Open UPRN and USRN
On 1 July 2020 a new agreement governing the use of UK Geospatial information came into place via an Open Government Licence (OGL) allowing Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRN) and Unique Street Reference Numbers (USRN) to be openly available and royalty free. The availability of these Open Identifier products means you can publish a UPRN and USRN and their open geometries alongside your own open data.
Visit the Ordnance Survey website for information about the open Government Licence
Under this new UK Geospatial Agreement a Local Authority cannot directly supply any additional address or street information, linked to a UPRN or USRN, to any organisation that is not part of the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement.
Obtaining additional address and street information
You can find the official address, its Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN), the official name of a street and its maintenance responsibility.
Visit the Find My Address website for information about the offiical property and street information
Last updated: 18/08/2022 13:31