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Moving from children's services to Adult Social Care

Moving from children's services to adult social care

Who are we? 

The Autism and Learning Disability team supports young people who may be moving from children’s services into adult social care. 

We support with advice, information, and a Care Act assessment for young adults aged 18 - 25 who are in education and have a physical, mental impairment or illness. For example, a learning disability, autism, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, physical disabilities etc. 

What is a Care Act assessment? 

A Care Act assessment is the assessment that is carried out with an Adult Social Care Social Worker. The Care Act and supporting guidance places duty of care on a local authority to meet care and support needs of individuals over the age of 18 who meet the criteria set out under law. The Care Act also supports the discussions and planning for a young person and their families and/or carers before the young person turns 18 years old.

We start planning from age 14 for those with care and support needs, but this can be sooner or later depending on the young person’s circumstances. 

The eligibility criteria in the Care Act sets out three conditions that must be met to be eligible for care and support services. Your allocated worker can provide you with more information about the Care Act. We will provide you with assessment form, this will guide you with the types of questions your allocated worker will ask you as part of your Care Act assessment.

When do we get involved? 

Our involvement begins from the age of 14, a member of the adult social care team will attend Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) meetings and provide advice and information about adult social care. We will complete a person centered plan with you, your family/carer and the people important to you. This is called My Person-Centered Plan. This helps us to get to know you, what your aspirations are for the future. This helps us to get to know you, your family, and/or carers better. 

A Care Act assessment is carried out at the age of 16/17, your Care Act assessment will use the information from your My Person Centered Plan and explore the following: 

  • what is already working well
  • strengths – the things you are already good at
  • networks of support
  • how to improve and/or develop your independence; and
  • what your aspirations are for the future. 

This support can be provided in several ways dependent on your level of need and the impact on you. We will ask you to think about four areas of preparing for adulthood. 

A signpost with Employment, Independent Living, Community inclusion and Health as the directions signs

This process is all about the you, supporting your aspirations for the future. Whether that is staying in education, getting a job, being more independent, and being a part of your local community. 

Visit the NDTi website for more information can be found here Preparing for Adulthood.

We will work with the you to identify strengths, regardless of the type of diagnosis you have. We will support you to further develop your strengths through programmes of independence that include: 

  • independence at home 
  • independence in your community
  • independence while shopping
  • being healthy
  • employment
  • my relationships
  • digital independence. 

Parents and/or carers are also entitled to an assessment in their own right, this is called a Carers Assessment. This provides carers with an opportunity to focus on their needs, what is working well, if there are any gaps, what could support and what contingency planning is needed. The allocated worker can support the Carers Assessment. 

For more information about carers services in Telford please visit the Telford All Age Carers centre website. Or call 01952 240209, email Referrals can be made through your child’s social worker, education provision or Family Connect. 

What happens next? 

The Autism and Learning Disability (ALD) team lead on all transitions from child to adulthood before a person reaches 18 years of age and accept referrals into the team from the age of 14. Regardless of an individual’s primary need, they will be supported under the Preparing for Adults team within the ALD team to ensure a consistent approach for all. They will continue to work with everyone while they continue to have an EHCP and if further support is required longer term, they will then discuss the long[1]term plans and agree what the next steps are.

This may mean continuing to be supported by the ALD team as an adult or moving to another Adult Social Care Team as this will be dependent on each person’s primary need. Your allocated social worker will work with you until you leave education, no longer require support from adult social care or require long term support to support your independence. This can be up to 25 years of age.

The social worker will work with you, and the people important to you to compliment your EHCP and the work you are already doing with your school or college.

If it is identified you need ongoing support following the end of your EHCP, your record is closed to their allocated worker, and transferred to our reviewing system. We will then contact you for your annual review. This will give you an opportunity to discuss your support, your circumstances and ensure the support plan is still working to promote your independence.

However, contact can be made with the team at any point if you require further advice, information or your circumstances change. The team can be contacted via Family Connect – option 3 on 01952 385385. 

Who we work with… 

We need to ensure that we work with you, your family and/or carers, friends etc. all the people you have in your life that are important to you. We will also work with other services that are involved with you. This is to ensure we have all the information needed to have good meaningful conversations about your future. 

These can include: 

  • social workers from the Children’s Disability team
  • social workers/personal advisors from the Children in Care team
  • social workers from the Fostering team
  • social workers and other professionals from other local authorities
  • Future Focus/careers advisors
  • teachers and teaching assistants
  • special educational needs and disabilities coordinators
  • psychiatrists
  • speech and language therapists
  • occupational therapists
  • physiotherapists
  • nurses from the Adult Learning Disabilities team
  • nurses from the Complex Care team
  • Bee U
  • general practitioners
  • power advocacy
  • Listen Not Label in Telford
  • Independent Living Centre (ILC).

