Our work involves ground investigation, monitoring and stabilisation of the areas most severely affected by land instability issues.
Download the information pack which outlines the problems in the area, this pack has been sent to each household within the Ironbridge Gorge alongside contact details in case of an emergency.
In January 2005 our geotechnical consultants, High Point Rendel, produced the following report:
Ironbridge Gorge ground behaviour study appendices:
- Download the drawing A - geomorphology which relates to the Ironbridge Gorge Ground Behaviour Study
- Download the drawing B - ground behaviour which relates to the Ironbridge Gorge Ground Behaviour Study
- Download the drawing C - planning guidance which relates to the Ironbridge Gorge Ground Behaviour Study
- Download the figure 3.1 - land use which relates to the Ironbridge Gorge Ground Behaviour Study
- Download the figure 4.1 - damage which relates to the Ironbridge Gorge Ground Behaviour Study
- Download the figure 5.1 - geology which relates to the Ironbridge Gorge Ground Behaviour Study.
Download the interpretative report which looks at the ground investigations carried out at the Jackfield and the Lloyds areas of Ironbridge. Which was also produced at the same time.
In December 2008 our geotechnical consultants Jacobs undertook a geomorphological mapping exercise of the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site (WHS) to cover the remaining areas of the WHS not covered by the High Point Rendel report. Download the geomorphological mapping exercise for general information and and guidance on ground stability conditions throughout the Gorge.
Ironbridge Gorge geomorphological mapping report drawings:
- download the study area key plan which relates to the Ironbridge Gorge geomorphological mapping report drawings
- download the geology and geological structure for the Ironbridge Gorge geomorphological mapping report drawings
- download the landslide maps which relates to the Ironbridge Gorge geomorphological mapping report drawings
- download the planning guidance maps for Ironbridge Gorge geomorphological mapping report drawings.
Ironbridge Gorge geomorphological mapping report appendices:
Last updated: 31/03/2022 11:22