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Document downloads - Virtual school for children in care

The following documents are available for download. Documents in PDF format can be read using Adobe Reader.

MS Word and Powerpoint documents can be read by using their respective applications or any alternatives.

Available downloads

Designated Teacher and Designated Lead handbook

Please download the Designated Teacher and Designated Lead handbook.

CPD booklet 2019-2020

School Improvement Service Continuing Professional Development 2019 / 2020 brochure.

The Children’s Society - BEAM

BEAM is run by The Children’s Society, a national charity that works with the most vulnerable children and young people in Britain today.

Early Years Activity Collection

Download the Early Years Activity Collection for fun educational learning.

Telford and Wrekin's guide to home learning

Download the Telford and Wrekin's guide to home learning.

Foster carer and social worker handbook 2023 - 2024

Download the Children In Care handbook for social workers, foster carers, parents, independent reviewing officers, key workers and supervising social workers.

Sexual behaviours traffic light tool - guidance

A guide to identifying sexual behaviours, a traffic light tool to categorise the sexual behaviours of young people, to help professionals to assess, respond, understand and make decisions.

Classroom strategies for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker Children (UASC)

Download the Successful Classroom Strategies document for UASC. The induction into a new school environment for a UASC will be fundamental to their future success in education.

Support young people during and after COVID-19 - guidance

This advice is intended for foster and kinship carers, adoptive parents, and professionals who work with care experienced children in schools, residential care homes and other settings.

Telford and Wrekin Virtual School Conference

Download information about the Telford and Wrekin Virtual School Conference on Attachment Awareness and Trauma Informed Schools.

Be inspired flyer

Download the be inspired flyer for July 2020.

Summer holiday activities 2020

Download a range of summer holiday activities to take part in.

Connects - My Covenant

Connects is a new resource for care leavers to access offers and information.

Previously Looked After (PLAC) Policy 2023 - 2024

Download the Telford and Wrekin Virtual School Previously Looked After (PLAC) Policy.

Post 16 handbook

Telford and Wrekin Virtual School Post 16 Handbook September 2023 - 2024.

Foster Carer and Social Worker Handbook 2023 - 2024

Download the Virtual School Foster Carer and Social Worker Handbook 2023 - 2024.

Personal Education Plan (PEP) documentation

Access and download a range of PEP documentation from early years through to post 16.

The British Psychological Society

Supporting young people into training learning and work during COVID-19 and beyond.

Department for Education (DfE) letter - higher education

Download the DfE letter, detailing information and opportunities for Post 16 and care leavers in higher education.

Step by Step

Step by Step is a free Samaritans service that provides practical support to help schools, universities and other youth settings such as Scouts, sports clubs etc. prepare for and recover from a suspected or attempted suicide.

Artslink - Arts Award Discover

Are you interested in the arts and aged 25 years or under? You could complete an Arts Award, certified by Trinity College, London.

Newsletters and formal letters from the Virtual School team

Download newsletters and letters sent to all stakeholders from the Virtual School team.

BFI Film Academy

BFI Film Academy is a hands on course for young people 16-19 passionate about film, sound, writing or production. Designed so you can do it whilst at college or work running Autumn half term and some weekend sessions.

Story of care ambassador network

Voices Through Time is an exciting new programme of events for care-experienced young people.

Pupil Support Services

Download information relating to the services under Pupil Support Services

St Giles Trust

St Giles Trust have produced a detailed document to help support professionals dealing with gangs, county lines and serious youth violence.

Beacon House

Download useful resources provided by Beacon House.

The Voice of The Child 2020

Download information and the application form to book your place on the Voice of the child 2020 live webinar and workshops.

Education plans for Previously Looked After Children (PLAC)

Download the toolkit and rationale / purpose of an education plan for a previously looked after child.

Connect and create

Connect and create flyer - Great arts and cultural stuff to do at home.

Institute of Education - Designated Teachers survey

Explore the role of designated teachers, including how they work with the virtual school to support outcomes for looked after and previously looked after children.

Stay true project

A new initiative using a child led approach to support young people make positive lasting life changes.

Smash Life Brochure

A detailed brochure of what services and opportunities Smash Life offer.

Wellbeing Projects Showcase 2020

Details of the Wellbeing Project Showcase and how to book a place.

Future Generations

Find out more and how to get involved in the Future Generations service, for ages 10 to 18 year olds.

Spring 2021 letter - COVID-19 and children in care

A letter to parents, foster carers, social care colleagues detailing information relating to COVID- 19 spring 2021.

