Anna Freud - National Centre for Children and Families
Anna Freud is pleased to be able to share the Building a Whole School Approach to Anti-Racism seminar.
Visit YouTube to access the seminar.
The Arts Link Programme
The Arts Link Programme has been established to create a high-quality arts and cultural offer which all children in care across the West Midlands can access, so that they can develop as learners, as people and as artists.
The programme is offered within local authorities, clusters and across the West Midlands region both virtually and in a wide range of experiences, activities and opportunities across the Arts.
This programme looks to encourage all young people into the Arts through focus opportunities, whether they are ‘one-off’, Give It A Go events, or more involved make It Mine experiences.
In addition to experiencing the Arts, children and young people are able to gain a knowledge of employment pathways and roles across the Creative Industries, secure further qualifications eg Arts Award and meet and work alongside professionals from the world of Arts.
Visit the Artslink website to find out more.
West Midlands Virtual School YouTube Channel
Don't miss every Wednesday on the West Midlands Virtual School (WMVS) Children in Care Foundation YouTube Channel will be releasing videos with @jasampawfarr aimed at empowering and unlocking our young people's potential!
Visit YouTube for more information about the WMVS YouTube channel
Future Generations
Future generations provides an individual focussed progression plan to support children and young people from ages 10 through to 18 years old who are in care, and those that are getting ready to leave the care system.
Download the Future Generations booklet for more information on how to get involved
Voices through time projects - story of care ambassador networks
We are currently recruiting for volunteers to take part in our story of care ambassador network. Participants will:
- be part of a ground breaking project that brings the unheard history of care to life for young people
- help shape the programme and drive it forward, including co-creating our digital campaign to celebrate care experienced young people and their history
- gain valuable experience in marketing, project design, digital media and more.
The opportunity is open to all 16 to 25 year olds with care-experience.
Visit the Coram website for information about the voices through time projects
Last updated: 14/09/2023 15:45