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What is domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse can affect anyone regardless of race, ethnic or religious background, class, sexuality, disability or lifestyle. If you have been affected by domestic abuse you are not alone.

Agencies in Telford and Wrekin are committed to working together to help those who are or have experienced domestic abuse.

What is domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse covers a wide range of issues, although many people when thinking of domestic abuse only connect it with physical assault. However, domestic abuse can include but is not limited to these types of abuse physical, emotional, psychological, sexual and financial. If any of these things are happening between those aged over 16 who are or have been intimate partner or family members regardless of gender or sexuality, then it is classed as domestic abuse. Family can be related directly or be in laws or step family.

Types of domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is any violent or abusive behaviour used by one person to dominate and control another within a close personal or family relationship.

It can happen to anyone, and in all kinds of relationships - heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT). People experience domestic abuse regardless of their social group, age, class, lifestyle, disability or sexuality.

It can begin at any time - in new relationships or after many years together.

It can be physical
Beating, punching, kicking, slapping, biting.

It can be emotional
Bullying, isolation from family and friends, under-mining self confidence.

It can be verbal
Put downs, name calling, shouting.

It can be threats
Threats to kill, harm yourself or another person, including children, to kill or harm pets, threats to kill themselves.

It can be financial
Control over money - not allowing money, personal items, food or transport.

Everyone has the right to live without violence and fear in their own homes, the place where everyone should feel safe.

Unfortunately lots of people living in the UK, including Telford and Wrekin are experiencing domestic abuse at home. It is not their fault and they do not have to put up with it.

Are you being abused?

View the questions below; if you answer yes to any of these questions you may be a victim of domestic abuse:

  • has your partner ever hurt or threatened you or your children?
  • has your partner tried to keep you from seeing your friends or family?
  • does your partner belittle or humiliate you, or regularly criticise or insult you in front of other people?
  • has your partner prevented you from continuing or starting a college course, or from going to work?
  • does your partner constantly check up on you or follow you?
  • does your partner unfairly accuse you of flirting or of having affairs with others?
  • are you ever afraid of your partner? 
  • have you ever changed your behaviour because you are afraid of what your partner might do or say to you?
  • has your partner ever destroyed any of your possessions deliberately?
  • has your partner ever kept you short of money so you are unable to buy food and other necessary items for yourself and your children?
  • has your partner ever forced you to do something that you really did not want to do?
  • has your partner ever tried to prevent you from taking medication, or seeking medical help when you felt you needed it?
  • has your partner ever tried to control you by telling you that you could be deported because of your immigration status?
  • has your partner ever threatened to take your children away?
  • has your partner ever said they would refuse to let you take your children with you, or see them, if you left? 
  • has your partner ever forced you to have sex with them or with other people? 
  • has your partner ever made you participate in sexual activities that you were uncomfortable with?
  • has your partner ever tried to prevent you from leaving the house?
  • does your partner blame the use of alcohol or drugs for their behaviour?
  • does your partner control your use of alcohol or drugs?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions there is help available for you, you are not alone.

Domestic abuse is a common crime with 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men as victims.

View information about creating a safety plan if you decide to leave the relationship.

Last updated: 23/07/2024 13:18