Planning your own event
Events are an important aspect to the Borough of Telford – they bring new visitors, local economic income and great atmosphere.
If you’re organising an event within Telford & Wrekin then you should:
View the Safety Advisory Group Guidance (ESAG) documents for information on event safety - this may be useful to you as it contains information and guidance on risk assessments, medical scores and an event plan template.
Working with Safety Advisory Group (ESAG) partners Shropshire Fire Service to ensure all organised events are safety assessed, we recommend that you download and complete the event assessment matrix as this will help you to identify any risks associated with your event as well as which event application process to follow.
- If your event is a small scale event with estimated attendance under 500 then please apply through the small Event application process.
- If your event is a mid/large scale event expecting to attract an attendance of over 500 (or if your event is considered to have additional risks) then please apply through the large scale event application process.
View our community event toolkit page which offers a full range of advice and guidelines to support you with organising a successful event. It is important to consider a number of aspects including health & safety, licensing and food legislation requirements.
Visit the GOV.UK website to ciew a helpful guide about organising successful events.
Contact the with your event plans and details.
What is the Safety Advisory Group?
Safety Advisory Groups (SAG) were formed nationally as a result of some serious incidents at several events (such as Hillsborough 1989). In order to make sure your event is safe to operate within Telford & Wrekin you should get in touch with our Safety Advisory Group which includes representatives from:
- Telford & Wrekin Council
- West Mercia Police, Ambulance Service and Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service
- Emergency Planning.
We can provide you with advice and guidance on how to run your event safely.
If you’re organising an outdoor event that is likely to have a big attendance (or any potential big risks) then you should notify the Safety Advisory Group. You can do this by emailing with your event plans and details. You will need to make sure you do this in good time so that it can be discussed at any meeting. For any large scale event, you and your organisation will be invited to attend the meeting.
We will then review your safety plans and risk assessments at one of our meetings and provide you with any comments and observations. Any of our representatives who have a statutory responsibility for your event, may then act on that responsibility.
Please note: the Safety Advisory Group is not liable for any emergencies or problems that may arise; event holders are legally responsible.
Last updated: 10/03/2021 14:04