Technical issues with My Telford and the Public Protection, Health Protection and Private Sector Housing Online Services (PP) portal

We are aware of technical issues affecting certain aspects of both My Telford and the Public Protection, Health Protection and Private Sector Housing Online Services (PP) portal. View further information about the technical issues.

Registering a still birth

A still born child is legally defined as a child born after the 24th week of pregnancy who did not, at any time after being born, breathe or show any other signs of life.

When a child is still born, the doctor or midwife who was present at the birth or examined the body will issue a medical certificate of still birth.

The Medical Examiner will issue the required paperwork. This will be sent directly to us.

Every still birth in England and Wales must be registered in the district in which it took place, normally within 42 days.

You are able to register a still birth in Telford and Wrekin at our Register Office in Wellington, Mondays to Fridays; all registrations are by appointment only. Please wait for us to call you to make the arrangements for the registration. However, in the meantime, if you wish to contact us, please email and we will be happy to help.

Last updated: 30/08/2024 15:07

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