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Get involved in the delivery of Happy Healthy & Active Holiday’s

Telford & Wrekin Council is pleased to launch The Happy Healthy & Active Holiday Fund, a fund which builds upon existing partnerships with local community organisations to deliver holiday clubs that keep children healthy and active during the holidays. This fund is being made available using a £843,000 Holiday Activity Fund (HAF) annual grant from the Department of Education and will extend the offer of holiday activities across the borough under the Happy Healthy & Active Holidays programme from 2022 until 2024.

School holidays can be particular pressure points for some families because of increased costs (such as food and childcare) and reduced incomes. For some children that can lead to a holiday experience gap - with children from disadvantaged families less likely to access organised out-of-school activities; more likely to experience ‘unhealthy holidays’ in terms of nutrition and physical health; and more likely to experience social isolation.

Free holiday clubs are a response to this issue and evidence suggests that they can have a positive impact on children and young people. And that they work best when opportunities are provided locally and where children (and parents) can access engaging enrichment activities, particularly in food preparation and cooking.

Please read the following information before submitting your Application in order to ensure you are eligible to be considered for funding.

If there is an element of these requirements that you cannot meet you can use grant funding to purchase that support from another organisation. We have pulled together a list of organisations who are interested in supporting this scheme, we have called them "Potential Delivery Partners", or you may already know an organisation that can support you.


Applicants must provide free holiday provision, including healthy food and enriching activities for children in the 5 to 16 years age range who receive benefits-related free school meals. Activities should be inclusive so we are particularly interested in hearing how applicants will support children with additional needs and disabilities.

Sessions can also be made available to children who are not eligible for benefits-related free school meals who can pay to attend the session. However, places must be targeted at children who are eligible for and receiving benefits-related free school meals. 


Places should be available to eligible children for the equivalent of at least four hours a day, four days a week for one week at Easter, four weeks over the Summer and one week at Christmas. These hours can be split across other weeks in the holiday, however, as a minimum providers should offer:

  1. Easter - four sessions totalling 16 hours
  2. Summer holiday – 16 sessions totalling 64 hours across at least four weeks
  3. Christmas– four sessions totalling 16 hours, however, an alternative ‘blended offer’ that includes some face-to-face and a take-home activity and or meal pack can be considered for the Christmas holiday.

Whilst we would like all applicants to meet the above criteria, the panel may consider projects that fall outside of this condition where an application is particularly strong and local need is identified.

All providers are required to upload their activities to an online booking system.

All participants of sessions will be required to book their session through the Happy Healthy & Active Holidays website.

Providers will have access to the booking system and will be able to view and manage their participant details.


We want children who attend this provision to:

  • eat more healthily over the school holidays;
  • be more active during the school holidays;
  • take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character and wellbeing along with their wider educational attainment;
  • be safe and not to be socially isolated;
  • have greater knowledge of health and nutrition; and
  • be more engaged with school and other local services

We also want to ensure that the children and families who participate in this programme develop their understanding of nutrition and food budgeting and are signposted towards other information and support, for example health, employment and education. 


Providers funded through the programme are expected to meet the government framework of standards. The standards expected to be delivered by providers for this programme are: 


Clubs must provide at least one meal a day (breakfast, lunch or tea) and all food provided at the club (including snacks) must meet school food standards. Our expectation is that the majority of food served by providers will be hot, however, we acknowledge that there will be occasions when this is not possible and that a cold alternative should be used (such as having a picnic during an outing). All food provided as part of the programme must comply with regulations on food preparation and take into account allergies and dietary requirements and preferences as well as any religious or cultural requirements for food. Food providers should take the time to read the guidance on the Food Standards Agency website and ensure that all food provision for the HAF programme meets these requirements.

Enrichment activities

Clubs must provide fun and enriching activities that provide children with opportunities to develop new skills or knowledge, to consolidate existing skills and knowledge, try out new experiences and have fun and socialise. This could include but is not limited to: physical activities such as football, table tennis, cricket; creative activities such as putting on a play, junk modelling, drumming workshops; or experiences such as a nature walk, visiting a city farm, free play and time to relax and enjoy etc.

Physical activities

Clubs must provide activities which meet the CMO Physical Activity Guidelines on a daily basis, providing a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity at each session. This does not have to be in the form of a structured activity session, but can include active travel, free play and sports. Children and young people should minimise the time spent being sedentary, and when possible should break up long periods of not moving with physical activity.

Nutritional education

Clubs must include an element of nutritional education at each session aimed at improving the knowledge and awareness of healthy eating for children. These do not need to be formal learning activities and could for example include activities such as getting children involved in food preparation and cooking, growing fruit and vegetables, taste tests, discussing food and nutrition and including food and nutrition in other activities.

Food education for families and carers

Clubs must include at least weekly training and advice sessions for parents, carers or other family members which provide advice on how to source, prepare and cook nutritious and low-cost food.

