Personal Education Plans (PEP) and the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) for children in care
Information about Pupil Education Planning and additional funding arrangements for children in care.
The Personal Education Plan (PEP)
The PEP is central to improving educational outcomes for children in care. It is how the views of the school, parent/carer, other relevant professionals, and the child or young person are gathered. It considers what is going well and what is going less well, identifies the needs the plan should try to meet and how they will be met through the use of supported SMART targets. When a child comes into care the PEP Coordinator for the Virtual School must initiate a PEP and the social worker should continue to lead the plan to ensure that it is an effective element of the care plan. In Telford and Wrekin the PEP is divided into two parts:
- PEP document
The online PEP document is for children in Early Years from the term after they turn two years old through to year 11. - PEP meeting
An online PEP is required termly for all statutory school age pupils and post-16 learners in the care of Telford & Wrekin Council, we also complete a termly PEP meeting for children who are in Early Years starting the term after they turn two years old.
There are clear lines of accountability and responsibility for each part.
PEP completion
If you require any advice and support with completing a PEP, please contact your virtual school case worker. Alternatively, please contact Kerriann Hughes who can offer guidance, advice and support with accessing and completing a PEP online.
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) for Children in Care (CIC)
The conditions of the grant for the PPG for CIC have changed from April 2014 and the grant must now be managed by the local authority's Virtual School Head who will require from schools satisfactory information on current attainment and progress along with plans for appropriate interventions and assessment before passing the grant on.
Note also that, from April 2014, Pupil Premium was extended to some children who have previously been in care, such as adopted children. The additional funding arising from this is provided directly to schools and is not related to the processes outlined here, which is specifically about children in care.
The PPG for children in care is currently £1,350 per child in care per year and is managed by the Virtual School Head to improve the attainment and progress of children in the care of Telford and Wrekin.
Visit the GOV.UK website for more information about the conditions of grant.
Download the Telford & Wrekin Virtual School PPG Policy.
Eligibility criteria
CIC in national curriculum years reception - 11 are eligible for the PPG for CIC. The Telford & Wrekin Virtual School Head manages the PPG for CIC of Telford & Wrekin County Council. The PPG for children in the care of other local authorities is managed by the Virtual School Head in those authorities. Please contact the relevant Virtual School for details of their process. The £1,350 PPG for children who have been adopted from care, or moved from care to a special guardianship order or residence/child care arrangements order is not managed by the Virtual School Head, but comes directly to the schools.
Amount for 2023-2024
The full amount is £1,350 per child in care. In Telford & Wrekin, up to £450 will be paid termly to schools, linked to the Virtual School's moderation of a sufficient termly PEP for eligible pupils. Any remaining funding is managed directly by the Telford & Wrekins Virtual School Head to support children with greater levels of need or where interventions can be obtained more cost effectively by commissioning in bulk.
More information
- Visit the Department for Education website for more information on how schools are spending the funding (Ofsted).
- Visit the Department for Education website for more information on evaluation of Pupil Premium research report - July 2013.
Last updated: 06/12/2023 10:41