Year 11 Post 16 transition guide

Telford and Wrekin Virtual School Year 11 guide for transition to Post 16.

Special guardians letter - spring 2021

Information relating to the government announcement on the 4 January 2021 for special guardians.

St Giles SOS+ programme

Information on the St Giles SOS+ programme with dates of the online sessions.

Smash Life February 2021 competition

Opportunity to enter a competition to design a cap.

Smash Life Motivational event

Opportunity to attend a live free event delivered by Smash Life.

The Hive Spring 2021

The Hive are offering a number of events and activities throughout Spring 2021 for a wide range of age groups.

How to stay calm during the pandemic

Author Emma Hepburn has created a free E-book to help support people to cope and stay calm during the pandemic.

Primary maths at home conference - February 2021

Primary maths at home free webinar for parents and carers.

Artslink Disney Flyer

Information about Disney's best loved shows - Frozen and Beauty and the Beast, filmed at the Disney Cruise Line Theatre and combined them with some extra activities for all the family to take part in.

West Midlands Virtual School - April half term 2021 activities

West Midlands Virtual Schools providing online Sports events for young people.

Kooth mental health awareness week - activities

Information of the activities available for the mental health awareness week May 2021.

BBC Radio 1 launch outreach programme

Download the BBC Radio 1 flyer of events for the outreach programme.

Smash Life motivational talk - July 2021

Information on a motivational talk taking place virtually on 7 July 2021.

Your life your story - talking circle flyer

Download the your life your story - talking circle flyer detailing dates and information on how to join.

Previously Looked After Children (PLAC) one minute guides for parents and schools

One minute guides and advice for parents and schools to support previously looked after children.

Early years settings - one minute guide

Download the one minute guide to support early years settings.

Early years - ideas for parents/carers whilst working at home

Advice and support for home learning for parents and carers whilst working from home - early years.

Arts discover award

Download the celebration flyers for information of how to access and achieve an arts award and what our young people did during their arts and culture activity.

Financial resources for Post 16 / Care leavers

Training opportunities for professionals and young people to support with finances.

Acquired brain Injury supporting flyer

Children and young people with acquired brain injury - guiding their return to education.

Changes to admissions policy for children and young people adopted outside of the UK

Draft code of possible changes to the admissions for children adopted outside of the UK.

Cricket - free activities summer 2021

A variety of free cricket activities taking place at a number of locations across Telford and Shropshire.

Sources of mental wellbeing and emotional support in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin

This is designed to be used with staff who have experienced a stressful or traumatic event, or an accumulation of events, at work.

Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

What Educators need to know -
For education staff working with children and young people with FASD.

ANTA Education LTD - Courses available in July and August 2021

ANTA Education are proud to offer a range of short, online courses for unemployed jobseekers in Shropshire.

Post 16 Virtual Conference

Flyer details - introduction to Attachment and Trauma. Suitable for all post 16 providers.

Birmingham Commonwealth games - 2022

Are you aged 14 - 17? Want to be involved in the commonwealth games?

Transition booklet

Download the blank transition booklet for completion.

2021 Care Leavers Internship Scheme Applicant Pack 2021 - 2022

Download the 2021 Care Leavers Internship Scheme Application pack and information 2021 - 2022

Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources for Teachers and Teaching Staff

This publication provides non-statutory guidance from the Department for Education. It has been produced to help teachers and teaching staff in schools, colleges and FE providers with sources of mental health and wellbeing support to assist them to get the help and support they may need in response to any feelings they are experiencing as a result of COVID-19.

Telford and Wrekin School Model Children in Care (CIC) Policy

Download the Model Children in Care (CIC) Policy for Telford and Wrekin Schools.

Smash Life mentoring welcome pack

Smash Life information pack on their mentoring service.

Telford & Wrekin Council - Promise to Young People

Poster detailing the authorities promise to our Young People.

Equality, diversity and inclusion calendar 2022

All the information you need to take part in religious, cultural and awareness days throughout 2022.

World Book Day 2022 Competition

Download the World Book Day competition flyer to find out more and details on how to enter.

Early Years Designated Practitioner Online User Guide

A user guide to help support and guide Early Years provisions to access and complete a Early Years Personal Education Plans (PEP) using our online Schools portal.

Smash Life and Stay True Project

Download the Smash Life and Stay True Project Present Criminal Exploitation featuring Tim Allin - Flyer.

Corporate Parenting Strategy 2022 - 2025

Find out more about our Corporate Parenting Strategy and our promise to you.

Apply for free childcare for foster children

Free childcare for eligible working parents for children aged from 9 months and above in foster care - application form.