Signposting and referrals

Clubs must be able to provide information, signposting or referrals to other services and support that would benefit the children who attend their provision and their families. This could include sessions, information provided by:

  • Citizen’s Advice
  • School Nurses, dentists or other healthcare practitioners
  • Family Support Services or Children’s Services
  • Housing Support Officers
  • Jobcentre Plus
  • Organisations providing financial education
  • How to access help for early years and childcare

Policies and procedures

Clubs must be able to demonstrate and explain their safeguarding arrangements and have relevant and appropriate policies and procedures in place in relation to:

  • Safeguarding
  • Health and Safety
  • Insurance
  • Accessibility and inclusiveness/equality and diversity
  • Where appropriate, clubs must also be compliant with the Ofsted requirements for working with children


Holidays clubs may need to register with Ofsted and there are benefits associated with doing so, or they may be exempt from registration. Both clubs and providers that would require registration with OFSTED, and those that are exempt, can participate in the holiday activities and food programme. View guidance on the exemptions to Ofsted registration.

Available funding and local need

Whilst there is no minimum or maximum total grant amount for this fund applicants may only request a maximum of £25 per child per session. All applications must demonstrate value for money and must clearly indicate the need for the level of funding requested. In submitting an application applicants should plan their project and identify the associated costs, it is anticipated that many projects with use of existing resources, may cost significantly less than £25 per child. 

In exceptional circumstances the panel may consider projects that fall slightly outside of this condition where an application is particularly strong and local need is identified. 

There are currently 6,911 children and young people in the Borough aged 5-16 years who are eligible to receive benefits-related Free School meals. Of these 2,631 (38%) are recorded as having a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). 

We are interested in applications from both those wishing to deliver in one area of the Borough and those interested in supporting multiple areas. 

Data is available detailing the number of eligible children per ward and the number of eligible children per age. This is available for all eligible children and specifically those with a Special Educational Need or Disability. A map is also available to download detailing the population of eligible children across the borough.

You can also view more detailed area maps for each ward within Telford and Wrekin.

Eligible Organisations

The following organisations are eligible to apply for funding;

  • Charities and voluntary sector organisations
  • Schools
  • Nurseries
  • Youth clubs
  • Social Enterprises
  • Town and Parish Councils
  • Faith based organisations – you will need to demonstrate how your project benefits the whole community. This fund will not support projects that relate to or facilitate religious activities
  • Businesses

Individuals are not eligible to apply for this funding.

Applicants need to have appropriate policies and procedures in place for working with children and young people. View guidance on safeguarding policies and practices.

You will need to have a UK-based bank account in the name of your organisation and clear financial procedures that require two people who don’t live at the same address to sign cheques or make withdrawals, and have audited accounts. If you are a sole trader or do not meet these conditions staged payments may be considered. 

You will need to demonstrate that you have appropriate governance arrangements.

If you are unsure if your organisation is eligible to apply please email grant.applications@telford.gov.uk.

Volunteers will play a key role delivering the Happy Healthy & Active Holiday Club sessions, if you require assistance to recruit volunteers please let us know by contacting us at get.involved@telford.gov.uk.

Eligible Expenditure

Grant funding can be used to fund the following;

  • Purchase and preparation of healthy food for participants (meeting School Standards)
  • Procurement of food provision
  • Procurement of specialist activity providers, you will need to demonstrate value for money in relation to any activities that you are ‘buying in’ from another provider, sustainability should also be considered
  • Purchase of equipment
  • Training for staff and or volunteers
  • Reasonable reimbursements for volunteers
  • Room hire costs
  • Transport to existing activities within the Borough

Ineligible expenditure

  • Provision of gifts such as Christmaspresents and Easter eggs
  • Provision of fuel and food vouchers
  • Any expenditure prior to the formal Grant Agreement being in place
  • Costs incurred in providing this service to children who are not eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals
  • Any expenditure that does not demonstrate value for money
  • Activities that benefit those who live outside of the borough of Telford and Wrekin
  • Loss of income
  • Contribution towards any activities of a political or religious nature
  • Costs for staffing where the project is part of someone’s existing role

These lists are not exhaustive, the Council reserves the right to limit expenditure of your grant allocation on any items.

Any expenditure that does not demonstrate value for money Activities that benefit those who live outside of the borough of Telford and Wrekin Loss of income Contribution towards any activities of a political or religious nature Costs for staffing where the project is part of someone’s existing role

Capital Funding

Capital items can be purchased using this funding, however, there are restrictions on how much can be spent overall. Only 2% of the overall budget can be spent on capital items that meet the following criteria:

  1. Individual assets worth over £2,500
  2. Grouped assets, that is assets of a similar nature that are purchased at the same time, which cost £2,500 or more overall
  3. Bulked assets, for example a bulk purchase of equipment where the value of the individual item is below the set value, which cost £2,500 or more overall.

We do not anticipate meeting criteria iii) but will monitor applications to ensure i) and ii) criteria do not breach our grant conditions. In the event that this should occur we will contact all applicants involved to discuss. 

Any equipment that does not meet the above criteria, will not be classed as capital expenditure and will not therefore be subject to the 2% cap mentioned above.

What about VAT?

