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NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC)

What is NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC)?

NHS Continuing Health Care means a package of on-going care to meet assessed needs of an individual aged 18 or over that have arisen as a result of disability, accident or illness. The care is arranged and funded solely by the NHS where professional assessments have found that the individual has a ‘primary health need’.

What is NHS Funded Nursing Care (FNC)?

NHS Funded Nursing Care is the funding provided by the NHS to homes providing nursing to support the provision of nursing care provided by a registered nurse. Since 2007 NHS Funded Nursing Care has been based on a single band rate which is set by the Department of Health. In all cases the individual will be considered for eligibility for NHS Continuing Health Care before a decision is reached about eligibility for NHS Funded Nursing Care.

Fast Track Pathway for NHS Continuing Health Care

The purpose of the Fast Track Tool is to ensure that individuals with a rapidly deteriorating condition that may be entering a terminal phase are supported in their preferred place of care as quickly as possible.

Visit the Telford CCG website to find out more about CHC and FNC.

Last updated: 23/03/2021 11:20