We deliver a wide range of services to local residents and businesses, it is important that we have clear plans to make sure we are moving in the right direction.
Our Council Plan enables us to take a medium-term view of what we will deliver to protect, care and invest in order to create a better borough and sets out how we will do this. The plan identifies five priorities to deliver our vision:
- every child, young person and adult lives well in their community
- everyone benefits from a thriving economy
- all neighbourhoods are a great place to live
- our natural environment is protected, and the Council is taking a leading role in tackling the climate emergency
- a community-focussed, innovative council providing efficient, effective and quality services.
These state our ambition and aspirations for the borough and the outcomes that we want to achieve for our residents.
At the heart of this is the need to tackle those issues which impact on the potential of some of our communities and to enhance their resilience and prosperity. We want to ensure that everyone in the borough has the same life chances, irrespective of their background. As a Co-operative Council, we recognise that residents are best placed to understand the issues that they face, the priorities for their area and to lead the development of solutions to these issues. We also recognise that, at times, they may require support from the Council and other partners – it is at these times we show our commitment to residents to be “on your side”.
Last updated: 27/06/2022 12:51