You may need to pay VAT on purchases you make as part of your project. You must only include VAT in the amount you request from us if you cannot claim it back. If you later find that you can recover VAT you must let us know so that we can reclaim this amount from you, or deduct it from your grant. If your organisation is registered for VAT purposes the amount of grant approved will be calculated without VAT.

Please read the grant criteria in full to ensure you are eligible and that your application meets the grant criteria.

The aim is to have a co-ordinated programme of activity across the Borough. There are a significant number of children and young people including those with special educational needs and disabilities who receive benefits-related Free School Meals.

Working collaboratively with other stakeholders and providers, utilising existing assets (the skills of local volunteers and facilities that can accommodate activities safely) and accessing training and support will help local children and young people to access positive and engaging activities and support them to have a happy, healthy and active holiday. Working together is fundamental.

Applying for funding

You must complete an application form in full and are required to provide the following documents:

  • a copy of your organisation’s governance documents
  • your latest accounts or last three bank statements for your organisation
  • copies of quotes where appropriate
  • your safeguarding policies and procedures
  • your health and safety policy
  • details of your insurance
  • accessibility and inclusiveness policy and procedure/equality and diversity.

Download the grant criteria and application form

Submit your application form and required documents to holidayactivityhub@telford.gov.uk.

Your application will be considered against the criteria for the fund outlined above including whether the application represents good value for money, priority will be given to projects that most strongly meet these criteria and best support local need.

The final decision about which projects will receive funding will be made by the Lead Cabinet Member for this scheme and the Director for Education and Skills. Views may be sought from Telford & Wrekin Council’s Cabinet Members as part of this process.

Holiday Timetable for the HHAH programme

  • Summer 2022: Saturday 23 July to Sunday 4 September 2022.
  • Christmas 2022: Saturday 17 December to Monday 2 January 2023.
  • Easter 2023: Saturday 1 April to Sunday 16 April 2023.
  • Summer 2023: Wednesday 26 July to Sunday 4 September 2023.
  • Christmas 2023: Saturday 23 December to Sunday 7 January 2024.
  • Easter 2024: Friday 23 March to Sunday 7 April 2024.
  • Summer 2024:Tuesday 23 July - to be confirmed.
  • Christmas 2024: to be confirmed.

Application timetable for the HHAH programme

Applications can be submitted at any time, but must be received in time to review and process for the new holiday term. You can apply for just one term time, or for several in advance. Please ensure your application is submitted as early as possible before the start date of the holiday period you are applying for to give ample time for it to be reviewed, and any queries resolved.

To ensure your application can be reviewed and processed by our panel, applications should be submitted no later than 10 working days before the start of the holiday term delivery you are applying for as it is unlikely that the application will be processed by our panel if submitted after 10 working days before the start of the holiday term.

Submit your application and required documents to holidayactivityhub@telford.gov.uk.

Contact us

If, after reading the grant information, you have questions regarding the grant process or need help in filling the application form, please contact the Holiday Activity Hub team by email at holidayactivityhub@telford.gov.uk or by calling 01952 380333.

Grant Payments Process

If you are successful a grant agreement will be issued for your formal acceptance of the grant offer.

Funding may be provided to your organisation in staged payments, the first payment will be due within 3 weeks of receipt of the signed grant agreement. Evidence of delivery of activity and expenditure will be required prior to the final payment being made.

Communications and Engagement

If you are successful in securing funding from The Happy Healthy & Active Holiday Fund your grant conditions will include requirements relating to the communication and engagement of your project. You will be required to include the relevant Telford & Wrekin Council and Department of Education logos in communications about your project.

Monitoring your grant

You will be asked to complete monitoring in relation to your project after the holiday period. Alongside financial monitoring you will be asked how you have delivered against the grant, the kinds of questions you will be asked are:

  • How many children attending your sessions (you will be required to keep a register in order to provide accurate data on attendances)
  • Of the children who participated, how many were Primary school age?
  • Of the children who participated, how many were Secondary school age?
  • Of the children who participated, how many identified themselves as having SEND?
  • What percentage of participating children were eligible as outlined in the criteria?
  • How many children outside of the criteria attended?
  • On average, how many days did participating children attend the holiday club?
  • Were you able to reach as many children as you hoped? 
  • What went well, what have you learned that you will use in your future planning?
  • What do children and families say about your sessions?
  • What provision was in place for children with SEND?
  • How have you met the standards outlined above

A monitoring form will be provided to successful applicants.

The Happy, Healthy and Active Holiday programme includes an online registration system where eligible families can view all of the available activities, register and book places.

Holiday Club providers will receive support to upload their details to the system and will be given access to keep a track of spaces available and to view any special or additional requirements of registered participants.

A small back office team is available throughout the provision of the scheme during office hours to support enquiries and a useful FAQ sheet is available. 

Volunteers can play a key role delivering the Happy Healthy and Active Holiday Club sessions, if you require assistance to recruit volunteers we can help, please let us know by contacting us at get.involved@telford.gov.uk.

Last updated: 24/02/2023 11:39

  1. Introduction
  2. Grant funding (Club Provider)
  3. Delivery Partner