Technical issues with My Telford and the Public Protection, Health Protection and Private Sector Housing Online Services (PP) portal

We are aware of technical issues affecting certain aspects of both My Telford and the Public Protection, Health Protection and Private Sector Housing Online Services (PP) portal. View further information about the technical issues.

The type of help you can expect to receive

This table shows the help you can expect to receive.
  Eligible Relevant Former relevant Qualfying
Regularly reviewed Pathway Plan based on what we agree you need Yes Yes Yes We can talk to you about your support needs and could draw up a Pathway Plan.
Personal Adviser Yes Yes Yes Depends on the support you need.
Take reasonable steps to keep in touch at least every eight weeks Yes Yes Yes Depends on the support you need.
Find and maintain suitable accommodation Yes Yes Yes We can provide advice, guidance and signposting.
Help to meet your education, training or employment needs Yes Yes Yes We can provide advice and guidance.

Last updated: 23/05/2023 13:32