There are no changes to the number of items that can be collected, up to 12 items can still be collected as part of the bulky waste collection service. View more information about bulky waste collections and prices.
No, staff are not permitted to enter any building unless an assisted collection has been requested. We offer an assisted collection for residents who are physically unable to present their items outside and have no family/friends who could help them to do this. All items must be presented outside of the property in a safe place that does not cause an obstruction to the public. Items collected will also need to be sprayed with a disinfectant by staff, which will need to be done outside prior to the item being loaded onto the collection vehicle.
Flats/apartments have communal recycling/refuse collection points where you may be able to leave your bulky items. Please note that you may need to seek permission from your landlord if appropriate and perhaps let your neighbours know as a courtesy. Also note that you must not block access to the recycling/refuse containers and items should be left out by 7am on the day of your scheduled bulky collection.
Please ensure that your shed is fully dismantled and bulked together in pieces no larger than 2 metre x 2 metres, to ensure the crew can fit this onto the collection vehicle, all screws/nails must be removed or made safe ie taped or covered up, if there are any protruding nails the crew will not attempt collection of the item.
Landlords that have signed up to the Landlord Accreditation scheme may have access to use the bulky collection service, for more information on becoming an accredited landlord please visit our webpage.
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are chemicals which were used in various products including pesticides and industrial chemicals, and released during chemical and agricultural processes. Historically they have been applied to soft furnishings. The manufacture, sale and use of products containing POPS have been banned since 2019 as part of the Stockholm convention. More information can be found by visiting the GOV.UK website.
POPS are chemicals that don't break down in the natural environment. In a bid to protect our environment, the Environment Agency has brought in regulations to ensure Local authorities and waste contractors dispose of the material safely. For more information please visit the GOV.UK website.
The best place for guidance on POPS in the home is by visiting the GOV.UK website.
For any soft furnishings or upholstered items that you present, we ask that you present these away from any other items due for collection, i.e. not touching, but in the same area (e.g. the garden/driveway nearest to your usual collection point).
If you think you have items which contain POPs please speak to a member of staff. Staff on site at the Household Recycling Centres (HRCs) will be proactive in approaching residents with this type of material to ensure it is disposed of correctly and safely.
We are working with our waste and recycling service Contractor Veolia to ensure any POPS waste is managed in the correct way for more information please visit the GOV.UK website.
We can still reuse soft furnishing but we need to comply with strict legislation. If a soft furnishing item is to be considered for reuse, all the following conditions for reuse must apply:
- it is reused for the same purpose for which it was designed
- the previous holder intended for it to be reused
- its use keeps to the law, for example it carries appropriate fire safety labels
- it is managed as non-waste - that is, it is not moved or stored in a way that will damage it, for example in a skip with items of waste.
More information can be found by visiting the GOV.UK website.
Your red top bin is for everyday household waste that cannot be recycled, things like nappies, hoover bag contents, pet waste and packaging that cannot be collected on the recycling services - we ask for anything else which cannot be collected on one of our recycling collection services to be disposed of correctly, either by taking to a Household Recycling Centre (HRC) or you can book a bulk collection. Please visit our A-Z of recycling and rubbish webpage for more information.
Last updated: 01/09/2023 14:56