | Wednesday 20 October 2021 |
3.45pm to 6pm |
Newly Appointed Safeguarding Governor Induction Training (SG 103) | Wednesday 20 October 2021 |
5pm to 7.30pm |
ELSA Training - Part 6 FULL | Wednesday 20 October 2021 |
9am to 3pm |
Child Development: Supporting Children’s Cognitive development in the EYFS (EY 311) | Wednesday 20 October 2021 |
9.15am to 12noon |
MAPA Refresher (BSAT 212) | Thursday 21 October 2021 |
9am to 11.30am |
Absence Management of Employees (HR course) | Thursday 21 October 2021 |
3pm to 5.30pm |
Primary Science and Design & Technology Subject Leaders' Termly Update and Development Meeting (CPD 517) | Thursday 21 October 2021 |
4pm to 5.30pm |
Understanding and managing your school budget (GO 508) | Thursday 21 October 2021 |
9.15am to 12noon |
Raising Awareness of Child Protection (SG 108) | Thursday 21 October 2021 |
3.30pm to 5pm |
Cool Kids free online information sessions
Up to two free places per school are available on a free online information session for the Cool Kids programme. It is recommended that a class teacher or SENCo attends this session, if they have not already done so.
The session aims to provide:
- basic understanding of sensory motor development and why it is important to children in school
- understanding of developmental stages
- understanding of the underlying principles of the Cool Kids Programme
- how to identify pupils who would benefit from the programme
- how to deliver the programme effectively
- how to incorporate strategies successfully in the classroom
The session will be completed online via the Zoom app. Places are limited and must be booked in advance. A link will be sent via email once a place has been confirmed.
The next available sessions to book onto is 12 October 2021, 1pm to 3pm.
Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Please telephone 01743 450839 to book and provide an email address that joining links can be sent to.
Seeds4TW is a local campaign to support The Tree Council’s annual Seed Gathering Season which runs from 22 September (autumn equinox) to 22 October, and is in its 21st year. It aims to inspire everyone to gather seeds, fruits and nuts which can be nurtured to grow the trees of the future, and positively encourages local partners to help spread the word.
Growing trees from local seeds is easy to do and a great way to get children involved and start growing the next generation of tree enthusiasts.
Having declared a climate emergency in July 2019, the council has made a commitment to be carbon neutral by 2030, with the aspiration for the borough to also be carbon neutral by 2030. Now more than ever, the value of trees is being recognised – they store carbon, stabilise the soil, provide homes for our wildlife and beautify our urban and rural spaces.
All information on this project can be found online:
Please share this project in your school newsletter/ virtual school noticeboard, including the link to the website.