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Previously Looked After Children (PLAC)

Virtual School team 

Children in Care and Alternative Provision
Education and Corporate Parenting
Telford & Wrekin Council
Darby House
Lawn Central


The Virtual School team

  • Virtual School Headteacher
    Michelle Salter
  • Deputy Headteacher 
    Luke Baker
  • Deputy Headteacher - Children with a Social Worker - Tracking Officer and PLAC Adviser
    Suzy Rogers 
  • Education Adviser in borough and CPD Lead
    Joe Leppington
  • Education Adviser out of borough and Post 16
    Nick Cunliffe
  • Education Adviser Early Years
    Anita Farrant
  • Education Adviser - Children with a Social Worker, SEMH Lead and PLAC Adviser
    Zoe McLaughlin
  • Education Adviser - Children with a Social Worker and PLAC Adviser
    Rebecca Best
  • Education Adviser - Casual 
    Tony Milovsorov
  • Education, Employment and Training Officer NEET and Post 16
    Suzanne Ellams
  • Education Officer out of borough and Events Lead
    Sharron Jones
  • Education Officer in borough and PEP Lead
    Sarah Summers
  • Education Officer Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children
    Amy Shadbolt
  • PEP Coordinator and Arts Link Lead
    Kerriann Hughes
  • PEP Support Officer
    Shannon Atkinson

Last updated: 05/06/2024 10:28

  1. Introduction and advice
  2. Useful links
  3. Contact