It may feel very overwhelming as you move from children’s services into adult social care. There will be some big changes for you and your family/carers. We are here to support with these changes. Being proactive in your journey to adulthood is vital, think about what you need to know, what questions you have and what is worrying you and speak to your allocated worker. 

You may want to explore other support available to you in your community that is not provided by adult social care. Getting in touch with other services will also support your transition to adulthood. 

Frequently asked questions

Will I have to pay towards the cost of my care and support? 

Following your assessment, if care and support is identified from adult social care we will ask you complete a financial assessment. The financial assessment will ask for your income and expenditure. This assessment will determine whether you will pay a contribution towards the care and support provided by adult social care. View more information on the financial assessment page.

Download the Preparing for adulthood - Managing your finances booklet

Will I know who to contact? 

When we start working with you will be provided a Keeping in Touch leaflet and Working Together leaflet. The Keeping in Touch leaflet will tell you which team is supporting you, there contact details and other useful information. Once you have an allocated worker, they will provide you with a Working Together leaflet. This provides there contact details and what you should expect from them. You can agree with your allocated worker how you wish to keep in touch and how often you need them to update you.

Will I always have an allocated worker from adult social care? 

You will be supported while you prepare for adulthood and services change from children’s services to adult services. If you receive ongoing support, your record will be transferred to our reviewing system. You will be supported with a review once a year and/or if your circumstances change.

You can contact adult social care at anytime you feel you need further support, advise and/or circumstances change. You may not have the same allocated worker, if there is a change, we will let you know. When in review you may be contacted by an allocated worker you have not met before. Before they come to see you, they will send you a copy of the review form they will be discussing with you. This will give you an idea of the type of conversation they will have with you and the people important to you.

How will I know what support I am entitled too? 

Your Care Act assessment help you tell your allocated worker your needs. Once this assessment is completed you will have an opportunity to identify all the strengths and networks that you currently have, need to develop or want to explore. Once this is done and you require ongoing support, you can start to design your support plan. This will highlight how your needs are to be identified and how your care and support will promote your independence. 

What are the types of things we can we support with?

Voluntary Services 

There are many voluntary third sector and or community based services which can be accessed and provide support in a variety of ways to promote independence and being part of the local community. These can provide services such as employment, training and voluntary opportunities.


We can work to identify what aspirations are for employment, we offer programmes to get young people work ready and work with other organisations to make sure support is available in work. 

Direct Payments 

A Direct Payment lets you take control of your personal budget to help you manage your own care. We can help you with managing your direct payments and offer advice and guidance 

Personal Assistants (PAs)

PAs can visit you in your home and support you with a range of activities. This can include personal care, helping you access social activities and supporting you to reach your outcomes. 


There are times when we may need a break from your current situation or your carer may need some rest. Respite provides a short term break to you or your carer. These can be evenings, day time, weekends or overnight stays. 

Supported Accommodation or Supported Living 

Supported Accommodation or Supported Living can offer housing related support such as managing your tenancy, providing support for independence in your own home. Properties include flats, houses, bungalows, each have their own criteria. 

Useful links and contacts: 

  • Thrive 

Working together to provide the best possible support to individuals, families and communities in Telford and Wrekin with the aim of establishing and maintaining independence, maximising choice and control and, overall health and emotional well-being. 

  • Care Act 

For more information regarding the Care Act 2014, you can access these online factsheets. Visit the GOV.UK website

  • Future Focus 

Careers services for 13-19 year olds or up to 25 years if you have additional needs. Providing impartial information, advice and guidance on education, careers and future planning. FutureFocus adviser will help into and during education, employment or training. 

  • Telford Autism Hub 

Diagnostic and support services for people in Telford including support with building social skills, building confidence, promoting independence, signposting to other agencies. Visit the Telford Autism Hub for adults and children

  • Live well Telford 

Live Well Telford provides information and signposting to a wide range of services, activities and organisations in the area, to help everyone find the support they need to live healthy independent lives. You can look for information on services, activities and organisations who can give advice or practical support, help at home, health conditions, childcare information, leisure information and much more on the Live Well Telford website.

  • Independent Living Centre 

Visit our monthly drop ins at the Independent Living Centre, your allocated worker can give you more information about these. This will give you a chance to discuss your circumstances and view all the Independent Living Centre has to offer – more information can be found on the Independent Living Centre website

Useful Documents 

  • My Assessment Conversation.
  • Person Centered Plan.
  • Keeping in Touch document.
  • Working Together.
  • My Review Conversation.

Download the Preparing for Adulthood leaflet

Last updated: 23/04/2024 12:34