The Coalbrookdale coalfield has been exploited for its mineral wealth since the 12th century and as a result numerous mine shafts and adits exist across Telford. Many of these are not recorded on any plans. The area has also been extensively undermined at shallow depth which can be a constraint to development.
The records detailing mining for coal are principally held by the Coal Authority and it is they that should be contacted for information regarding coal mining.
In the event of a shaft or adit collapse please contact the Coal Authority to report the incident and also find details of their 24 hour emergency call out service.
Visit the GOV.UK website to report a coal mine hazard
Minerals other than coal have also been extensively mined in Telford including limestone, ironstone, clay and tar. The recording of these mining operations was very limited, however some records do exist and some information may be available for specific areas from us.
Contact the Engineering Services team to report a non coal mining problem
Information on non coal mining is also available from a number of other sources and in many private archives:
- visit the British Geological Survey website for information on non coal mining
- visit the Shropshire County Archives website for information on non coal mining.
Last updated: 31/03/2022 10:57